Give me a break a tower to 1700 might as well be 21whatever
1500 at the MOST WITH A LCD MONITOR - omg am I crazy? Or can I read every other computer manufacturers pamphlet?
The problem with the change to Intel is that so many people have assumed that the switch signaled Apple's intention to become "yet another Dell."
The Intel switch was just a change in processor. No more, no less. It is analogous to changing your truck engine from a Northstar to a Hemi. It just makes the car move. Apple doesn't want to be another Dell and that's a very good thing because they would get their ass kicked in that market.
All over these forums since the Intel change was announced people have been saying "apple must do XX because Dell does" or "Apple needs to release a computer in a standard case with 18 slots, 24 memory slots, XXX video cards, and a partridge in a pear tree for $1500 or else it won't succeed at switching people.?
At this stage Apple is not trying to switch everyone and their brother to Mac's. They are targeting fence sitters in various markets. What does this mean?
1) You will not see a mega gamer machine for $2000 or even a machine primarily targeted at gamers.
2) You will not find 300 models with every option, price-point and form factor you could ever want.
3) Mac prices will NOT be directly comparable to PC's.
That said, I think there is a possibility of a mid range machine.
The price will be around $1800.
It will not have all the features you want because Apple wants you to buy the Pro line.
It won't happen for at least 6 months to give the fence sitters time to give in and buy the pro.
It won't appeal to high end gamers but will handle mid range gaming (which is fine since Apple doesn't care about high-end gamers and high-end gamers don't care about Apple.)
I suspect the machine will be designed for a DVR type market but would be okay for gaming via a video card change.
1 Slot (maybe 2)
1, 3.5"
1 optical drive, likely slot loadsing.
FW 400 (800 possible for a media drive.)
2 memory slots.
The short version? You can?t compare Apple?s to PeaChes. If you want a PeaCh go buy one? They come complete with worms?
Slightly taller than a Mini, but a good bit wider (pizza boxish)
x16 graphics slot w/ options for x1800GTO, x1900XT
x4 PCIe slot (x16 length, x4 lanes)
4 RAM slots
2 HDD slots - starts with 250 GB HDD
slot-loading DL Superdrive
2.4 or 2.67 GHz Conroe
can stand horz. or vertical
You've got my vote on this one Zach. Maybe it's a misplaced sense of nostalgia when I reflect upon the good old days of the Mac IIsi. That would be a significant seperator of product lines. Pro gets the tower form factor, midrange gets the desktop form factor, mass consumer gets iMac, and budget gets.... um... a Klenex box? ;D
very good set up as zach has posted it I think. The only thing I would add would be a Tastey Bake Oven. Gotta have the brownies, you know. Actually, I'd make one real modification, and it would be a mod to the MacPro also: 2 PCIe 16x slots with either SLi or Crossfire support. Both if possible. Would be nice to have the option.
But if there was such a thing as Zach has specified, I'd buy it.
All that's needed is a higher-end Mini that allows for one more RAM slot and a replaceable graphics card.
No PCI slots or extra HD bays. If you want those, get a Mac Pro.
And spend $2500? No thanks! I'm a PC user dying to switch, but Apple not offering a simple tower with expansion possibilites (PCIe, extra HD, 4 RAM slots) may force me to simply upgrade my existing setup. I made a post on the rather lengthy "Time for a plain old Mac" thread. See below :
I think a $1500 Conroe tower is pretty feasible. The lowest base MP price is $2150. Do a little cost cutting like such: (numbers are rough estimates of savings at consumer level based on my years of pricing hardware)
1) Take away the extra CPU ($300-400),
2) Replace the expensive FB RAM with plain ole DDR2 ($75-100)
3) Design a less elaborate smaller case. The MP case was designed for the extreme cooling requirements of the G5. ($50)
4) use a non-server Mobo. Dual socket, dual ethernet mobos are 2 to 3 times as expensive. ($250-350)
5) lower end base video card. 128 meg card should be plenty. Not all of us play games or do 3D scientific modelling. ($75)
6) 8x superdrive instead of 16x ($50)
I NEED extra hard drive slots and PCIe slots for Pro Audio work. I can't afford a Mac Pro. I find it ironic that this is the first time Apple has not offered a single socket pro model, when there has never been less of a need for dual socket model (because of powerful dual core chips).
