blue ray drive in mac pro when?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
right now im still using my old g5 dual 2.0 which is good enough for most needs but im wondering when people think we will see a blueray drive come out built in.

i think that would be the time for me to upgrade but will it be as soon as january? or will we be waitng til the end of '07?


  • Reply 1 of 9
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,425member
    Apple could announce Blu-ray support along with Blu-ray authoring in April at NAB 2007. Well honestly they could announce it at anytime but NAB might be more appropriate since you're talking about video and broadcasting professionals.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    kukukuku Posts: 254member
    When they become cheap enough.

    I'm guessing right now it floats around $400 per drive (The controller chip and others do not need to be there)

    And much more for one that can write.

    If Sony can push the PS3 and HD-DVD can sell more, the components becomes drastically cheaper.

    Optical disc is historically the one of the heavest price reduction based on economics of scale. Around 50%-%80 within a year,

    There is already rumbles of it.

    I'm guessing by next fall, the drive should be in $200 range which is about when Apple released their super drive.

    If Sony releases a BR-D RW for their computers sooner though, Apple would follow.

    The other problem though is how fast you can write... it's becoming increasing taxing on the CPU and HDD and latency.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    Bluray is the worst thing ever to happen to optical media. The DRM on those things is so absolutely instrusive it is scary.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    Originally Posted by turnwrite

    Bluray is the worst thing ever to happen to optical media. The DRM on those things is so absolutely instrusive it is scary.

    You mean the DRM that's exactly the same as on HD-DVD, and will probably never be used based on the sheer number of people who are incredibly vocal in their hatred of it? And that has nothing to do with Blu-Ray per se?
  • Reply 5 of 9
    I'd wait it out until there's either a clear choice or there's a least a drive that can read both HD formats. If you get either one now there's a 50/50 chance you get stuck with the high definition equivalent of a betamax.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    Originally Posted by BenRoethig

    I'd wait it out until there's either a clear choice or there's a least a drive that can read both HD formats. If you get either one now there's a 50/50 chance you get stuck with the high definition equivalent of a betamax.

    Until there is a winner in the upcoming format war, this may help, that's assuming this chip would also make its way into computer drives.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    I didn't mean to imply that DRM was specific to Bluray. It is also present in HD-DVD. But that doesn't make it any less horrible.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    just do what i'm doing. Gradually backup your dvds and sell the originals. Then sit back and wait for the PS3 and XBox360 upgrade to come out and go to war. Whichever console wins, will affect which disc format wins. Personally i think PS3 and blu-ray will win.

    I'm not thinking about when i can get a blu-ray/hddvd burner. its going to be years before they are affordable. i'm just getting rid of as may dvds as i can so i can sit back, relax and watch the dust fly
  • Reply 9 of 9
    I don't think Apple would put them in so soon, it would drive the prices of the Mac's up considerably. And right now Apple is gaining so many new switchers because their prices are starting to be comparable to PC's.
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