Apple introduces $899 education iMac



  • Reply 41 of 93

    Originally posted by initiator

    "The eMac will no longer be in production and is available for purchase while supplies last through the Apple Store for Education or by calling an Apple education sales representative at 800-800-APPL."


    There are NO supplies of eMacs available anywhere. When I called Apple Education, they only had refurbs, and those were only available to educational buyers (not individual education sales).

    I was hoping to nab one of the last eMacs with a Superdrive, but there are NONE to be found. Every website I visit (even those that say they have stock) have no stock. Talk about scarce. I know I shouldn't have waited, but I was still hoping. Anyone know where I can find a new one?


    Will there be a temporarily increased desire for these machines created that will float the price for a small amount of time? IOW, is the time to put a few on eBay NOW? ASAP methinks? (they ain't worth that much used, ANYWAY).

  • Reply 42 of 93
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Oh, by the way, we might take notice of the fact that it's WEDNESDAY!!!

    So much for Tuesday only intro's, that some keep insisting upon. Remember this for future arguments.

    Apple didn't announce it on fourth of July because it's a National Holiday.

    Remember that in your future arguments.
  • Reply 43 of 93
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member

    Originally posted by macbear01

    Just looking at the simple specs under the pricing at the store...

    17" 1.83 GHz Duo and 17" 1.83 GHz Duo (same)

    $899 edu vs. $1199 edu/$1299 standard

    80 GB HDD vs. 160 GB HDD

    Combo Drive vs. Dual-Layer Super Drive

    Intel GMA Graphics (64 MB shared) vs. ATI x1600 (128 MB dedicated)

    No Bluetooth vs. Bluetooth

    No Remote vs. Apple Remote

    Does that account for $300?

    Also, 2x256MB RAM vs. 1x512MB (which I assume leaves a slot open for expansion).
  • Reply 44 of 93
    bruce youngbruce young Posts: 189member

    Originally posted by ApplePi

    Looks nice. May actually pick one up with my student loan. But I don't start school till the end of September. Hopefully the free nano deal is still going by then. But I doubt it.

    FYI, from Apple Education site:

    Free iPod with purchase is valid through September 16

    (unless they extend it...)
  • Reply 45 of 93
    bruce youngbruce young Posts: 189member

    Originally posted by xsmi

    I too agree that this machine will be fine for most classrooms...

    Re. the specs and price on this new Edu model, I concur that this should be fine for the classroom. It really looks like an excellent value.

    FYI, I have been in classrooms equipped with the older 15" iMacs (iLamps) g4s, and they worked adequately (though a tad slow) for WP, GoLive even PhotoShop CS.

    So there should be no problems with using this new iMac with larger 17", and with faster processor (even noting you will be in Rosetta emulation mode for Adobe for now).


    Originally posted by Placebo

    Do you all think this release precludes the possibility of a new eMac?

    Re. any more Education channel models, I remember reading some news analysis a month or so ago indicating that Apple's primary Education model was rather late/behind its introduction schedule and might not make it to market till late fall, early winter -- which would have meant they missed the entire back-to-school buying market. Not good.

    So my guess is they grabbed a basic iMac 17 and tweaked it to conform to Academic needs criteria so that they'd be sure to have a decent and available model in stock for Back To School season.

    Definitely the right move to have a decent machine ready to buy.

    And my guess is there will be more education offerings down the road a bit.
  • Reply 46 of 93
    jbaker78jbaker78 Posts: 6member
    I doubt that this is actually a special iMac, its screams Mac Mini in an iMac case. Hence the integrated graphics.

    I would bet that this practically the same MB as the mini with slight component changes for the built in screen and SATA connection.

    What do you think?
  • Reply 47 of 93
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member

    Originally posted by jbaker78

    I doubt that this is actually a special iMac, its screams Mac Mini in an iMac case. Hence the integrated graphics.

    I would bet that this practically the same MB as the mini with slight component changes for the built in screen and SATA connection.

    What do you think?

    It's an iMac without a dedicated graphics card. The other iMacs already come with integrated graphics on the chipset; it's just unused.

    The Mac mini is far more different from this iMac than the other iMacs are from it.
  • Reply 48 of 93
    jbaker78jbaker78 Posts: 6member
    Ah yeah, the iMac does have integrated graphics already... damn, thought I was onto something there.
  • Reply 49 of 93
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Apple will likely sell this machine to the general public as well, if the outcry is loud enough (if they aren't already!).

    But how does one outcry? I have no idea how to go about complaining to apple to release it to the public.
  • Reply 50 of 93
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member

    Originally posted by melgross

    Oh, by the way, we might take notice of the fact that it's WEDNESDAY!!!

