VGA to DVI adapters...

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I need some help. I have to give a Keynote presentation to my college class in March. To do so, I have to connect my iBook G4 to their Proxima projector, model 6850+. When I tested out the VGA adaptor that came with my iBook, the plug on it didn't match up with the ports on the projector. I'm told the projector is a DVI. So, can anyone help a girl out?


  • Reply 1 of 7
    If the projector uses DVI-I then there's some hope of using some VGA-DVI adaptor.

    But if the projector is DVI-D then AFAIK, there's no way to make it work.

    Update: I'm looking at the user manual (PDF) downloaded from the Proxima website. It seems that the projector does not use DVI at all. It has inputs for D-sub/S-Video/RCA.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    You can buy a VGA-DVI adapter, but they run around $150. (A DVI-VGA adapter is about $25)

    BUT some projectors can accept multiple inputs through the same port. For example, my projector has a DVI and VGA, but the DVI port can use a cheap DVI-VGA adapter to accept a VGA signal. (Which I have hooked up to my G5 using a 50' $23 DVI-VGA adapting cable. Go figure...)

    The VGA port on my projector can accept a VGA signal in, component in, can become a serial port (WHY?) or pass through video out from the DVI port.

    So, since VGA is so darn common, I'd bet your projector accepts it, it is just a matter of getting an adapter and figuring out the settings.

    EDIT: Well, if it has a D-sub 15 connection (AKA VGA port) than all you need is a cable.
  • Reply 3 of 7
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member

    Originally posted by Mac_Doll

    I need some help. I have to give a Keynote presentation to my college class in March. To do so, I have to connect my iBook G4 to their Proxima projector, model 6850+. When I tested out the VGA adaptor that came with my iBook, the plug on it didn't match up with the ports on the projector. I'm told the projector is a DVI. So, can anyone help a girl out?

    It's not DVI. The website says connect your VGA cable to the projector's VGA cable.

    From the Mac section of the website:
  • Reply 4 of 7

    Originally posted by Ebby

    EDIT: Well, if it has a D-sub 15 connection (AKA VGA port) than all you need is a cable.

    Even that cable is unnecessary since the iBook G4 probably came with a VGA cable.

    Your computer should connect directly to that projector. Judging by the info that you posted, I can't figure out why it doesn't work.

    Possibility 1: The projector already has a DVI-VGA adaptor attached to it. In which case, remove the adaptor so you can connect your mac directly to the projector.

    Possibility 2: The manual on the Proxima website is incorrect or outdated and the projector actually uses DVI instead of d-sub(VGA). If that's the case you need to talk to the tech guys at your school to see if the projector uses DVI-I or DVI-D. If it's DVI-D you are out of luck. If it's DVI-I, then a simple adaptor should do the trick.
  • Reply 5 of 7
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Mac Doll, is there any chance you're confusing the mini VGA to standard VGA adapter that comes with iBooks with something that needs to go into the projector?
  • Reply 6 of 7
    ebbyebby Posts: 3,110member
    That sounds more like it. The adapter that came with your computer should give you a normal VGA port like that on the projector. However, I don't remember any laptop supplying a cable, only adapters. You still need a cable between your VGA adapter and the projector. Often the college will have a extra cable lying around so people can hook up their laptops, or you could swipe one if there is a computer sitting nearby. (Admins tend to frown on that though.)
  • Reply 7 of 7
    My professor has a cable she uses to connect her old Dell to the projector. Not sure what kind it is though.

    The VGA I'm using is the one that came with my iBook; the one lundy pictured in his link.

    BeigeUser: You are awesome. Thanks for pointing out your link too. I shall see if the cable my professor uses is the one Proxima provided with the projector, and see what happens...

    Everyone's advice has been helpful. Thanks guys.
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