The problem with the change to Intel is that so many people have assumed that the switch signaled Apple's intention to become "yet another Dell."
The Intel switch was just a change in processor. No more, no less. It is analogous to changing your truck engine from a Northstar to a Hemi. It just makes the car move. Apple doesn't want to be another Dell and that's a very good thing because they would get their ass kicked in that market.
All over these forums since the Intel change was announced people have been saying "apple must do XX because Dell does" or "Apple needs to release a computer in a standard case with 18 slots, 24 memory slots, XXX video cards, and a partridge in a pear tree for $1500 or else it won't succeed at switching people.”
What everyone forgets is that before the G5 era, Apple sold machines for $1600 and less for years. The low-end tower starting at $1999 is something that didn't come until the G5 - unless you look way back into the beige era. The thing is, a lot of people assumed that this was due to IBM's problems with heat dissipation in the G5 which required such massive, and expensive, cooling equipment. With the Intel change, many were hoping that this situation would change and that the towers would be able to be reasonably priced again (see the "Mac Pro - Major Price Drop?" thread), and what does Apple do? Increase the base price by $124! (Yes, I predicted that would happen in the "Major Price Drop" thread, but I was being cynical and was really hoping that I'd end up getting proven wrong).
This would be a reasonable system for almost everyone in the PC world. Ok, maybe the graphics card is a bit overkill, but thats the way i like it .
Prices are from one of the biggest resellers in Germany.
Add an OS and support, design and advertising, and there you go with approx. 1200,- € IMO.
See, the Mac mini is way underpiced (!) for a Core Duo system - I just can´t believe they are making money out of it. The Mac mini seems more like a try to get into that low-priced-consumer market.
May Deadline is 1.1.2007 for a new computer powered by a C2D and I am nott willing to buy an iMac and throw my excellent Xerox 17i display.
I know Apple, their history, and their philosophy about how to build the propably best computers in the world. Apple now has the opportunity to go after marketshare since YEARS (think of the G4 OMFG...) and they a doing well now with the portables. They could do better with desktops, and I am sure they know that - so lets hope the best.8)
This would be a reasonable system for almost everyone in the PC world. Ok, maybe the graphics card is a bit overkill, but thats the way i like it .
Prices are from one of the biggest resellers in Germany.
Add an OS and support, design and advertising, and there you go with approx. 1200,- € IMO.
See, the Mac mini is way underpiced (!) for a Core Duo system - I just can´t believe they are making money out of it. The Mac mini seems more like a try to get into that low-priced-consumer market.
May Deadline is 1.1.2007 for a new computer powered by a C2D and I am nott willing to buy an iMac and throw my excellent Xerox 17i display.
I know Apple, their history, and their philosophy about how to build the propably best computers in the world. Apple now has the opportunity to go after marketshare since YEARS (think of the G4 OMFG...) and they a doing well now with the portables. They could do better with desktops, and I am sure they know that - so lets hope the best.8)
Damnit, no why'd you have to go and use Euros!!?!?! I was just about to crack a joke about your config weighing too much, when I realized the prices were in Euros, not Pounds.
Damnit, no why'd you have to go and use Euros!!?!?! I was just about to crack a joke about your config weighing too much, when I realized the prices were in Euros, not Pounds.
I always get the two symbols confused.
Because pounds are just too heavy to lift BTW: don´t be confused if youre are driving on the continent and the police gets after you; the speed limits are KILOMETERS (metrical system) AND YOU ARE LIFTING OFF SOON haha don´t get me wrong please but I am confused myself by the Dollars and Pounds and Euros and AusiPounds etc.
