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  • Microsoft Surface blamed for NFL football playoffs meltdown

    larryjw said:
    Well, I don't know anything about what software was being used on the surface, nor anything about the servers, nor who is responsible for running the software, the servers, or the networks. And I don't know what components of this system failed. But it doesn't seem anyone on this thread knows either because everyone was taking in general terms not specific, and there seems to have been a lot of assumptions made about the sources of the failure. But anyway you cut it, it's a black eye for the Surface and Microsoft and a dumb move on their part regardless. For example, it would be highly unlikely Rogers would throw a computer he found valuable to the ground in disgust. Even though it was disgust in himself and the Surface had nothing to do with it, it showed how little the Surface meant to him. He didn't care. He and the team and the league forced him to use it when it may, and it likely was not the choice of sideline computer he or his team would have made. My guess is the team would be using iPads (why else would MS have to pay the league to force them to use the Surface in the first place). My guess also is Rogers would have not pitched an iPad which he and the team had chosen to use -- they would take ownership of that device and treat it with some respect. The image of an MVP throwing your product to the ground like common trash is an awful image.
    At the end of the day, they are jocks, highly paid jocks, but not renowned for their brain power, throwing something to the floor if it showed something they didnt like is about what I would expect. Overpaid, pampered glory hounds.....  and as far as bias in the article goes - it is on a site  called APPLEINSIDER hardly likely to be fair reporting!