all Tower Duals reveal a desperate move



  • Reply 61 of 75
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I believe, and you can check this out, that the Radeon9000 is the new GPU based on ATI's R250 core. A faster 9700 is coming in a couple of months based on an even faster R300 core. The interesting thing about these 2 new generation GPU's is that they are quite a bit more parallel and programmable than anything else out there right now. (excepting Parhelia?)

    This means that the video guys should be able to do more interesting visuals even when they can't push more outright fps.

    I think, but again, I only know what I've read around the net. We need programmer or moki or amorph to explain this better.
  • Reply 62 of 75
    MAN O MAN! Are people never going to be happy with Apple? I too have been holding back to pick up a new PM and was disappointed at the mere 250MHz increase. However, given that all three new models sport dualies, we have a much better selection to choose from than before. I don't know about most of you but my first reason to use a Mac rather than a Wintel machine is the operating system. Even Windows XP is a harsh interface, or obstacle IMO, between a user and the work that person wants to accomplish. The now smaller performance gap between the new dualies and the Intel P4's is more than made up by the PM's intelligent design and reliable interfaces like Firewire coupled to a well engineered OS. If you're using your computer for non-compute intesive word processing or for surfing the web, what performance difference does it make (or that you can actually see and feel) whether you have an 800MHz G4, Pentium 800MHz or anything faster from both camps? More and more non-professional people are doing MP3's and home videos. These people will see and feel the added usability of OSX 10.2 with these new machines. I'm certaain of it. After all is said and done, Apple may not have broken the raw spec-based barrier against Intel's or AMD's chips, but remember the compelete package, an integration of hardware, software and thoughtful design, is what you're buying and will be stuck with. Choose wisely. Think about why you are buying a particular product and not give in to mass preconceptions.

    re: Radeon 9000Pro, I believe is a new gpu from ATI based on the R250 engine. You can check ATI's web site for more details.
  • Reply 63 of 75
    jindrichjindrich Posts: 120member
    i have a question: all of you who praise current apple machines so much, have been macusers for how long?

    Macs are great, so is OSX. But just dont let the shinning blind you. Macs are losing performance everyday. Dont know if that's a Wintel merit or Moto's fault, the fact is that is happening.

    there was a time when you bought your expensive IIfx, Quadra, G3 (to name a few) and you were the king of the hill. Now tell me how do you feel when a $1000 wintel is 2 times faster than a $3000 mac at those pro tasks that justify the extra cost. That's a $2000 difference for half the performance. I myself am seeing what i never thought could happen: designers, ad agencies, musicians, leaving apple to buy PCs.

    Duals across the line could not be a smokescreen but a desperate move might. There's nothing faster coming out from moto, so that's all apple can do. But what when tests show that dual 1ghz G4s are being beaten by the faster single P4/AMD in their fast mobos even in photoshop?

    we're not bitching. We just want apple to be the leader again.

    I personally want it more than you.

    notice i never mention mhz, i just talk about performance.

    PS: Damn, this "you dont understand macs are better" is making me think apple is becoming sort of a StaRK-trek thing.

    hey, i'm no trekky, just a normal person.

    Well, when strong wind blows, i turn into a windsurfer. :cool:

    [ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: jindrich ]</p>
  • Reply 64 of 75
    Matsu. I agree with your post 100%.

    I really do.

    However, I think when Apple gets a significant CPU boost...they'll go single again. They did last time. I remember being really disappointed when the 700mhz ish processor came out. The duals vanished. I think they'll do the same again. They're dualling because they have to and they KNOW it.

    However, I hope otherwise. It gives them a marketing edge over the x86 crowd. (I say 'marketing' edge because this latest round of 'power'Macs is nothing more than smoke and mirrors. There's nothing new here. 867. Had that before. Dual 1 gig. Had that before. 1.2? That's 'new' and it costs £3,000!!! No comment? Well, some Mac fans are happy with it. Maybe it's just me. It's papering over the cracks and x86 single processors do beat the snot out of these dual beasties. But to get a dual 867 processor for £1,350 inc Vat...sounds good. The performance reality if that a 1.8 gig Athlon can be had for less and will cripple it in a fight.)