Bah. Apple won't release another tower. Why? Won't fit in their Apple Store display. Too many desktops, too few notebooks. Might just be a reason for Steve.
Exactly that's why they will bring back their 6 cases strategy:
MacBook ---- MacTablet ---- MacBook Pro
Mac Mini ----- MacMaxi ------- MacPro
This will fit perfectly in the Apple Store.
Considering the MacMaxi will be a great product: Media Center associated with NAS features to interface with Apple Notebooks... Perfect for TimeMachine (particularly for notebooks)! The true network base station (no need of Airport base station now!) 8) (Hope it will look like a cube with easy hardrives expansion...)
Because pounds are just too heavy to lift BTW: don´t be confused if youre are driving on the continent and the police gets after you; the speed limits are KILOMETERS (metrical system) AND YOU ARE LIFTING OFF SOON haha don´t get me wrong please but I am confused myself by the Dollars and Pounds and Euros and AusiPounds etc.
Lets say: Pounds are 2/3 of it, k?
<bangs head on wall in frustration!!!>
I HATE STATUTE MEASUREMENTS!!!!!!!!! DEATH TO THE INCH!!!!! DEATH TO THE POUND!!!!! DEATH TO THE FURLONG!!!!!!!!! erm.... well the Furlong is actually kinda cool... we can keep that one.
Exactly that's why they will bring back their 6 cases strategy:
MacBook ---- MacTablet ---- MacBook Pro
Mac Mini ----- MacMaxi ------- MacPro
This will fit perfectly in the Apple Store.
Considering the MacMaxi will be a great product: Media Center associated with NAS features to interface with Apple Notebooks... Perfect for TimeMachine (particularly for notebooks)! The true network base station (no need of Airport base station now!) 8) (Hope it will look like a cube with easy hardrives expansion...)
noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! You killed the SACRED COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the iMac!?!?!?!!!! </cry>
The new iMac is a combination of the MacTablet and the MacMaxi ...
It will look like the G4 iMac with a Cube Station (or sphere)...
Yes I kill the iMac in 2007! Sorry I can't see a 8 cases strategy...
Actually, it's getting scary close to the perfect conditions for Apple to add pen/touch input to all of their computers with built in displays and even their cinema displays. With the emphasis that Bill is putting on pen input in Vista, and even the emphasis that Apple is putting on non-standard human interface, a la Universal Access, I really see this happening soon. Wacom just announced support for displays up to 30", shipping this Q3.
I don't necessarily see this happening en masse, but I do see it starting off as a BTO option for iMac, MacBook and MacBook Pro. That, or a separate device.... but I kinda think BTO is more likely. for CDs too. This could be one of the secret leopard features. Makes more sense that it would be hidden because it reveals future hardware plans than that it reveals new software features. But there's a whole thread on this, and a rant too, over at
I fear we're getting our just desserts for wanting to bring more windows users into the fold
NO!!!!!!!! Tablet is a natural for Apple! It will, when Apple launches their interpretation of the concept, have an impact equal to that of the original Mac! Or so I like to think. very natural product for Apple to develop though. Bucks the standard and does things in a smarter way. You KNOW you have wanted to draw on your screen before! Admit it!
1500 at the MOST WITH A LCD MONITOR - omg am I crazy? Or can I read every other computer manufacturers pamphlet?
Give me a break a tower to 1700 might as well be 21whatever
1500 at the MOST WITH A LCD MONITOR - omg am I crazy? Or can I read every other computer manufacturers pamphlet?
The problem with the change to Intel is that so many people have assumed that the switch signaled Apple's intention to become "yet another Dell."
The Intel switch was just a change in processor. No more, no less. It is analogous to changing your truck engine from a Northstar to a Hemi. It just makes the car move. Apple doesn't want to be another Dell and that's a very good thing because they would get their ass kicked in that market.
All over these forums since the Intel change was announced people have been saying "apple must do XX because Dell does" or "Apple needs to release a computer in a standard case with 18 slots, 24 memory slots, XXX video cards, and a partridge in a pear tree for $1500 or else it won't succeed at switching people.?
