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  • Apple CEO Tim Cook talks diversity, coding, more in interview with high school senior

    Rayz2016 said:
    bluefire1 said:
    First let's talk about selecting the best and the brightest.
    Then let's talk about diversity.
    That’s what diversity is: making sure you don’t overlook the best and the brightest. 
    Nope. It is actually 100% wrong. Diversity is about having a certain % of all employees that fills invented ethnic/religious/values/sexual groups. That is unique to the 20 western countries and do not exist in the other 190 countries. They do this to classify people and to create conflict about something that makes certain people think they are "good people" fighting for "oppressed" people. 

    Diversity is a religion that actually is not about diversity since opinions that are not "correct" are shunned killing all creative thinking, debate and making the world better. If we had real diversity, why not quota in all believes, not just the "right ones"? 

    It amazes me how people do not see that this is the most anti-democratic force that exists in the west. Controls how we talk, how entertainment is presented and so on. And it does not exist in 190 countries.

    I hate Tim for abusing Apple to his political activism that is against the best for the company.  He is not for diversity, only "right" diversity. The new accepted norm that many westerners have: "we do not accept any other viewpoint/facts". That is the root of why so many westerners think its normal that you wage war/bomb countries "to learn them think right".  As a real diverse person: Let people have their cultures/values, A multi-ethnic world. In their own countries.  It is Tims values that make people think its normal to bomb countries that for example bans homosexuals. I do not talk about right/wrong in that issue. I talk about that other countries/cultures actually have right to their culture in their country. Something Tim does not accept and abuse.

    When will Apple's boardroom be diverce? Why is a specific ethnic group that is 1 in 650 persons over 50% Apple board (and it is the same everywhere in USA)

    Just let people do what they want at home as long as it do not hurt other people. Just hire THE BEST qualified, not after a race, sexual or anything else. (is this just a millenial thing? Again taking away responsibiltiy? "I cant be good enough to be hired, but I can be a transsexual gay person = have to be hired or I am oppressed by TheMan?

    I am so happy that I have moved from West to a military dictatorship. For the funny thing is: Its WAY more free/free speech in these countries than the brainwashed/religions west.
