Report: AMD-based Apple notebook in the works



  • Reply 41 of 73
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    I don't believe it. After all the flack intel has taken for apple they'd be too pissed to let this happen.
  • Reply 42 of 73
    ^^^ nar... (to the pic)
  • Reply 43 of 73
    Originally Posted by MacTel

    Yep, not gonna happen. Intel and Apple are bed buddies 4-ever! Smooches!

    the same was said about apple and motarola, and later, apple and IBM, but I still don't think we will see AMD anytime soon
  • Reply 44 of 73
    Originally Posted by Mkane

    of course apple's gonna have one, the need to do stuff like this in case intel goes bad.

    Apple had x86 vesions of OSX since 10.0, so they are prepared
  • Reply 45 of 73
    Originally Posted by Mkane

    Why lower the price when sheep buy them? LOL!!!

    Anyway Apple needs a more hardware options and AMD would be a good start.

    Really, calling MacBook owners sheep is really quite hilarious coming from someone with a Sempron and a hacked copy of OSX.

    AMD wouldn't be a good start. In what whacky world are AMD laptop chips better than Intel?
  • Reply 46 of 73
    Originally Posted by jameshopkins

    Yeah it will happen after we see a G5 PowerBook.

    I guess we have to stop saying "yeah it will happen after we get an iPhone" but the powerbook g5 is still golden
  • Reply 47 of 73
    wallywally Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by backtomac

    Why? Did Apple hire Rumsfeld?

    That made me laugh - thanks!

    Oh good ol' Rummy.... I wonder what he's up to with his think tank pals.....
  • Reply 48 of 73
    hobbithobbit Posts: 532member
    Does AMD do workstation laptop CPUs?

    I know that a lot of workstation software is optimised for AMD and runs a bit faster on AMD than Intel.

    What if Apple were to broaden its laptop range BOTH at the lower and higher end? What if Apple were to introduce an ultra portable using Intels low voltage chips, but also a 'portable desktop' workstation class laptop featuring an AMD chip? Anyone know of any such AMD chip is coming?

    While a lot of people said they wanted an ultra portable, there were also some who said the current 17" MacBook Pro doesn't offer enough oomph either. Things like HD displays, support for two internal HDs, pro portable graphics card, etc.

    But perhaps this is not even about laptops? Maybe it's about servers or some Mac Station workstation type machine.
  • Reply 49 of 73
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    who really gives a flying fcuk (tm) about any minor performance difference that might result from it anyway? just fanbois, most likely. it's not like we are suffering under PPC anymore. jeez, get over it.

  • Reply 50 of 73
    emig647emig647 Posts: 2,455member
    If someone other than digitimes posted this........ I may go with it. But just the fact that digitimes posted this... macosrumors might as well have posted it.
  • Reply 51 of 73
    Originally Posted by Mr. A

    This news has surfaced before also but from a different angel:

    There were a lot of comments on this before, its amazing how this keeps coming back again and again..

    I'd believe anything an Angel told me!!!!
  • Reply 52 of 73
    The thing that really strikes me as being odd in the screenshot (I understand its OSX86) is why the bus speed is defaulting at 100mhz...doesn't make much sense to me.
  • Reply 53 of 73
    Originally Posted by ThinkExpensive

    The thing that really strikes me as being odd in the screenshot (I understand its OSX86) is why the bus speed is defaulting at 100mhz...doesn't make much sense to me.

    Because it's a Sempron. Semprons have 100Mhz EV6 buses.

    Really, AMD fanbois need to get a clue. AMD having nothing competitive with Intel in the laptop space at all period bar the ultra cheap end.

    AMD also have nothing to compete at the high end until you get to 4 socket configs.

    AMD have nothing in the middle either unless you're talking about price.

    AMDs chips are hotter running than Intel's.

    Apple doesn't do anything in any of those areas. It's fine if you're Dell and want to supply cheap cruddy laptops with large enclosures - that's not Apple.

    There's no 'workstation laptop' chip either.
  • Reply 54 of 73
    Originally Posted by ThinkExpensive

    The thing that really strikes me as being odd in the screenshot (I understand its OSX86) is why the bus speed is defaulting at 100mhz...doesn't make much sense to me.

    Therea re versions of Sempron chips with 100 MHz base FSB (although it is dual-pumped). It would have to be a Socket A model.

    However, what makes this picture fake is the SSE3 support listed in the CPU features.

    By the feature list, it's more likely to be a Presscott P4.
  • Reply 55 of 73
    Originally Posted by skatman

    Therea re versions of Sempron chips with 100 MHz base FSB (although it is dual-pumped). It would have to be a Socket A model.

