Microsoft says Zune to sell for $249



  • Reply 101 of 174
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella

    I believe they are using points as part of a reward system.

    Write a review on the Zune Marketplace and get 1 point.

    Create a playlist on the Zune Marketplace and get a point.

    Trade points with friends for sexual favors...etc.

    You get the idea.

    youve never heard of an xbox 360? Xbox Live marketplace uses marketplace points. that is why the Zune marketplace will also use them....
  • Reply 102 of 174
    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    Not exactly true. Apple themselves admitted that they did not foresee the success being currently enjoyed by the introduction of the iPod with Video. In fact, Steve was quite convinced that it wouldn't sell at all at one time.

    He was talking about a dedicated video player. The iPod is just the already popular unit, with video tacked on as an extra. How could anyone possibly imagine adding a feature at no extra cost being a failure? And jobs always poo-poohs products before apple announces them.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    What is important here is the sales of the videos themselves, proving that despite the smallness of the iPod screen, it did or is not detrimentally affecting its progress.

    It merely proves that people want to watch movies. It's entirely possible that movie sales would go way up if they sold a unit with a bigger screen. What you're saying is like claiming that if a car getting 50 miles to the gallon is a huge seller, there's no reason to develop a car that gets 60.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    "I think there's still a potential market for a video player with a bigger screen?" I have no argument here. In fact there are. However, they are not as successful as the iPod.

    And they are not as successful because the screen size isn't enough to compensate for the other advantages the iPod has. Just as mp3 players were never big sellers until iPod came along, a portable player with a bigger screen probably won't be big until there's an iPod version.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    "?apple will probably introduce a video player as an additional model instead of having it replace the current iPod." I also agree that if Apple did produce a 'larger' video player it would not be to replace the iPod. However, I predict that they won't. Besides the obvious, i.e. the success of the current iterations, I would be surprised that Steve would do so, considering that in the mobile world, he has a tendency to create smaller, simpler solutions. Things that become ubiquitous but out of sight.

    I don't mean a unit that is larger overall (or not much so), I'm talking about a unit similar in size to the current iPods, but with a screen that takes up much more of the unit. And "the success of the current iterations" is hardly a reason to not add new models. Successful products usually are expanded into more options, to sell to an even larger portion of the population (and in this case, even drive sales of second units to people who already have an iPod).

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    For a moment consider music, video and possibly a phone?between the size of a package of gum and a business card.

    Too small to cover people who want to watch in a portable situation. You can go bigger than that and still fit in a pocket easily.

    Originally Posted by Abster2core

    Re your comment, "I don't see iPod sales as proving that there's no point in a larger screen for video," I totally agree. As Apple has given evidence to that with the introduction to the larger screen iMacs, particularly the 24" and the pre-intoduction of iTV.

    But there's probably also a market for a *portable* with a larger screen as well. I could see many people owning a shuffle or nano AND a pocket sized video iPod as well. Don't forget, as big as the iPod sells, the nano is a far bigger seller. A larger screen could entice more people to upgrade to the more expensive model.
  • Reply 103 of 174
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Woody56292

    youve never heard of an xbox 360? Xbox Live marketplace uses marketplace points. that is why the Zune marketplace will also use them....

    I've heard of the 360, but I really don't know anything about the "marketplace".
  • Reply 104 of 174
    tbagginstbaggins Posts: 2,306member
    Originally Posted by monkeyastronaut

    i'm excited about the zune. and my favorite model is the brown one.

    LOL. So YOU'RE the one.

    You shouldn't have signed up for that MS focus group a few months back... you really threw off the results.
  • Reply 105 of 174
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    We all know the T.V. shows and now movies are selling well on iTunes. But do we know how many of these are actually being watched on iPods?
  • Reply 106 of 174
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram

    I think you are missing rain's main point. You argument basically runs as follows: "I am not sure why OS X matters. Macs do Windows just as they do OS X. Other devices won't be able to boot up with OS X with Apple's non-licensing anyway."

    'Nuff said.

    There is absolutely no comparison between an OS and Apple's use of AAC. If no one but the iTunes store ever used AAC, it wouldn't matter in the slightest. Apple would still prevent anyone else from using iTunes Store purchases anyway, and people would just continue to rip their CDs into mp3 like most do now.
  • Reply 107 of 174
    Hey Z'one doesnt sound dat bad yo. Heh.
  • Reply 108 of 174
    For American pronounciation that would be "zeee one" as in "the one" like "the ultimate one". Whereas outside the USA/Canada it would be Zuh-own or simply "Sohwn". Hmmm. Heh.
  • Reply 109 of 174
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    I've heard of the 360, but I really don't know anything about the "marketplace".

    basically it is integrated into the dashboard of the 360.

    You can download demos, videos, and certain other things for free.

    You can also use marketplace points to purchase new levels, parts, pictures, and themes for your favorite games.

    Marketplace points are either purchased through credit card directly on the 360 or you can buy them at the store like an itunes card.

    80 points = $1

    the average picture pack is 80 points.

    the average theme costs 150 points.

    the average extra piece is 200. ( new levels, weapons, etc. )

    you can also use the points to download arcade games which range from 400 to 1600 points.


    Personally though, I just live off of the free demos. ( can't remember the last time I bought a game )
  • Reply 110 of 174
    Originally Posted by TBaggins

    LOL. So YOU'RE the one.

