Prius Drivers Unite



  • Reply 21 of 80
    Originally Posted by Kishan

    anyone remember that south park episode where Stan's dad bought a prius and moved to San Francisco. Something about "snob" emissions?

    Yeah because those are real.
  • Reply 22 of 80
    Originally Posted by NOFEER

    takes about 120 THOUSAND miles to break even....(it) doesn't make financial sense.

    Then again, some people are doing it to please Mother Nature instead of their bank accounts.
  • Reply 23 of 80
    Nick, where was Xool being smug and insinuating he above others or that you shouldn't own a full sized truck?

    He was just saying that he likes his new car. A Hummer owner gave him a little crap and he gave a little back. It all looked like good natured fun. This isn't Political outsider. You just got extremely defensive for no apparent reason at all.
  • Reply 24 of 80
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    Buying any new car, including a Prius, "for the environment" is flawed logic since half the fossil fuel a car will ever use in its life is used during its production and assembly. I'm assuming the Prius requires even more energy to be used during production because of the whole battery/motor part of it. Thus, by buying a used car, for every mile you drive won't be weighed down in product-life energy consumption by the fact that your buying of it required it to be manufactured.
  • Reply 25 of 80
    Let me ask people who are against the Prius for whatever reason... if it was the same price as a regular car or truck you might have wanted, and it had enough power to do the work you need to do, would you buy it, even if it made you appear to be an elitist snob? Why or why not?
  • Reply 26 of 80
    Originally Posted by Outsider

    Yeah because those are real.

    All comedy has to contain a kernel of truth or else it isn't funny.

    Originally Posted by Flounder

    Nick, where was Xool being smug and insinuating he above others or that you shouldn't own a full sized truck?

    He was just saying that he likes his new car. A Hummer owner gave him a little crap and he gave a little back. It all looked like good natured fun. This isn't Political outsider. You just got extremely defensive for no apparent reason at all.

    You are the one assigning the tone. I simply pointed out that there are other needs and that I'll be happy to still be environmentally conscious even while driving a full-size pick-up.

    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich

    Let me ask people who are against the Prius for whatever reason... if it was the same price as a regular car or truck you might have wanted, and it had enough power to do the work you need to do, would you buy it, even if it made you appear to be an elitist snob? Why or why not?

    Sure I would. What would be the point of intentionally tossing away great gas mileage?

    However it wouldn't have any snob appeal if it met the criteria you mentioned above. The Prius snob appeal comes from the fact that you have an extra $5-8000 to spend on a car so you can feel good while driving alone in the carpool lane. (a perk granted due to your financial status in being able to afford the Prius which costs more than comparable cars that also get great gas mileage but still have to have two people to be in the carpool lane)

  • Reply 27 of 80
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Originally Posted by trumptman

    You are the one assigning the tone. I simply pointed out that there are other needs and that I'll be happy to still be environmentally conscious even while driving a full-size pick-up.

    Right. That's exactly what you did:

    Originally Posted by trumptman

    I'm glad you enjoy feeling pious in your Prius while zipping along alone in the carpool lane. I'm make sure that if you even rent any housing from me to increase your rent enough for me to buy carbon offsets for my vehicles that actually have to do work.

    Also, I really don't see how a little, average looking, average priced sedan that happens to be a hybrid is snobbier than an H2, which is virtually nothing but ostentatious, just like most large SUVs and pickups.
  • Reply 28 of 80
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    Originally Posted by giant

    Right. That's exactly what you did:

    Also, I really don't see how a little, average looking, average priced sedan that happens to be a hybrid is snobbier than an H2, which is virtually nothing but ostentatious, just like most large SUVs and pickups.

    Far be it from me to know what I actually said. I'll yield to your expertise in the area of trumptman.

    As for the Hummers, I think them very snobby. I wouldn't own any of them and they can't tow at all due to being basically dressed up half-ton Chevys

  • Reply 29 of 80
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Originally Posted by trumptman

    As for the Hummers, I think them very snobby. I wouldn't own any of them and they can't tow at all due to being basically dressed up half-ton Chevys

    Hummers aren't remotely alone and towing ability doesn't exempt a vehicle from being nothing more than ostentatious. People buying new oversized pickups to look successful and using the bed once a year (if ever) is so common it's now a classic american cliche. So is the guy who actually does use it and thinks he is tougher than the whimpy guy driving the little prius.

