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  • Apple's generative AI may be the only one that was trained legally & ethically

    Just preparing us for a Siri-level stupid and useless gpt from Apple. And Apple being rich is trying to raise the cost for everyone else doing generative Ai. 
  • Apple and OpenAI allegedly reach deal to bring ChatGPT functionality to iOS 18

    Even IF this is true, so what?  Siri doesn’t generate revenue, and Apple will not compromise security or privacy with any partnerships, so what would be the harm?  I really don’t care either way.  Offering different LLMs in the App Store might be interesting though.

    The vast majority Apple’s business now is built upon what Steve has created or oversaw. At some point one has to ask when will this rich inheritance be spent and whether Apple can continue to innovate and thrive. I see no reason to believe that Apple will continue to be an innovator. 
  • White House set to entirely ban TikTok from App Store

    This Trump nonsense of sanctions, trade wars, and bravado will make Apple sales tank in China.

    And probably, in any other country where TikTok and WeChat is popular.

    Now if only Trump has a single proof of illegal behavior on ByteDance, which is funded by (among others) several American firms. 
    This. I’m not Chinese and have been as big a fan of Apple As anyone. I own most of apples products and paid services such as iCloud and music. Even as I look at some of the newer android phones with some envy I don’t see myself switching because of how invested I’m with apples ecosystem. But if Apple removed WeChat which I use for work (with Chinese and many around the world), I will have to get myself an android phone. And I think that will be the beginning of a move away from Apple. 
    Or they will have to use another app for contacting you.

    In the end it comes down to whether or not you are comfortable with going out of your way to make sure that you're only communicating via an app the CCP controls totally.

    (I also used to have WeChat just for talking to people in China; but in the end it just seemed like too much of a compromise with my personal values. I do have the luxury of being my own boss, though.)
    I’m not a fan of the CCP but I don’t see this as a good versus evil boycott that concerns my value system. For a nation that’s highly skeptical/critical of it’s government, I’ve to say Americans can be so easily riled up by their politicians. 

    It’s the US starting Cold War 2.0 on an emerging superpower that can threaten its dominance. Where data privacy is concerned, it’s not like the NSA can’t access my data if it really wanted to :)
    avon b7GeorgeBMacmuthuk_vanalingam
  • iPhone 12 Pro Max battery smaller than iPhone 11 Pro Max, according to regulatory filing

    Meanwhile Android phones have 4500mah so they can do 5g AND 120hz screen. I just don’t get apple’s priority sometimes. 
  • Kuo: iPhone 16 Pro replacing blue with rose titanium color

    M68000 said:
    How about a see through glass back?
    iPhone Skeleton edition
    You should know by now that Apple will never do designs like that. First they’ll be copying what was done. And second it’s considered garish. 
  • Actually, there is something new about Apple's upcoming iPhone 7

    So many words and still iphone 7 will be to iPhone 6s what iPhone 6s was to iPhone 6. Everything's improved but nothing will be really new and desirable. And we all knew how iPhone 6s turned out. I have been using iPhone 6 Plus for two years and I should be upgrading but I'm not. I bet there will be many iPhone 6 users like me. 