Microsoft unveils Zune digital media player (images)



  • Reply 21 of 205
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I like the screen size vs. the overall device, and the change of orientation. It also looks like it's able to either place the menus at the bottom, with content still playing at the top, or to overlap the menus transparently on video content. I was certain that Apple would release a "widescreen" ipod with these kinds of features along with the movie store, but it seems they've committed themselves to the square-ish 640X480 for both TV and movie downloads. Maybe 6G.
  • Reply 22 of 205
    Originally Posted by Marvin

    One thing they got right was a widescreen display. That's what I was hoping Apple would do with their ipod video.

    It's not. It's 640 x 480 (4:3).
  • Reply 23 of 205
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by scottiB

    It's not. It's 640 x 480 (4:3).

    Huh, really? It must just be oriented as 480X640, with the 640 vertical rather than horizontal. The ipod is 320X240, with the 320 horizontal, right?

    Still that's 4 times the resolution of the ipod. And of course it would play iTunes videos at native resolution rather than scaled down.
  • Reply 24 of 205
    Originally Posted by TimUSCA

    "come in three colors: white, black, -- and we kid you not -- brown."


    That's not just any brown... That's BILLY GATES BROWN!!!!

    I'll agree with the general consensus of disappointment that Apple didn't release the 6G iPod on Tuesday - it would have been the ultimate embarrassment for MS to release the Zune two days afterward. I only hope that Apple responds soon, because some people will likely be enticed by the bigger screen.
  • Reply 25 of 205
    Originally Posted by jamezog

    That's not just any brown... That's BILLY GATES BROWN!!!!

    I'll agree with the general consensus of disappointment that Apple didn't release the 6G iPod on Tuesday - it would have been the ultimate embarrassment for MS to release the Zune two days afterward. I only hope that Apple responds soon, because some people will likely be enticed by the bigger screen.

    Apple doesn't need to respond until Zune is ready to ship. If Apple responds any sooner, they'll just hurt sales of their current units.
  • Reply 26 of 205
    (duplicate post)
  • Reply 27 of 205
    Originally Posted by BRussell

    Huh, really? It must just be oriented as 480X640, with the 640 vertical rather than horizontal. The ipod is 320X240, with the 320 horizontal, right?

    Still that's 4 times the resolution of the ipod. And of course it would play iTunes videos at native resolution rather than scaled down.

    From the pictures, it appears that to use it as a music device, you hold it upright; to watch movies, you turn it sideways. If it's turned sideways, how easy is it to use the scroll wheel to fast forward?

    Also with the screen so large and the wheel so small and low, operating this one handed will be difficult.

    The Zune seems neat, but Apple put a lot of ergonomic thought into the iPod (using it with one hand being almost paramount). The Zune will be nowhere near as elegant.
  • Reply 28 of 205
    man, what a horrible marketing job.
  • Reply 29 of 205
    While the target price was going to be $299 the $50 price cut on the similar iPod this week will have MS scrambling to recover - and to have their first price cut before shipping the first unit. Can we say $229 - $239?

    As far as the colors go, I think the sh*t brown says it all.
  • Reply 30 of 205
    What are the player's dimensions? I wonder how much larger and heavier it is than the iPod? No doubt it will be a real clunker. Those pictures don't reveal its true girth.
  • Reply 31 of 205
    Apple is taking its time with the killer-app within the killer-app -- the "built-in" screen click wheel. What confuses me is the intended ratio for the rumored vPod. Will it be 4:3? Is it meant for widescreen? Is any of this stuff meant for widescreen?
  • Reply 32 of 205
    Originally Posted by ThinkExpensive

    hmmm....if people are able to share music with other Zune users, that will pretty much defy copyright laws. Obviously, it's pretty indescript as to what you'll be able to share. This would probably anger the record companies too, in fear that somebody will (and probably easily) hack the Zune to be able to share DRM'd material.

    This is from

    Quote "Microsoft hopes the Zune will challenge Apple Computer's iPod and the software company has equipped its device with at least one feature not found in the iPod: Zune users can transmit full-length tracks of select songs, homemade recordings or photos to other Zune players.

    The songs passed can be heard up to three times over three days. Should a user like a song a friend has shared, the song can be flagged and later can be purchased from the Zune Marketplace."

    Something to chew over:
  • Reply 33 of 205
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Well, me, with my lack of good taste, will admit that I like the brown one the best. Honestly, the pictures of the black and white ones, both look like they have some odd translucency to them that I just don't care for. The brown one has kind of a classic, retro look.

    I agree with some others that the larger screen is sure to entice some people.
  • Reply 34 of 205
    tyler82tyler82 Posts: 1,107member
    it's a brick!!!
  • Reply 35 of 205
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by scottiB

    From the pictures, it appears that to use it as a music device, you hold it upright; to watch movies, you turn it sideways. If it's turned sideways, how easy is it to use the scroll wheel to fast forward?

    Also with the screen so large and the wheel so small and low, operating this one handed will be difficult.

    The Zune seems neat, but Apple put a lot of ergonomic thought into the iPod (using it with one hand being almost paramount). The Zune will be nowhere near as elegant.

    Are you sure about the 640 size? This article says 320, which is consistent with the Toshiba Gigabeat upon which this Zune is based. And I couldn't find anything saying 640.
  • Reply 36 of 205
    Available is ebony, ivory and turd!

    Apple doesn't need to worry about Zune.

    They need to worry about Zune 3.0

    It'll take Microsoft a couple years and a couple hundred million monkeys on PCs to get it right.

    But eventually they'll put those opposable thumbs to good use and make a decent player.
  • Reply 37 of 205
    God what an ugly piece of crap that is, so bad Im using my once a month post to vent , but on a lighter note the screen does look nice, but I wouldnt want to spend $300 for it, Im saving up to by Final Cut Studio, since it only costs $550 or something like that with my college discount . The wireless sharing stuff is worthless to, 3x for 3 days at an expense of battery life for passing? Are the people at Microsoft on crack.??

    Anyway, Im not worried about it at all as the ship date will probably be delayed several years like everything else they try to sell.
  • Reply 38 of 205
    Originally Posted by BRussell

    Are you sure about the 640 size? This article says 320, which is consistent with the Toshiba Gigabeat upon which this Zune is based. And I couldn't find anything saying 640.

    I got that from a MacNN post--which could be wrong. If it's 320 x 240, then it's a larger display with than the iPod with the same resolution--just like the 14" iBook . I didn't have to turn it on its side to watch videos though.
  • Reply 39 of 205
    Originally Posted by scottiB

    From the pictures, it appears that to use it as a music device, you hold it upright; to watch movies, you turn it sideways. If it's turned sideways, how easy is it to use the scroll wheel to fast forward?

    It's not even a scroll wheel. It's four buttons like the ipod shuffle.
  • Reply 40 of 205
    I can just see them trying to talk it up...

    "...with a battery life TWICE that of ten minutes"

    Oh, M$.... you make me laugh.

    and way to botch up the whole "colors" thing.

    brown... *giggles*

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