At this stage Apple is not trying to switch everyone and their brother to Mac's. They are targeting fence sitters in various markets. What does this mean?
1) You will not see a mega gamer machine for $2000 or even a machine primarily targeted at gamers.
2) You will not find 300 models with every option, price-point and form factor you could ever want.
3) Mac prices will NOT be directly comparable to PC's.
That said, I think there is a possibility of a mid range machine.
The price will be around $1800.
It will not have all the features you want because Apple wants you to buy the Pro line.
It won't happen for at least 6 months to give the fence sitters time to give in and buy the pro.
It won't appeal to high end gamers but will handle mid range gaming (which is fine since Apple doesn't care about high-end gamers and high-end gamers don't care about Apple.)
I suspect the machine will be designed for a DVR type market but would be okay for gaming via a video card change.
1 Slot (maybe 2)
1, 3.5"
1 optical drive, likely slot loadsing.
FW 400 (800 possible for a media drive.)
2 memory slots.
The short version? You can?t compare Apple?s to PeaChes. If you want a PeaCh go buy one? They come complete with worms?
Slightly taller than a Mini, but a good bit wider (pizza boxish)
x16 graphics slot w/ options for x1800GTO, x1900XT
x4 PCIe slot (x16 length, x4 lanes)
4 RAM slots
2 HDD slots - starts with 250 GB HDD
slot-loading DL Superdrive
2.4 or 2.67 GHz Conroe
can stand horz. or vertical
You've got my vote on this one Zach. Maybe it's a misplaced sense of nostalgia when I reflect upon the good old days of the Mac IIsi.
very good set up as zach has posted it I think. The only thing I would add would be a Tastey Bake Oven. Gotta have the brownies, you know. Actually, I'd make one real modification, and it would be a mod to the MacPro also: 2 PCIe 16x slots with either SLi or Crossfire support. Both if possible. Would be nice to have the option.
But if there was such a thing as Zach has specified, I'd buy it.
Alfonso's pretty much got it.
All that's needed is a higher-end Mini that allows for one more RAM slot and a replaceable graphics card.
No PCI slots or extra HD bays. If you want those, get a Mac Pro.
And spend $2500? No thanks! I'm a PC user dying to switch, but Apple not offering a simple tower with expansion possibilites (PCIe, extra HD, 4 RAM slots) may force me to simply upgrade my existing setup. I made a post on the rather lengthy "Time for a plain old Mac" thread. See below :
I think a $1500 Conroe tower is pretty feasible. The lowest base MP price is $2150. Do a little cost cutting like such: (numbers are rough estimates of savings at consumer level based on my years of pricing hardware)
1) Take away the extra CPU ($300-400),
2) Replace the expensive FB RAM with plain ole DDR2 ($75-100)
3) Design a less elaborate smaller case. The MP case was designed for the extreme cooling requirements of the G5. ($50)
4) use a non-server Mobo. Dual socket, dual ethernet mobos are 2 to 3 times as expensive. ($250-350)
5) lower end base video card. 128 meg card should be plenty. Not all of us play games or do 3D scientific modelling. ($75)
6) 8x superdrive instead of 16x ($50)
I NEED extra hard drive slots and PCIe slots for Pro Audio work. I can't afford a Mac Pro. I find it ironic that this is the first time Apple has not offered a single socket pro model, when there has never been less of a need for dual socket model (because of powerful dual core chips).
The problem with the change to Intel is that so many people have assumed that the switch signaled Apple's intention to become "yet another Dell."
The Intel switch was just a change in processor. No more, no less. It is analogous to changing your truck engine from a Northstar to a Hemi. It just makes the car move. Apple doesn't want to be another Dell and that's a very good thing because they would get their ass kicked in that market.
All over these forums since the Intel change was announced people have been saying "apple must do XX because Dell does" or "Apple needs to release a computer in a standard case with 18 slots, 24 memory slots, XXX video cards, and a partridge in a pear tree for $1500 or else it won't succeed at switching people.”
