slow n easy


slow n easy
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  • Fatal helicopter crash likely caused by dropped iPad

    I also wholeheartedly agree with Chadbag. The headline clearly states that the iPad dropped (fell), creating the conditions for the accident. 
    williamlondonchasmAlex1Nmuthuk_vanalingamdarkvaderking editor the gratekillroyPauloSeraagrandact73
  • App Store terms probably won't stop X from turning off the block feature

    The “spirit of the law” is quite clear in Apple Developer Guidelines. Removing the ability for someone to block another account eliminates their ability to prevent “bullying”, an activity clearly stated by Apple in more than one area of their guidelines.

    Direct messages are only one way to bully someone. Constantly showing up in a persons threads and making comments is another form of bullying. I think Apple will respond if Musk removes the ability for users to block any account they wish.
    I guess the "spirit of the law" is whatever you believe it to be. X still retains the right to block users from the service. If an individual doesn't like another individual's posts, then the offended individual can just block the posts from showing up on their feed. How are you offended if you don't see it? How is it up to an individual person to decide if someone should be blocked from the service altogether. For example: I personally feel that Elon Musk is an extremist, so I unfollowed him. Now, I no longer see his crazy ass posts. If you like his vile filth, then you can follow him. How does it affect me, if I don't personally see his posts?
  • How we ended up with the 'Pregnant Man' Emoji

    twlatl said:
    There is nothing logical about a pregnant man. Nice attempt to write thousands of words to legitimize it, but a pregnant man emoji is as useful as a emoji of a fish riding a bicycle. Both are pure fantasy. 
    The reason that we have a Pregnant Man emoji is because some people are born with female reproductive parts but they identify as a man and consider themselves to be a man. You may think that those people shouldn't exist, but they do exist.
  • White House shot down Intel plans to increase chip production in China

    joogabah said:
    tmay said:
    Xed said:
    LOL I can't wait to hear the contortions of people ... that hate private US companies from doing any business outside the US, especially in China.
    I buy from non-dictatorships any time I can, even when it costs more. But I don't hate. Don't make it sounds that I'm motivated by hate. I'm motivated by love for freedom and democracy. 

    If you want to imagine that I'm motivated by hate, I guess that's your right to be wrong.
    Are you an American? You are illogical. You do not live in China. Why are you afraid of losing freedom and democracy because of China? 
    Gee, if only the PRC would limit itself to occupying Mainland China.

    Instead, it's all about invading Taiwan, occupying the South China Sea, and the First Island Chain, as if those were exclusive economic zones for the PRC. Moreover, the PRC is more than happy to export its brand of authoritarianism. Fortunately, the West is quite aware of the PRC's broad expansionist plans, and while late to constrain the PRC, the West is strengthening alliances to resist that expansionism, both militarily and economically.

    Meanwhile, the PRC has a limited timeframe to do all of this before its heavily senior demographics overwhelms its shrinking working population, all with a birth rate that is too little to maintain the population. It's probable that the PRC won't ever be a rich country, and can expect its population to halve by 2060.

    What the West is concerned about is that Xi will launch an invasion of Taiwan by 2025, and will attempt to challenge the West's military supremacy in the Pacific in this decade, but that risk diminishes by 2035.
    Both the PRC and Taiwan officially consider themselves to be the governments of ALL of China.
    You can't invade your own country.  This is an internal matter between factions within China, part of a stalemate in a civil war, and it is wildly inappropriate for the USA to be dictating who should prevail.  It should be up to the Chinese people to forge their own destiny.
    Yes, it would be about invading. Taiwan is democratic with very different laws and a very different political system. China is a Dictatorship which does not have the Rule of Law. The Taiwanese people do not want to be ruled by China. So yes it would be an invasion. Also it is not up to the Chinese people to forge their own destiny. It is up to Xi Jinping to forge the destiny of the Chinese people because he makes all the rules and there is nothing the Chinese people can do about it. If a Chinese citizen doesn’t like one of Xi Jinping’s rules and speaks up about it, then they can go to prison. Or I guess you could say the Communist Party’s rules but Xi Jinping is the head of the party so he usually gets what he wants.
    Yes, Xi want to peacefully reunite with Taiwan. Do you understand the political meaning of the word peacefully here? 
    Taiwan doesn’t want to be ruled by China. So if China takes over Taiwan, it would not be peaceful. The only way Taiwan would agree to reunite with China would be if the Chinese government changed systems to a democratic form of government which will not happen any time soon.  
  • Apple employees fear MR headset could be an expensive flop