    And I don't see why they couldn't offer a single 1 gig tower for under a 'K' with Geforce 4 Mx. (But it would compete with the top iMac when monitor is bought...but they do address different markets...)

    It would be nice if they boosted the consumer processors to 1 gig plus now. Particularly the flat iMacs...not to mention a 133 bus!

    The top eMac could also have a gig processor. That would look better.

    We'll see.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    [ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</p>
  • Reply 65 of 75
    spooky said and i quote

    'Just as MS smashed IBM so Moto has Apple by the balls. '

    so verrrry true.

    apple have lost it. big time.

    and motorola can take the blame imho.

    scumbags. i hope they go bust.
  • Reply 65 of 75
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    I think you're probably right too. I don't mean to sound like I'm flaming you, I'm just doing a little pre-emptive piss-and-moan in Apple's general direction.

    [ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: Matsu ]</p>
  • Reply 67 of 75
    daveleedavelee Posts: 245member
    I just ordered the dual 867.

    Like Lemon Bon Bon I was hoping for a better update than this. However I cannot afford to wait any longer, even though I am disappointed. I think that for the first time ever, the entry level PM is probably the best deal of the three (waiting TWO MONTHS for a 1.25 DP is ridiculous).

    Anyway, I reckon that the email sent to (I think?) MOSR explaining that the latest round of PM would be the last to bear G4 chips is probably bang on the money. (These 7470 G4s are probably vapourware - Motorola had no intention of introducing a new processor.) All the rumours circulating the web are now beginning to converge and I truly believe we will see a revolutionary computer from Apple in the early spring of 2003 based on the IBM-PowerPC solution. Maybe I will be able to get a second rev 'G5' in 18 months or so. But for now, my dual will have to suffice, along with 10.2.

    But Apple really should maintain duals (even just as BTO) for ALL of the computers in the PowerMac line-up.
  • Reply 68 of 75
    Ummm LBB, last time I checked the Dual 1.25 was £2600 not £3000.... Not really the same...

    But still too much I agree
  • Reply 69 of 75
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Moto does have apple by the balls, but moving to dual isn't desperate, I'd say necessary or smart. And I don't care how much popularity apple loses (although not good for my stock) they still make machines that you can't beat. Pro software will use both processors, I can't wait to see the high end G4 with mpeg4 and programs taht apple makes like FCP 3 (sure soon to be 4 ...) DVD SP 1.5 (hoping for 2!) These are the programs I use and hope others do who use apple, otherwise yes apple will suck, enjoy ur PC's if u hate apple, i love OS X and what it does for apple, hang on and Aple will get it right with hardware...don't be blinded, but keep the faith!

    *I have no problem with the current machines...just want bigger, better, faster, stronger machines because i'm greedy
  • Reply 70 of 75
    "Excuse my language, but so ****ing what?"

    Desperate move, Mr. 'So ****ing What?'.

    The two chips aren't competitive with one x86 is what. We've been here before. Nothing new.

    1.25 for £2,600. 'So what?' Thanks.

    Apple's 'power'Mac sales will still be 'so what'. Glad Apple predicted a 'flat' quarter. Cos'...that's what they're gonna get.

    When they...and we 'get it'. Then sales won't be 'so'....'so what' ish.

    "I just ordered the dual 867."

    Well. Enjoy. I wish I could say I was joining you. But do enjoy. 'power'Macs can be alot of fun. I enjoyed mine while it lasted

    "Like Lemon Bon Bon I was hoping for a better update than this."

    I know what you mean.

    "However I cannot afford to wait any longer, even though I am disappointed. I think that for the first time ever, the entry level PM is probably the best deal of the three"

    I agree. If you can't wait. It's not bad.

