Vista Vs. OS X Cage Match



  • Reply 21 of 29
    Originally Posted by Kickaha

    Column view's preview provides the playback, but I agree that custom icons based on selectable poster frames would be nice.

    Oh wait... we have that. Quicktime Player Pro: View->Set Poster Frame.

    I disagree that playback should be tied to selection in icon view however. Single-clicking an icon should not trigger an action.

    Thanks for the "Set Poster Frame" tip. I have Quicktime Pro and was unaware of it. I'll be right on that tonight.

    For some reason I really dislike this idea of column view to preview movies or images for that matter. One way or another I'd like OPTIONAL ability for video icons to become tiny quicktime players. It could have a small toolbar at the bottom to allow playing instead of playing when selected. I agree it would become a problem when organizing files if it starts playing when single clicked.
  • Reply 22 of 29
    Saying Vista is a step up from XP isn't saying much. I mean...look at XP...LOOK AT's a piece of shit. Of course Vista is going to be a step up...if it wasn't, it would be the end of MS.

    I always try to understand other people's point of view on XP. There exists a number of people that truly like XP. I try to understand what it is that they like about it and I still don't get it to this day. I've been using both Macs and PCs from System 1 and DOS to OS X 10.4.8 and XP (haven't tried Vista but I'm sure it's gotta be a 'step up' from XP) so it's not like I've haven't had extensive experience with Microsoft's OSes.
  • Reply 23 of 29
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    With Vista looking like it's possibly going to debut in November now I'll probably make a Media Center on a windows machine sometime before December.

    Leopard isn't coming until next fall according to Apple as of today 10/18/06.
  • Reply 24 of 29
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Nope, sorry, the article you linked to in the other thread has been fixed.

    Spring it is, still.
  • Reply 25 of 29
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Casual gaming.

    That is the area where MS eats Apple's lunch. In Vista, MS has found a way to update the look and feel of classics like Solitaire. The changes are small but good. Someone at MS really understands games, and I'm not just talking about the shoot-em-up kind. In XP, you couldn't find a better game of backgammon than what came in the OS. Click the game and BOOM! You're online playing with someone half a world away.

    I love what Apple does. But what they don't do is frustrating. iDVD is probably a great app. But I bet there are an order of magnitude more people who play solitaire than will ever burn a DVD, let alone create one. I love the fact that iMovie comes free with every new Mac. But most days, I would gladly trade it for a game of network Hearts. The creative mind must rest from creativity from time to time. I argue that games actually do more for sharpening intellect than a library full of books. Certain types of games help you learn to think. Books give you something to think about. There should never be an antagonism between productivity and gaming. That is a false dichotomy.

    Yes, Apple has included some games with the OS. But they only bought the right to include them from someone else. Frankly, none of the games Apple includes, with the exception of Chess, is as good as the Windows equivalent. Apple does not care enough to make the games and be sure they are done right. They do not provide any type of network to play on. And they don't even make it especially easy to find the games they include. How about a nice folder in the Dock call Games?

    I am not suggesting something technically difficult. They have proven with the iPod games that they can do it if they wanted to. Someone at Apple just doesn't give a rip. If for no other reason than that, I will keep a copy of Windows for whiling away the hours on those slow, rainy weekends. MS does not win because they are brilliant. They win because Apple does not care. Come on, Apple, I expect better of you.
  • Reply 26 of 29
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    i've built MCE boxen in the past. Its a pretty damn nice piece of work. However, for pure ease of use and simplicity, FR kicks it in the crotch all over town. FR is a joy to use, MCE is nice and full featured, but kinda clunky.

    I soured on the MCE box simply because it was too noisy. I couldn't handle the fans 24x7. Unless you are going to put out a pretty penny for a high end MCE machine that is quiet as sin, its just not good enough.

    Then again, I'm not going to put my mac in the living room either. So I hope iTV takes care of all those issues.

    I DO however use my iPod in the living room to play downloaded movies and TV shows on my TV. It looks great on a standard TV. However, the remote control support is crap.
  • Reply 27 of 29
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by sandau

    i've built MCE boxen in the past. Its a pretty damn nice piece of work. However, for pure ease of use and simplicity, FR kicks it in the crotch all over town. FR is a joy to use, MCE is nice and full featured, but kinda clunky.

    I soured on the MCE box simply because it was too noisy. I couldn't handle the fans 24x7. Unless you are going to put out a pretty penny for a high end MCE machine that is quiet as sin, its just not good enough.

    Then again, I'm not going to put my mac in the living room either. So I hope iTV takes care of all those issues.

    I DO however use my iPod in the living room to play downloaded movies and TV shows on my TV. It looks great on a standard TV. However, the remote control support is crap.

    I also use my iPod in the living room and agree that content looks great even on a large TV. The iTV will be great for getting content from the Mac to the TV. That is not the biggest problem, though. The real challenge is getting TV into the Mac. Apple still isn't doing anything to address that issue and that is exactly what MCE addresses. If iTV could also stream TV back to the Mac so that it could be time and place shifted, then that would be a device worth twice the price.
  • Reply 28 of 29
    Originally Posted by admactanium

    as someone who uses a lot of apps concurrently i'm not fond of that idea. i really like having itunes and the finder separate. i wouldn't want to constantly have to open new finder windows to keep from disturbing my music play.

    I highly support that. I just don't get that idea about iTunes

    will merge with the Finder. Sounds pretty silly to me.

    I always thought about iPhoto and iTunes as sort of a plugin of

    the Finder itself. iPhoto as a Finder plugin for dedicated Photo management,

    iTunes as a Finder plugin for dedicated Music management.
  • Reply 29 of 29
    Originally Posted by Kickaha


    Single-clicking an icon should not trigger an action.

    I know what you mean. Bad boy what'shisname?
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