Official September 12 Event Countdown Thread !!



  • Reply 41 of 171
    The sad part is I don't really plan on buying anything that is being speculated (Except for the new iPod maybe.). However, I am excited about this press announcement nonetheless. I just like to see innovation, and Apple definately leads in that.
  • Reply 42 of 171
    I was going to ignore this.... but after reading to the bottom... I just gotta say:

    This has got to be the stupidest thread ever. Don't the rules say not to start a thread if there is already another thread about the topic? And uising it as a way to boost your post count. Dude.... do something constructive.. you know, like getting out of the house.
  • Reply 43 of 171
    Originally Posted by iDunno

    I was going to ignore this.... but after reading to the bottom... I just gotta say:

    This has got to be the stupidest thread ever. Don't the rules say not to start a thread if there is already another thread about the topic? And uising it as a way to boost your post count. Dude.... do something constructive.. you know, like getting out of the house.

    Party pooper. You must not have participated in "The Official WWDC Countdown Thread". That was some fun stuff.
  • Reply 44 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Party pooper. You must not have participated in "The Official WWDC Countdown Thread". That was some fun stuff.

    Bingo. 8)
  • Reply 45 of 171
    Originally Posted by iDunno

    I was going to ignore this.... but after reading to the bottom... I just gotta say:

    This has got to be the stupidest thread ever. Don't the rules say not to start a thread if there is already another thread about the topic? And uising it as a way to boost your post count. Dude.... do something constructive.. you know, like getting out of the house.

    Look, the post count statement really wasn't that serious. I don't think I got to 5000+ by seriously boosting post count at every stage, it was just a natural evolution from being on these boards.

    Yes, I do need to on a daily basis get out of the house. Which I tend to do. At least I have not been playing PC games as much this past year. So that's a step forward.

    This is not a thread about the Sep 12 Event, It's about (mostly) the Counting Down experience. Also I feel a valid space for people to have some "space" away from the main official Sep 12 thread since that gets intense and cluttered with tons of users very close to the date.
  • Reply 46 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    I don't remember saying I didn't care. Or did I? It's not really the countdown that I care about. It's the event, and the sweet new products/services that will be released on Tuesday. I'm so glad it's on a Tuesday also. I would die if it was Monday because I wouldn't be able to see or hear about anything until after marching band practice which ends at 8 o'clock central time.

    This one time, at marching band camp, .....
  • Reply 47 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    This one time, at marching band camp, .....

    Oh you're going to start that again?
  • Reply 48 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Oh you're going to start that again?

    Are you the same poster that said in response to our teasing "this one time, at band camp, everybody was really sweaty in a pornographic kind of way, and nothing happened..."
  • Reply 49 of 171
    Do you think that we will be able to get the post count as high as the WWDC thread? I doubt it but I think we should try. What's the time at now? I haven't paying much attention to that.
  • Reply 50 of 171
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Are you the same poster that said in response to our teasing "this one time, at band camp, everybody was really sweaty in a pornographic kind of way, and nothing happened..."

    Haha. Yeah, that was me.
  • Reply 51 of 171
    Originally Posted by maimezvous

    Do you think that we will be able to get the post count as high as the WWDC thread? I doubt it but I think we should try. What's the time at now? I haven't paying much attention to that.

    Nah, it's okay, it should evolve on its own, as users feel necessary. It should be genuine, I think. Also I've taken heat on "artificially boosting post count" - people took my joking waaay too seriously.

    1 Day 15 Hours
  • Reply 52 of 171
    posted in wrong thread

    1 Day 6 hours to go
  • Reply 53 of 171
    Welcome shanmugam ... Welcome all to the Countdown Thread...!!! YAY

    Prediction : Sexyback* will be the opening music as Steve comes on stage.

  • Reply 54 of 171
    Give me my iPod back, and I'll give you the iPodPhone. Wooooooooo...!!

  • Reply 55 of 171
    29 Hours to GO.
  • Reply 56 of 171
    Argh...why does time always slow down at bad moments ? Grr

    Come on damnit it ! Im so hyped that ive been counting the seconds for the past 3 hours !
  • Reply 57 of 171
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    1hour 13mins to go...
  • Reply 58 of 171
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    fooled ya!
  • Reply 59 of 171
    19 Hours and 30 mins to go...

    time passes by verrrrrrrrry slow ...
  • Reply 60 of 171
    16 Hours 35 Minutes.
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