    "(waiting TWO MONTHS for a 1.25 DP is ridiculous)."

    ('re going to hell...with Dell!)

    I think that kinda sums up the G4's last stand.

    Which...I suspect it is.

    "Anyway, I reckon that the email sent to (I think?) MOSR explaining that the latest round of PM would be the last to bear G4 chips is probably bang on the money. (These 7470 G4s are probably vapourware - Motorola had no intention of introducing a new processor.)"

    Mosr post some credulity stretching pap at times. But the recent Mosr post is right on the money. And sums up how I feel. Other people may have different mileage on the 'so what' 1.25 gig powerhouse.

    7470 being vapour ware? I hope so.

    "All the rumours circulating the web are now beginning to converge and I truly believe we will see a revolutionary computer from Apple in the early spring of 2003 based on the IBM-PowerPC solution."

    That's what I'm banking on. This 'so what' update points to that.

    With AMD's Sledghammer being out the gates by then...Apple would be poised for a remarkable comeback if they can get the 'Powerlite' out in time.

    They're gonna have a hard time convincing me that a dual 1.25 can hang with a hammer when a dual gig gets its face smashed in by the 'so whats.'

    "Maybe I will be able to get a second rev 'G5' in 18 months or so. But for now, my dual will have to suffice, along with 10.2.

    Well, at least Jag will take advantage of that extra processor to some degree in the meantime. And you get to enjoy Jag' now! And let's face it, Jag' looks stunning. Well, the time should pass more quickly (until the G5 arrives) if you have a 'power'Mac in the meantime.

    "But Apple really should maintain duals (even just as BTO) for ALL of the computers in the PowerMac line-up."


    "Ummm LBB, last time I checked the Dual 1.25 was £2600 not £3000.... Not really the same...

    But still too much I agree"

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 71 of 75

    I think you're probably right too. I don't mean to sound like I'm flaming you, I'm just doing a little pre-emptive piss-and-moan in Apple's general direction."

    S'okay Matsu, I understand!

    I know where you're come from.

    To be honest, I do feel a little disheartened by the recent bump. I expected better. I saw the 'power'Macs on the Apple front page and my heart sank when I saw the 1.25. Yeah. It's duals. That's one way to play catch up. And we have the botched DDR. Many seem to be happy with that.

    1.25 is the only spec' with a new bump. All the rest we've seen before except its on hack serve. I coined it. And the low end 'powerMac' is still on 133 bus. Yeesh.

    My 'unrealistic' side was hoping for something Apple just can't deliver right now and I kinda knew it before we got the 'so what'. So. I wait for a little longer. I hoped we might get a 1.4 at least. C'net's 'power'Macs in excess of 1.2 gig. heh. Ahahahahahah. Ahem.

    (I'll probably be in a white coat from some 'G5' lust distemper...come the G5 lauch and be unable to buy without a certificate of sanity...and thus unable to buy one...gibber...)

    I love Apple and they're doing great things with software, their aquisition and retail policies.

    The hardware? Design. Awesome. But the specs plain old suck.

    Lemon Bon Bon

    Just a thought...if all those publishers who were hanging on for carbon Quark 6 on 'x' won't update their machines until then...then Apple won't get these sales until the 'G5' arrives.

    Anybody want to start a poll on what arrives first?

    Quark 6 or G5?

    [ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: Lemon Bon Bon ]</p>
  • Reply 72 of 75
    razzfazzrazzfazz Posts: 728member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon:


    The two chips aren't competitive with one x86 is what. We've been here before. Nothing new.


    Yes, a single northwood P4 is probably faster than two 1.25GHz G4s. Incidentally, it also happens to be faster than any other desktop chip out there. AMD is "stuck" at 1.8GHz for the moment, and dual AMD boxes are not too widely available. So they're "not competitive" either? If your definition of "not competitive" really equals "doesn't leave everything else in the dust", then yes, I agree, the G4s are not competitive, and noone except for Intel is building competitive processors right now.


