Korean Air bans Apple, Dell notebooks on board



  • Reply 21 of 57
    I'm half-Chinese half-Indian (India Indian). I don't like Asian girls Well, I like them, but they're all too demure and weird and there's no chemistry there. Give me a freckly redhead any day...!! With glasses..!!! I love white people.
  • Reply 22 of 57
    Originally Posted by pmoeser

    I was of the understanding that there was only an over heating/explosion/fire issue if the laptop was plugged in and charging. So unless you are in Business class with your laptop plugged in and charging during the flight it is a total non-issue... Please correct me if I am wrong as I am about to fly with QANTAS and want to have my facts straight before I commence arguing with them!

    Mate better check with them before flying.
  • Reply 23 of 57
    Originally Posted by preston2o3

    the reason why it is smelly, is because koreans eat kimchi! Which then gives them gas.

    Dude, that's downright racist.
  • Reply 24 of 57
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Give me a freckly redhead any day...!! With glasses..!!! I love white people.

    and this in not racist?
  • Reply 25 of 57
    Originally Posted by preston2o3

    I hate korean air, f!@#ing stupid people. You think Sony would make batteries for company's like Apple and Dell and not use them for there own computers. If that is the case, Sony should be left out when it comes to electronics when company's want to outsource. I like to know if they have thought about this at all, and i want to know if sony was using any of the batteries that were recalled.

    Is it still that all flights to Europe you are not even allowed to carry mobile phones or laptops onto planes. And no liquids at all. You put all your stuff in a clear plastic bag. God knows what happens to what you can put in your hand carry-on bags.

    Yeah, forget about cellphones and laptops on board - enjoy the inflight entertainment, or if that sucks, just get yourself massively drunk on white wine or beer or something.
  • Reply 26 of 57
    Originally Posted by kresh

    and this in not racist?

    As a famous Seinfeld quote says, how is it racist if you LIKE their race???

    And because I am Asian I can say I hate Asians.

    Damn, I feel a lock coming on this thread. I tend to make that happen
  • Reply 27 of 57
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    "This Wu's For You"

    Nice signature.
  • Reply 28 of 57
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Yeah, forget about cellphones and laptops on board - enjoy the inflight entertainment, or if that sucks, just get yourself massively drunk on white wine or beer or something.

    At 5$ a pop these days. Where have the free drinks gone?
  • Reply 29 of 57
    Originally Posted by progmac

    At 5$ a pop these days. Where have the free drinks gone?

    Gone to fuel to keep the plane in the air... Actually, maybe they should power the engines with Liquor.
  • Reply 30 of 57
    meelashmeelash Posts: 1,045member
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    Maybe I'm being picky but isn't the headline of this article wrong? It says, "Korean Air bans Apple, Dell notebooks on board". When I first read that I thought that Apple was banned, but Dell's were allowed on. Shouldn't it read "Korean Air bans Apple and Dell notebooks on board"


    You're not being picky, you're just displaying illiteracy.
  • Reply 31 of 57
    Originally Posted by meelash


    You're not being picky, you're just displaying illiteracy.

    Yes he's being picky and yes he's right. While we're at it, the last word in the title should have been spelled "onboard."

  • Reply 32 of 57
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by dac0nvu

    Yes he's being picky and yes he's right. While we're at it, the last word in the title should have been spelled "onboard."

    Actually, he is being illiterate and he's not right. The comma implies "and". Example, I could say, "I went fishing, flying, and snorkeling this weekend". I could have also said "I went fishing and flying and snorkeling this weekend" and it would have the exact same meaning. This is just another apple fanboy who is looking to justify his paronia (i assume he thinks every headline with the word apple in it must be bashing apple unless it says some thing like "Apple president Steve Jobs just revealed as god".

    Before correcting the editor or journalist of any news paper, website etc, one should make sure one is on solid footing and knows what one is talking about least one looks like a fool.

    If you are not sure what you are criticizing, then don't.
  • Reply 33 of 57
    didn't samsung had a batt problem too?.. ... why didn't they ban themselves bak then?
  • Reply 34 of 57
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by BMWintoxication

    didn't samsung had a batt problem too?.. ... why didn't they ban themselves bak then?