    So much for Tuesday only intro's, that some keep insisting upon. Remember this for future arguments.

    Like others said yesterday was the 4th.

    But it's funny because AL had something about a possible 4th of july intro of something we are. Once again this site is on the ball.
  • Reply 51 of 93
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Arg! Once again my old predictions were close but not perfect:


    Originally posted by ecking


    anywhere from 80-120 3.5" 7200rpm hd

    intel gma 950 graphics

    1.66 core duo

    2gb ram max (512 2x 256 standard)

    no isight

    no bluetooth

    no wireless?


  • Reply 52 of 93
    zengazenga Posts: 267member
    Perhaps the iMac will become the eMac and a new iMac is on the works..!

  • Reply 53 of 93
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by Zenga

    Perhaps the iMac will become the eMac and a new iMac is on the works..!

    That is pretty much what happened last time. But as I have been saying for a while I think Apple has all new designs for all their products now that they are on intel. I think keeping the same cases for the beginning of the transition was so Mac users would feel like these were all familiar Mac products. I think it worked, and they can now move on.
  • Reply 54 of 93
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member

    Originally posted by backtomac

    I think that unless a school was doing a lot of video editing this would be an excellent machine. I'm sure there are some teachers who visit the forum who can comment on typical usage of computers in class.

    This is actually great news for my school.

    I work for the techonology department of a high school, and we upgraded one of our two computer labs with about 40 new eMacs (1.42Ghz) about a month and a half ago. Both labs had iMacs (circa 1999-2000) running Tiger. The school wanted to squeeze every bit of use out of these machines, but this was a Total nightmare. The computers were so slow running anything that it actually antagonized many of the faculty/kids (mostly Windows XP users at home). I had to explain that yes, these computers suck, but that's because they're so old! Even the eMacs are a considerable improvement, but we waited to update the other lab in order to see if Apple would release an educational intel based iMac/eMac, so at least one of the labs will get these machines.

    As a sidenote, our library has about 30 Dells running Windows XP (the catalogue system is XP only). All of these PCs are being replaced with iMacs, but my boss hasn't decided wether to install XP via Bootcamp or have the catalog run on XP through parallels. So we will probably not have any PC hardware to support this September. Good times Sucks having to still pay for all those Windows licenses, though.
  • Reply 55 of 93
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Has to be an "iMac with SuperDrive" to qualify for the free iPod nano.


    Originally posted by Bruce Young

    FYI, from Apple Education site:

    Free iPod with purchase is valid through September 16

    (unless they extend it...)

  • Reply 56 of 93
    @homenow@homenow Posts: 998member
    For those counting pennies figuring how much the iMac could come down in price let's not forget that since Apple went to the LCD monitors for the iMac the price of those monitors have come down considerably in price, and should drop more by the end of the year. 17" LCD panels are now going for under $200 with incentives when the 17" Cinima was going for $699 when it was discontinued, I think that was about the time that the FP G4 iMac was released (17" LCD's were running about $400-500 at the time as I recall). Sure Apple has added a lot to the iMac since then, but most of it is not really needed for a low end model. Apple could probably release a $999 iMac today if they wanted to. I don't see this happening but Apple has gone on record that they wanted to get the price of the iMac back down below $1000. Of course that was a few years ago and before the Mini was released.
  • Reply 57 of 93
    furious_furious_ Posts: 88member
    comparing iMac models

    interesting that they kept the remote function.


    Front Row and the Apple Remote ? Your World at Your Fingertips

    Or across the room. In a lab or classroom, why should a desktop computer strap you to the desk? iMac includes Apple?s new Front Row software, a simple and intuitive way to get to photos, videos, music and DVDs ? even Keynote presentations. The Apple Remote is as easy to use as an iPod, and it can control one iMac or a whole room full of them, with one simple click

    from here
  • Reply 58 of 93
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by JeffDM

    For the record, it doesn't matter to me what day it's announced. I would call it an exception because of the holiday. It doesn't make sense to announce on a holiday.

    I don't care either, but quite a few people here were insisting that the next intro would be Next Tuesday because of the holiday.
  • Reply 59 of 93
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Apple didn't announce it on fourth of July because it's a National Holiday.

    Remember that in your future arguments.

    Yeah, yeah. Read all the posts that predicted that because of the holidy, the next intro would be next Tuesday. Remember that?
  • Reply 60 of 93
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member

    Originally posted by jbaker78

    Ah yeah, the iMac does have integrated graphics already... damn, thought I was onto something there.

    That's ok, keep trying.
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