AAPL stock

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Broke 71 today. Whoohoo! Must have something to do with Wu's iPhone and Apple's "Showtime" memo.


  • Reply 1 of 26
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Broke 71 today. Whoohoo! Must have something to do with Wu's iPhone and Apple's "Showtime" memo.

    A bargain at double that price
  • Reply 2 of 26
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by Ireland

    A bargain at double that price

    Yep. Saw it coming.

  • Reply 3 of 26
    Originally Posted by Neruda

    Yep. Saw it coming.


    Neruda, are you tellin' me you still don't own any AAPL? You gotta be kiddin' me.
  • Reply 4 of 26
    nerudaneruda Posts: 440member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Neruda, are you tellin' me you still don't own any AAPL? You gotta be kiddin' me.

    Yep. I thought of buying 200 shares back in June, but I'm in law school and need liquidity (cash). Knowing what the stock has done in the last couple of months (as you well know, since you bought at $51 ) and the potential for even more of an upside makes it even worse...

    If people bought RIMM stock when I told them to a couple of my friends would be millionaires
  • Reply 5 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Broke 71 today. Whoohoo! Must have something to do with Wu's iPhone and Apple's "Showtime" memo.

    The market is expecting something big. If I recall correctly, there wasn't a big run up of the stock prior to WWDC which really didn't produce a surprise. Should be interesting. No iPhone and I think the stock will get hammered.
  • Reply 6 of 26
    Originally Posted by backtomac

    The market is expecting something big. If I recall correctly, there wasn't a big run up of the stock prior to WWDC which really didn't produce a surprise. Should be interesting. No iPhone and I think the stock will get hammered.

    I don't think so. Most people are only expecting downloadable movies of some variety, possibly equivalent to DVD, probably not HD. And there's no ruling out rentals only for now.
  • Reply 7 of 26
    Sorry if this blows out the forum page, but this image is useful:

  • Reply 8 of 26
    There's a lot of people getting on the bandwagon, as is the case with very strong Consumer pushes, like new iPods, iPhone, iMedia/iHome and the like. Look at the volume traded on Tues Sep 5.

    In this rare case, Shaw Wu looks like he's on the button, not just spewing random crap like usual. A lot of news as you can see already starting to build on Sep 12 announcement.

    The product mix will not dissapoint, IMHO I feel that there's going to be a strong run up past $80 leading into the Christmas frenzy. People start losing interest after that. The iPod iPhone etc. hype will pump through the next three months, backed by a strong fully-transitioned Intel line-up and Vista still a mess.

    Heh. AAPL. I've been saying, it's too late, if you didn't get in at $50 pre-split. But even getting in at $50 POST-split, fun.... My brother got in at $64 post-split so that's my interest there. I am living with my parents and have no job so no playing with shares for me. I have some Australian 401(k) (superannuation) in some mutual fund, but you can't touch that till you're 55 or something. It's mostly $5000 AUD in "ethical" funds. I wonder if they have AAPL.... It's ethical, I tells ya, iSteve is into Yoga and Zen and stuff so AAPL is all cool, right?
  • Reply 9 of 26
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    I don't think so. Most people are only expecting downloadable movies of some variety, possibly equivalent to DVD, probably not HD. And there's no ruling out rentals only for now.

    I agree forget about HD. It will be touted as "super crisp and clear near-HD quality, superior to DVDs (thanks to the magic of H.264)". I would like to believe downloadable movies you OWN, but it's going to be some timed or "you can only see it 3 times" self-destruct style DRM on the movies.

    YES. I FEEL IT. A massive catalogue of downloadable movies. Dolby Digital. Near-HD quality. Watch whenever you want, however many times you want, within One Month.


    AirTunes Extreme: Now with video streaming. Mac Mini Merom charged to be iHome of some sort.

    ONE MORE THING......

  • Reply 10 of 26
    Hmm, I'd jump in on $70-ish ASAP and bail on $80 if I was into short-term investmentzz.
  • Reply 11 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    I don't think so. Most people are only expecting downloadable movies of some variety, possibly equivalent to DVD, probably not HD. And there's no ruling out rentals only for now.

    Well, I disagree. But I've always been a big advocate of an iPhone. Time will tell. I think Apple releases an iPhone which will effectively neuter the Zune release.

    PS. Didn't you see that Captain Obvious (otherwise called Shaw Wu) is predicting an iPhone release at any moment? If Wu's calling it, it's got to be true.
  • Reply 12 of 26
    Originally Posted by backtomac

    ...Captain Obvious (otherwise called Shaw Wu)...

    Good one. His infamous "At WWDC, where we expect Apple to talk about Leopard etc..."

    Um, yeah, OF FRACKING OF COURSE Captain Obvious..!!! ::::

  • Reply 13 of 26
    Why is the stock dropping today? With the iMac announcements? I don't get it.

    Btw you guys know of any good stock forum? =)
  • Reply 14 of 26
    Originally Posted by akerman

    Why is the stock dropping today? With the iMac announcements? I don't get it.

    Btw you guys know of any good stock forum? =)

    Everything is down today. Low tide.
  • Reply 15 of 26
    What has caused this?
  • Reply 16 of 26
    Inflation and interest rate concerns from investors..

  • Reply 17 of 26
    It's just a burp. Nothing big for AAPL. Right now, MSFT is up slightly.
  • Reply 18 of 26
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    A famous stock axiom is buy the rumor, sell the news. For example the gains from the iTunes movie store has now already been priced into the stock. You will watch the stock drop after the announcement as people sell off to profit from buying on the rumor. The market is down today, but Apple is down disproportionately.

  • Reply 19 of 26
    "It's just the moonlight reflecting off some swamp gas. Nothing to be alarmed about."
  • Reply 20 of 26
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by trumptman

    A famous stock axiom is buy the rumor, sell the news. For example the gains from the iTunes movie store has now already been priced into the stock. You will watch the stock drop after the announcement as people sell off to profit from buying on the rumor. The market is down today, but Apple is down disproportionately.


    Totally agree Nick. Still you might see Apple get to 75.00 just before the media event and then sell off after the event. The question I have is: Is the 'rumor' driving the stock up, the itunies movie store or the iphone? Is iPhone priced into the stock yet?
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