What everyone forgets is that before the G5 era, Apple sold machines for $1600 and less for years. The low-end tower starting at $1999 is something that didn't come until the G5 - unless you look way back into the beige era. The thing is, a lot of people assumed that this was due to IBM's problems with heat dissipation in the G5 which required such massive, and expensive, cooling equipment. With the Intel change, many were hoping that this situation would change and that the towers would be able to be reasonably priced again (see the "Mac Pro - Major Price Drop?" thread), and what does Apple do? Increase the base price by $124! (Yes, I predicted that would happen in the "Major Price Drop" thread, but I was being cynical and was really hoping that I'd end up getting proven wrong).
Core 2 Duo E6600 (2400 MHz) € 299,-
Cooler: Freezer 7 Pro € 19,-*
DIMM 512 MB DDR-400 x 2 € 98,-*
DVD-Burner SATA SH-W163A (DVD±R/RW, DL±R) € 44,-*
Midi Tower Silent Twister € 59,-*
HD 3,5 " SATA 6V200E0 (200 GB) € 66,-*
eXtremePower 380W € 44,-*
NVIDIA PCIe NX7600GS (512 MB DDR2) € 139,-*
Mainboards Socket 775 P965LTCK (Intel® P965) € 119,-
Price: € 887,-
This would be a reasonable system for almost everyone in the PC world. Ok, maybe the graphics card is a bit overkill, but thats the way i like it
Prices are from one of the biggest resellers in Germany.
Add an OS and support, design and advertising, and there you go with approx. 1200,- € IMO.
See, the Mac mini is way underpiced (!) for a Core Duo system - I just can´t believe they are making money out of it. The Mac mini seems more like a try to get into that low-priced-consumer market.
May Deadline is 1.1.2007 for a new computer powered by a C2D and I am nott willing to buy an iMac and throw my excellent Xerox 17i display.
I know Apple, their history, and their philosophy about how to build the propably best computers in the world. Apple now has the opportunity to go after marketshare since YEARS (think of the G4 OMFG...) and they a doing well now with the portables. They could do better with desktops, and I am sure they know that - so lets hope the best.8)
Below is a PC-system as I would configure it:
Core 2 Duo E6600 (2400 MHz) € 299,-
Cooler: Freezer 7 Pro € 19,-*
DIMM 512 MB DDR-400 x 2 € 98,-*
DVD-Burner SATA SH-W163A (DVD±R/RW, DL±R) € 44,-*
Midi Tower Silent Twister € 59,-*
HD 3,5 " SATA 6V200E0 (200 GB) € 66,-*
eXtremePower 380W € 44,-*
NVIDIA PCIe NX7600GS (512 MB DDR2) € 139,-*
Mainboards Socket 775 P965LTCK (Intel® P965) € 119,-
Price: € 887,-
This would be a reasonable system for almost everyone in the PC world. Ok, maybe the graphics card is a bit overkill, but thats the way i like it
Prices are from one of the biggest resellers in Germany.
Add an OS and support, design and advertising, and there you go with approx. 1200,- € IMO.
See, the Mac mini is way underpiced (!) for a Core Duo system - I just can´t believe they are making money out of it. The Mac mini seems more like a try to get into that low-priced-consumer market.
May Deadline is 1.1.2007 for a new computer powered by a C2D and I am nott willing to buy an iMac and throw my excellent Xerox 17i display.
I know Apple, their history, and their philosophy about how to build the propably best computers in the world. Apple now has the opportunity to go after marketshare since YEARS (think of the G4 OMFG...) and they a doing well now with the portables. They could do better with desktops, and I am sure they know that - so lets hope the best.8)
Damnit, no why'd you have to go and use Euros!!?!?!
I always get the two symbols confused.
Damnit, no why'd you have to go and use Euros!!?!?!
I always get the two symbols confused.
Because pounds are just too heavy to lift
Lets say: Pounds are 2/3 of it, k?
