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  • Apple releases final version of iOS 10.1 with Portrait mode for iPhone 7 Plus

    matrix077 said:
    peschiera said:
    matrix077 said:
    peschiera said:
    kevin kee said:

    The blur in Selective focus is not the same as portrait mode. Apple's already can create the same effect as Selective focus' blurriness since iPhone 5. This is the portrait mode as seen below, note the sharpness of the object against the highly depth of field effect at the background. This kind of photo only can be captured with multiple lens taking the object and background separately similar to DSLR.

    Thank you for a superb post. I think you just gobsmacked a bunch of silly fandroids. Hopefully, they'll just put their tail between their legs and go away (but I somehow doubt it)...
    You have no clue about either phone's technology. Try to understand my response to Kevin. Maybe you'll get it, but I doubt. I hope you don't commit suicide just because Apple copies Samsung this time:) Believe me neither Sammy nor Apple care about such fans like you.
    Samsung's gimmick Selective Focus isn't the same as iPhone Portrait mode. Have you ever used DSLR? The way you're talking is like someone who doesn't understand photography at all. 
    Actually I can't believe how stupid some fans can respond! Why do you respond at all if you have no, really no clou what you are talking about?
    Did you understand my explanation above? Are you aware of the fact hat Selective Focus or Portrait Mode are just simulating the blurring because their lenses cannot do the same physically. How old are you? The way you respond is just stupid! Simply unbelievable!

    LOL. Selective Focus simulates blurring? Really? Then why its blurring is so.. SHIT?
    If it simulates blurring, why does it need to take TWO images?

    And you still didn't answer my simple question. Have you ever used DSLR?
    Yes, I've been using DSLR, probably before you were born! Your answers indicate an age of 10, 12, 14?

    You have proved again that you don't know how this blurring simulation works. Did you know that also iPhone takes two pictures to simulate this? No, you did not? Well, this is not surprising. Seriously if you don't want to disgrace yourself, just stop posting nonsense.
  • Apple releases final version of iOS 10.1 with Portrait mode for iPhone 7 Plus

    I don't understand the hype around the Portrait Mode and I don't understand why it is only available for iPhone 7 Plus!
    This feature exists since Galaxy S5 and it works with one camera alone and it is more powerful than the Apple copy: look at the pan focus. Orson Welles would have been happy to have a Galagy in 1941 when he did something similar in Citizen Kane:

  • Apple patents hover-sensing multitouch display

    foggyhill said:
    mausz said: 

    Different technical implementation and actually removed on the S6 (from TouchWiz)
    So, another shit implementation from Samsung.. Big surprise... Also, how does that relate in any way to Google?

    Why do you say this? Have you ever tested it?
    Air View was one of the reasons I did not upgrade to Galaxy S6. It just works fine. I have no idea why they have removed it. Unlike Apple Samsung does not create an own TV Ad for each single feature, just because the Galaxys are full of features (not all of them are good) and many users are not aware of them.

    You just should accept that in the meantime Apple has changed from an Innovator to a Follower. Similar to the pop-up windows and multi window features Apple will have again a very good template from Samsung to adopt.

    And since Edge series Samsung has also its own design language, whether or not you like it, 