    1.25 for £2,600. 'So what?' Thanks.


    Again, why would you estimate the value of a computer solely on its clockrate? This might have been a valid point under OS9, but not anymore under OS X.

    Oh, and just out of curiosity: Would a single 1.6GHz G4 have been more "competitive" in your opinion? If so, why? If not, what else could Apple have delivered to satisfy you?


    "(waiting TWO MONTHS for a 1.25 DP is ridiculous)."

    ('re going to hell...with Dell!)

    I think that kinda sums up the G4's last stand.


    Yeah, right, 'cos Intel, AMD and IBM are all constantly upping their speeds by far more than 25%... Um, sure...


    7470 being vapour ware? I hope so.


    And you hope so because...?

    In case the 7470 is what it's supposed to be (double-pumped FSB, 512k L2, 130nm SOI), why shouldn't Apple use it?

    Besides, passionately hating (Moto) and all but worshipping (IBM) processor manufacturers is a pretty irrational and pointless thing to do.


    "All the rumours circulating the web are now beginning to converge and I truly believe we will see a revolutionary computer from Apple in the early spring of 2003 based on the IBM-PowerPC solution."

    That's what I'm banking on. This 'so what' update points to that.


    Well, up until now, IBM hasn't actually delivered anything particularly outstanding in regards to the PowerPC.

    If the processor to be disclosed at MPF changes that, I'd love that as much as anyone else.

    Still, even though the announcement does sound promising, I just don't think it's a good idea to start the hype already. All the talk about how that new chip will be introduced at x GHz, scale incredibly well, will completely destroy any x86 chip out there or whatnot are just bound to result in the usual disappointment and another flood of "Apple is doomed" posts once it becomes clear that certain expectation smight have been a little unrealistic.

    Besides, no offence was meant in my original post, I just completely failed (and still do) to get your point about duals being somehow inherently inferior and a "desparate last move". Duals are a good thing, and hopefully one to stay in Apple's pro line.



    [ 08-14-2002: Message edited by: RazzFazz ]</p>
  • Reply 73 of 75
    imudimud Posts: 140member
    I agree duals are a good thing. I sat down yesterday at my wintel box to watch a dvd and surv the web, 15 minutes into the movie the whole machine locked up. Granted its not top of the line its just a 1ghz AMD, but I watched dvds on my brothers dual 800 under osx while I made web pages, worked on graphics for the web pages and surfed the web in search of javascript snippets and never once even had as much of a flicker. Sure I'm not a 'power user' I can't afford most of the top of the line pro software (1999 for maya, ouch) but i do multitask alot and duals are great for that. Sure faster machines might fenish a render 3 seconds faster but who actually sits there and waits for it to finish without doing something else, well if your on a single processor machine you do, because you cant do anything else. Dual 1ghz machine 500 bucks less than it was 2 days ago and now it has a better bus speed and memory and most of what I hear is how apple sucks. Come on guys would you rather have not seen an update at all?
  • Reply 74 of 75
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong> "smear Wintel's feces into their face."</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You don't mince words do you.
  • Reply 75 of 75
    [quote]Originally posted by pi radians:


    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> I was taking your post seriously until I read this.


    You telling me that under equal operating systems your 350 604 chip (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you have the best of the best) on a 50MHz bus outperforms a 867MHz G4 on a 133MHz bus?

    Until you said that I thought you made a legit post. Quit flaming buddy.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    os x 10.1.5 is slow on a g4 733. not sure what it will be in jaguar. i am opening upto 8 or so terminal window with telnet sessions to a local development server. when i switch between the windows, the response is so slow that some of them lost my typing...

    to whom you should blame? os x or g4 733? let us g4 733. then we all know what is going on here. if you say os x, then without a faster hw system i am not sure how far you could finetune an os to make it run faster and faster...

    i don't have any multisession telnet client on os 9. if anyone do, please post it here and i could try it on os 9.
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