    That's great that you like to tow stuff with your light truck. However, it has absolutely nothing to do with "Prius Drivers Unite" other than you trying to take yet another opportunity to ridicule someone you want to label a "pious" "smug" "snob" and complain about "environmental smugness."

    Really, all you've done is give us a demonstration of the agressive elitism of some people who own light trucks.
  • Reply 30 of 80
    Originally Posted by Placebo

    Buying any new car, including a Prius, "for the environment" is flawed logic since half the fossil fuel a car will ever use in its life is used during its production and assembly. I'm assuming the Prius requires even more energy to be used during production because of the whole battery/motor part of it. Thus, by buying a used car, for every mile you drive won't be weighed down in product-life energy consumption by the fact that your buying of it required it to be manufactured.

    Or you can join a car sharing program. I did it for my home business and with a 5 minute walk are 3 cars, and within 10 are 3 more (one of which is a BMW Mini).

    It's saving me a ton of cash.
  • Reply 31 of 80
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Wow the assholes have really come out haven't they.
  • Reply 32 of 80
    I have a question to Prius owners. Please don't take this the wrong way...

    When you bought your Prius, were you married or in a long-term relationship?

    If you were single, are you still single?

    I'm not against the Prius, I'm just against ugly cars.
  • Reply 33 of 80
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    is it really hard to get a prius? is there a long waiting list and dealers charging over MSRP?

    and isn't the argument "it'll take 23189k miles to make up the difference in price over Car X" moot because of the ridiculous resale value of these things?
  • Reply 34 of 80
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood

    I have a question to Prius owners. Please don't take this the wrong way...

    When you bought your Prius, were you married or in a long-term relationship?

    If you were single, are you still single?

    I'm not against the Prius, I'm just against ugly cars.

    I'm single but am in a long term relationship. We split the cost of the car, insurance, etc. I actually walk and take mass transit to work and my girlfriend is the primary driver. During the week she drives 25/75 city/highway but on weekends its more like 85/15. The car reports our gas mileage (realtime and rolling average) and generally its about 46 mpg for all the driving we do in a two week period. (We reset it and the odometer after every fillup.) If you're curious I'm happy to report on all the charts, graphs, and data it displays, although these features are not limited to the Prius as they can also be found in Toyota's other hybrids.
  • Reply 35 of 80
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Originally Posted by progmac

    is it really hard to get a prius? is there a long waiting list and dealers charging over MSRP?

    and isn't the argument "it'll take 23189k miles to make up the difference in price over Car X" moot because of the ridiculous resale value of these things?

    We waited 3 months for our Prius although we had options of getting an alternate color earlier if we wanted. We payed MSRP on the nose, not under or over. The wait and lack of discounts is normal for the Prius but I'm not sure about other hybrids. When we picked it up it had 4 miles on it.

    We also purchased it at the #1 dealer in the US, the Berkeley Toyota dealership. Not sure if that helped or hindered us.

    Regarding resale prices, while waiting I was looking at the cost for used Prii (?) and the cost was maintained for a little while. Its sorta like Macs in that they hold their value longer. The comment about > than MSRP might be for a car ready to roll. I know I could have sold mine on the spot for more than we paid for it but then you'd be paying to basically avoid the wait. If a dealer is purposefully doing this they're shady though.
  • Reply 36 of 80
    Long-term is least 3-5 years depending on your car payments.

    I have yet to find a true single bachelor that drives a Prius. And bachelor is the key word. Meaning one who is active in the dating scene...
  • Reply 37 of 80
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Hey Xool, doesn't Cal offer some kind of tax rebate on hybrids?

    Seems like I remember reading about kind of elaborate formula where you get more when the manufacturer has sold fewer and decreasing as they approach whatever the "quota" is.
  • Reply 38 of 80
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    If a girl didn't want to date me because I drove a Prius then it's not likely I'd want to date her either.
  • Reply 39 of 80
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut

    If a girl didn't want to date me because I drove a Prius then it's not likely I'd want to date her either.

  • Reply 40 of 80
    Originally Posted by CosmoNut

    If a girl didn't want to date me because I drove a Prius then it's not likely I'd want to date her either.

    You are wrong. I will find you a Prius hating beautiful 27 year old in the Kansas City area who you shall absolutely fall in love with.

    Hold on while I check to find one...
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