    You shouldn't have signed up for that MS focus group a few months back... you really threw off the results.

    at least with the zune you can buy the brown one if you like it. with ipod you can't, even if you wanted.

    people seem to forget apple offered a golden ipod mini. it sold bad, but the point is MS was not the first one to offer not-very-popular colors. the brownish golden mini was my favorite one too, btw.

    it's just a color anyway. having options is GOOD.
  • Reply 111 of 174
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by monkeyastronaut

    at least with the zune you can buy the brown one if you like it. with ipod you can't, even if you wanted.

    people seem to forget apple offered a golden ipod mini. it sold bad, but the point is MS was not the first one to offer not-very-popular colors. the brownish golden mini was my favorite one too, btw.

    it's just a color anyway. having options is GOOD.

    your argument would make sense if the Zune was going to be available in many, many colours. But it's going to be available in three - black, white and brown. Do you really think that if the choices in colours were:














    That brown would be one of the three most popular colours? If not, then offering it in three colours with one of those colours being brown is not a great business move.
  • Reply 112 of 174
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by monkeyastronaut

    at least with the zune you can buy the brown one if you like it. with ipod you can't, even if you wanted...

    Oh cry me a river, I can't get a brown iPod boo hoo hooo..!! Big fracking loss. OMFG no brown iPod Apple is teh doomed.!!!!

    Originally Posted by monkeyastronaut

    people seem to forget apple offered a golden ipod mini. it sold bad, but the point is MS was not the first one to offer not-very-popular colors. the brownish golden mini was my favorite one too, btw.

    The gold mini was not that popular but that doesn't mean it didn't look good. Comparing the gold iPod mini to the brown Zune is like comparing the contents of Cleopatra's tomb to a pile of horse manure.




    [a lot of attitude in this post, feel free to fire back]


  • Reply 113 of 174
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by monkeyastronaut

    at least with the zune you can buy the brown one if you like it. with ipod you can't, even if you wanted.

    people seem to forget apple offered a golden ipod mini. it sold bad, but the point is MS was not the first one to offer not-very-popular colors. the brownish golden mini was my favorite one too, btw.

    it's just a color anyway. having options is GOOD.

    More choice is good if the choice actually serves a need or a demand.

    Please show me a survey or anything that suggests brown is anywhere near the third most popular color for a product.

    Auto colors

    The "light brown" in that list is actually tan, so please don't point that out, it's nowhere near the color that the Zune will look like. A dark brown like the Zune would fit in the 1% "others" group. I've never seen dark brown be popular for any product except those with a natural texture, such as leather or wood.

    At least with the gold, it was understandable that they dropped the least popular (not necessarily unpopular) color because they then offered each color in 4GB and 6GB variations, offering two sizes in too many colors gets to be an inventory headache.
  • Reply 114 of 174
  • Reply 115 of 174
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I like the brown zune, it looks kind of like military stuff. They should offer green as well.
  • Reply 116 of 174
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    Oh cry me a river, I can't get a brown iPod boo hoo hooo..!! Big fracking loss. OMFG no brown iPod Apple is teh doomed.!!!!

    The gold mini was not that popular but that doesn't mean it didn't look good. Comparing the gold iPod mini to the brown Zune is like comparing the contents of Cleopatra's tomb to a pile of horse manure.




    [a lot of attitude in this post, feel free to fire back]



    that's precisely my point!! the gold mini looked fabulous. it was my favorite color. i hated it when apple took it away.

    i think the brown zune is getting a lot of bad press and mac zealot bitching not because it really looks bad but because, let's be honest here, it is a choice done by microsoft. had it been steve-o or jon ive who made a zune-brown ipod you would all be salivating over it.

    i happen to be extremely happy they chose to make this color because it is my favorite color, there are not a lot of consumer electronic products in brown and most importantly because it's DIFFERENT.

    most arguments people throw around go somewhere like "hey brown zune looks like a pile of shit". give me a break, like chocolate doesn't. i am assuming microsoft won't stock brown zunes in the same quantities as they stock black and white. it's just nice having that choice.
  • Reply 117 of 174
    Originally Posted by JeffDM

    More choice is good if the choice actually serves a need or a demand.

    Please show me a survey or anything that suggests brown is anywhere near the third most popular color for a product.

    Auto colors

    The "light brown" in that list is actually tan, so please don't point that out, it's nowhere near the color that the Zune will look like. A dark brown like the Zune would fit in the 1% "others" group. I've never seen dark brown be popular for any product except those with a natural texture, such as leather or wood.

    At least with the gold, it was understandable that they dropped the least popular (not necessarily unpopular) color because they then offered each color in 4GB and 6GB variations, offering two sizes in too many colors gets to be an inventory headache.

    comparing it to automobiles doesn't apply here, as people don't make the same choices for cars and consumer electronics. even more so, in consumer electronics people don't usually get a chance to select from a variety of colors, other than white, black and silver.

    it's like i read on a zune blog, the brown zune just has a polarizing effect on people. you love it or hate it. i think it's awesome. i just feel sorry about all the people that can't appreciate the beauty of brown. 8)
  • Reply 118 of 174
    Originally Posted by Mr. H

    your argument would make sense if the Zune was going to be available in many, many colours. But it's going to be available in three - black, white and brown. Do you really think that if the choices in colours were:














    That brown would be one of the three most popular colours? If not, then offering it in three colours with one of those colours being brown is not a great business move.

    well, i think brown is fashionable.

    and silver is getting old. too many silver phones, kitchen appliances, tvs, etc.
  • Reply 119 of 174
    sunilramansunilraman Posts: 8,133member
    Originally Posted by gregmightdothat

    ROFLMAO THAT WAS AWESOME. Totally unexpected... ha ha ha ha
  • Reply 120 of 174
    Originally Posted by sunilraman

    ROFLMAO THAT WAS AWESOME. Totally unexpected... ha ha ha ha

    But so true :P
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