    I presume not all battery problems are the same?. Having a bad battery is different than having one that can explode the laptop and/or cause it to ignite.
  • Reply 35 of 57
    Originally Posted by wnurse

    Actually, he is being illiterate and he's not right. The comma implies "and". Example, I could say, "I went fishing, flying, and snorkeling this weekend". I could have also said "I went fishing and flying and snorkeling this weekend" and it would have the exact same meaning. This is just another apple fanboy who is looking to justify his paronia (i assume he thinks every headline with the word apple in it must be bashing apple unless it says some thing like "Apple president Steve Jobs just revealed as god".

    Before correcting the editor or journalist of any news paper, website etc, one should make sure one is on solid footing and knows what one is talking about least one looks like a fool.

    If you are not sure what you are criticizing, then don't.

    Oh give me a break! I was right and you proved my point. if you're listing off things like "I went fishing, flying and snorkeling" you separate the lists with a comma and end it with an "and".

    You wouldn't say "I went fishing, flying this weekend"

    If anything, the press might disregard this grammar rule for the sake of making the headline shorter. But I'm not a fanboy and I don't sound like a fool. I'm just being nitpicky for the sake of being nitpicky. sheesh
  • Reply 36 of 57
    wnursewnurse Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by DeaPeaJay

    Oh give me a break! I was right and you proved my point. if you're listing off things like "I went fishing, flying and snorkeling" you separate the lists with a comma and end it with an "and".

    You wouldn't say "I went fishing, flying this weekend"

    If anything, the press might disregard this grammar rule for the sake of making the headline shorter. But I'm not a fanboy and I don't sound like a fool. I'm just being nitpicky for the sake of being nitpicky. sheesh

    Really? Copy and paste the headline into any grammer checking program. Microsoft word is one suggestion but please, feel free to use any grammer checking program and get back to me. You can say "I went fishing, flying this weekend".

    That would be a grammatically correct sentence. See, you showing your illiteracy again.

    Please shut up and move on and stop embarassing yourself. Unless you are an english professor or language specialist, please don't correct unless you are absolutely sure you are correct. No one likes getting corrected by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Just because the sentence sounds funny to you does not mean it is grammatically incorrect.
  • Reply 37 of 57
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by wnurse


    Originally Posted by wnurse

    See, you showing your illiteracy again.

    Originally Posted by wnurse

    Please shut up and move on and stop embarassing yourself.

    Delicious irony.
  • Reply 38 of 57
    Actually, it's all a question of style. Other than mispelling "grammar" as "grammer" in the posts above, I believe both versions are acceptable. Onboard or on board is okay, although "onboard" is a better choice.

    Korean Air bans Apple, Dell notebooks on board

    [This is more an American-English style, where sentences are shrunk, eg. "Apple will be releasing its profit reports Tuesday", which would never fly in [the] UK or Australia, where it would have to be written as "Apple will be releasing its profit reports on Tuesday"]

    Arguing about grammar nowadays is quite pointless. Different countries and news agencies will have their own style guide - ask anyone worth their salt that works in the book/ magazine/ news publishing industry. Preferably the sub-editors or editors themselves that determine the final wording.

    AppleInsider nonetheless has a history of a few boo-boos here an there, ah, I prefer to let them off the hook. Because then I can write bad Engrish and make bad attempts at hip hop foshizell languagez yo.
  • Reply 39 of 57
    Originally Posted by wnurse


    This is a common mistake in posts especially when arguing about spelling and grammar...!!!
  • Reply 40 of 57
    Originally Posted by wnurse

    Really? Copy and paste the headline into any grammer checking program. Microsoft word is one suggestion but please, feel free to use any grammer checking program and get back to me. You can say "I went fishing, flying this weekend".

    That whole paragraph is funny.

    Originally Posted by wnurse

    That would be a grammatically correct sentence. See, you showing your illiteracy again.

    Please shut up and move on and stop embarassing yourself. Unless you are an english professor or language specialist, please don't correct unless you are absolutely sure you are correct. No one likes getting corrected by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. Just because the sentence sounds funny to you does not mean it is grammatically incorrect.

    I don't think anyone was arguing that the headline was grammatically incorrect. It was just misleading. I don't know where you got the idea that a comma implies "and". That's just plain wrong. No need for Word, just fire up Dictionary.app.

    What DeaPeaJay brought up was the fact that the headline implied something that was not the case.
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