    However, what makes this picture fake is the SSE3 support listed in the CPU features.

    By the feature list, it's more likely to be a Presscott P4.

    The Sempron 2800+ as in the screenshot supports SSE3.
  • Reply 56 of 73
    chuckerchucker Posts: 5,089member
    Originally Posted by hobBIT

    Does AMD do workstation laptop CPUs?

    "Workstation laptop"? Is that one of those mobile tanks sold by Alienware? Does it come with a turret?
  • Reply 57 of 73
    Originally Posted by aegisdesign

    Because it's a Sempron. Semprons have 100Mhz EV6 buses.

    Really, AMD fanbois need to get a clue. AMD having nothing competitive with Intel in the laptop space at all period bar the ultra cheap end.

    AMD also have nothing to compete at the high end until you get to 4 socket configs.

    AMD have nothing in the middle either unless you're talking about price.

    AMDs chips are hotter running than Intel's.

    Apple doesn't do anything in any of those areas. It's fine if you're Dell and want to supply cheap cruddy laptops with large enclosures - that's not Apple.

    There's no 'workstation laptop' chip either.

    Umm how old is the AMD64 design and how long did it take Intel to finally out perform it?

    Come on now...lets talk facts people! All this fanboy talk is rather funny to those of us who know the facts about hardware So lets avoid it OK and talk facts. AMD would make Apple stronger and using SLI, Crossfire, and better sound chipsets would really help Apple grow. If you want to ignore this then so be it but ignore it without the hear say.

    Yes the new Intel chip design out performs the aging 64 chips and that is no secret. Prior to that AMD64 was king of the hill in performance for the buck, lower power usage etc... Simply do a little internet research for this info. So my hats off to Intel on the Conroe. I'm glad they caught up because it will force AMD to do better and that my friends is how Capitalism works!

    By the way that screenshot was taken from the net. I should have stated that earlier but I did have OSX on my AMD64 3200 system via VMware just to see if it would work. I could not find my picture so I grabbed one from the net. I deleted the install being that I use OSX legally
  • Reply 58 of 73
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by Mkane

    Come on now...lets talk facts people! All this fanboy talk is rather funny to those of us who know the facts about hardware So lets avoid it OK and talk facts. AMD would make Apple stronger and using SLI, Crossfire, and better sound chipsets would really help Apple grow. If you want to ignore this then so be it but ignore it without the hear say.

    Yeah, better graphics cards thats the ticket. Lets stick em in a G3 and really rock. I hope you've got some k-y jelly. You gonna get reamed if thats all you've got to back you up.
  • Reply 59 of 73
    Originally Posted by Mkane

    Umm how old is the AMD64 design and how long did it take Intel to finally out perform it?

    What difference does it make how long they took to out perform AMD (and PowerPC for that matter), the FACT is they do now, by a large margin. So Apple possibly using AMD parts has nothing to do with performance - low price maybe but they never compete on low prices.

    Originally Posted by Mkane

    Come on now...lets talk facts people! All this fanboy talk is rather funny to those of us who know the facts about hardware

    I run a hosting company using entirely AMD Opteron servers so it's not like I don't know my AMD hardware and the benefits it's brought to the server arena.

    Originally Posted by Mkane

    So lets avoid it OK and talk facts. AMD would make Apple stronger and using SLI, Crossfire, and better sound chipsets would really help Apple grow. If you want to ignore this then so be it but ignore it without the hear say.

    Gamers don't buy Apples, not because of the hardware but because of the lack of games.

    SLI, Crossfire and Creative's sound chips don't appeal to most Apple Pros either. They want accuracy, not OMGFPS!! and cheesy effects.

    Originally Posted by Mkane

    Yes the new Intel chip design out performs the aging 64 chips and that is no secret. Prior to that AMD64 was king of the hill in performance for the buck, lower power usage etc... Simply do a little internet research for this info. So my hats off to Intel on the Conroe. I'm glad they caught up because it will force AMD to do better and that my friends is how Capitalism works!

    Yup but it also means that for the forseeable future Apple will stick with Intel.

    Originally Posted by Mkane

    By the way that screenshot was taken from the net. I should have stated that earlier but I did have OSX on my AMD64 3200 system via VMware just to see if it would work. I could not find my picture so I grabbed one from the net. I deleted the install being that I use OSX legally

    It's ok, we believe you Sempron boy.
  • Reply 60 of 73
    It's ok, we believe you Sempron boy.

    Did I get caught? LOL!
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