Bah. Apple won't release another tower. Why? Won't fit in their Apple Store display. Too many desktops, too few notebooks. Might just be a reason for Steve.
Exactly that's why they will bring back their 6 cases strategy:
MacBook ---- MacTablet ---- MacBook Pro
Mac Mini ----- MacMaxi ------- MacPro
This will fit perfectly in the Apple Store.
Considering the MacMaxi will be a great product: Media Center associated with NAS features to interface with Apple Notebooks... Perfect for TimeMachine (particularly for notebooks)! The true network base station (no need of Airport base station now!) 8) (Hope it will look like a cube with easy hardrives expansion...)
Because pounds are just too heavy to lift
Lets say: Pounds are 2/3 of it, k?
<bangs head on wall in frustration!!!>
I HATE STATUTE MEASUREMENTS!!!!!!!!! DEATH TO THE INCH!!!!! DEATH TO THE POUND!!!!! DEATH TO THE FURLONG!!!!!!!!! erm.... well the Furlong is actually kinda cool... we can keep that one.
I WANT MY METRIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly that's why they will bring back their 6 cases strategy:
MacBook ---- MacTablet ---- MacBook Pro
Mac Mini ----- MacMaxi ------- MacPro
This will fit perfectly in the Apple Store.
Considering the MacMaxi will be a great product: Media Center associated with NAS features to interface with Apple Notebooks... Perfect for TimeMachine (particularly for notebooks)! The true network base station (no need of Airport base station now!) 8) (Hope it will look like a cube with easy hardrives expansion...)
noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! You killed the SACRED COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the iMac!?!?!?!!!! </cry>
</not really>
******* ---- MacTablet ---- **********
******* ----- ******* ------- ******
/me begins to drool. Yeeeessssss, taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.... MUHAHAHAHHAHAAA!
noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! You killed the SACRED COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the iMac!?!?!?!!!! </cry>
</not really>
The new iMac is a combination of the MacTablet and the MacMaxi ...
It will look like the G4 iMac with a Cube Station (or sphere)...
Yes I kill the iMac in 2007!
The new iMac is a combination of the MacTablet and the MacMaxi ...
It will look like the G4 iMac with a Cube Station (or sphere)...
Yes I kill the iMac in 2007!
Actually, it's getting scary close to the perfect conditions for Apple to add pen/touch input to all of their computers with built in displays and even their cinema displays. With the emphasis that Bill is putting on pen input in Vista, and even the emphasis that Apple is putting on non-standard human interface, a la Universal Access, I really see this happening soon. Wacom just announced support for displays up to 30", shipping this Q3.
I don't necessarily see this happening en masse, but I do see it starting off as a BTO option for iMac, MacBook and MacBook Pro. That, or a separate device.... but I kinda think BTO is more likely. for CDs too. This could be one of the secret leopard features. Makes more sense that it would be hidden because it reveals future hardware plans than that it reveals new software features. But there's a whole thread on this, and a rant too, over at
anyway... what were we talking about?
I fear we're getting our just desserts for wanting to bring more windows users into the fold
A tablet in between the macbook and MBP? MacMaxi?
I fear we're getting our just desserts for wanting to bring more windows users into the fold
NO!!!!!!!! Tablet is a natural for Apple! It will, when Apple launches their interpretation of the concept, have an impact equal to that of the original Mac! Or so I like to think. very natural product for Apple to develop though. Bucks the standard and does things in a smarter way. You KNOW you have wanted to draw on your screen before! Admit it!
A tablet in between the macbook and MBP? MacMaxi?
I fear we're getting our just desserts for wanting to bring more windows users into the fold
but wait a minute... if we combine the MacMaxi with the Tablet idea.... we come up with a MacMaxi Pa... ohh, the lawyers wouldn't like that one.
but wait a minute... if we combine the MacMaxi with the Tablet idea.... we come up with a MacMaxi Pa... ohh, the lawyers wouldn't like that one.