    I totally agree that it’s a “device in search of a problem.” I’ve been skeptical from the beginning. I think that a VR/AR headset could be a cool product even though I have never owned such a device. But I see it as nothing more than a cool toy. I never saw it as a revolutionary device that changes the world like the iPhone did.
  • Apple Ring: Two decades of rumors and speculation about a smart ring

    netrox said:
    I might consider a ring for sleep metrics, I haven’t bought the Oura ring, but I thought about it.
    You can use Apple Watch for sleep monitoring. 
    I’m aware. I already have worn my Apple Watch for sleep metrics many times, but it doesn’t feel like there is enough information. I don’t know that a ring would be any better than a watch and I don’t know if there even is a perfect solution. I just know that I’m looking for something better than what is currently available. I have used both the SleepWatch app and the SleepScore app and it kind of seems like it would be great to combine them into one app. I guess the problem is that there isn’t one great solution that has everything in one product. It’s still an unsolved problem.
  • Apple Vision Pro sequel stalls as work on cheaper consumer headset continues

    omasou said:
    So I have a VisionPro and I don't really see a less expensive and less capable VR headset as a want. It will still have the same problems of weight, comfort, isolation, etc.

    I would really like a set AR glasses.
    I would definitely not want AR glasses. If I had the Apple Vision Pro, I would not be using it in AR mode, I would be using it in VR mode because that is what I’m most interested in. VR can’t work with glasses because it would not be possible to seal out the light.
  • Apple Vision Pro earns prestigious Black Pencil design award

    DOA until it becomes a pair of sunglasses. 

    No one wants to wear a helmet  just to compute. 

    The experience is not much different than meta quest as-is. 

    Apple basically saw the quest, then spec’s higher, but also went backward with the brick battery that you have to carry around separately. Big whoop. 

    As sunglasses, it’s much more the Apple ethos of getting out of the way of your life. 

    Most folks carry a phone out of habit. Most weat shades as a habit. Most wear a watch, etc. 

    no body suctions a face-hogging, head-strapping thing on their face/head outside of scuba divers. It’s annoying, cumbersome, takes you out of your every day life and can really only be enjoyed in bursts. Not as a continuum of your daily life. That’s why it fails. 

    Black pencil or no, it’s not a success. 

    Let’s see how that fares once it’s distilled into shades. I’m betting that’s a whole new paradigm. 
    What you are describing is not VR. It’s not possible to have VR with a pair of sunglasses. It’s not possible to have VR without the complete sealing out of external light.
  • iPhone 16 has a new Camera Control button -- Here's everything it can do

    It would only be a gimmick for people who don't use the camera app very often. For people who do use the camera app often, it's amazing. It is way faster and simpler to just press a button to access the camera. If this is a gimmick, then I guess that MagSafe is also a gimmick. I wouldn't want to be without MagSafe, and I wouldn't want to be without instant camera access either.
  • Future Apple Vision: What to expect from Apple's next headsets

    I would never want a lesser Apple Vision Pro. The reason I haven’t bought one yet is because it’s not good enough yet, not because it’s too expensive. They need to address the weight issue by maybe using different materials or maybe by better weight distribution. I wouldn’t mind if they got rid of the front facing screen because I have no use for that, but the camera resolution needs to increase, not decrease. Battery life also needs to be a lot better. I didn’t buy the watch until the Series 4 because that is when it was good enough in my opinion. I’m sure that I will love the Apple Vision Pro, but I’ll sit out the first few iterations of it.