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  • Tech industry needs to rebuild user trust after privacy losses, says Tim Cook

    georgie01 said:
    This ‘privacy invasion’ by Apple which you effectively describe as petty, is the equivalent of a door manufacturer implementing some technology into the front door you purchased for your house so they can easily send in a robot to scan your personal belongings for any child sex imagery.
    No. A much better analogy is that iCloud is like a storage locker. Rather than rummaging through the entire contents of your locker after you've already placed things in it, Apple is checking to see if individual items you place in it are illegal as you add items to it. Apple is doing the check at the door rather than inside of the locker so that they don't have to access whatever is already sitting in your locker. And the check Apple does is an automated test so that no Apple employee has access to see the item you are placing in the locker unless your locker fails over 30 or so tests for illegal material. Only then can an Apple employee verify that the matching items are in fact illegal material. And only items that are verified to be illegal are forwarded to authorities. This is all done at expense by Apple to preserve your privacy.
  • Apple is de-bloating iTunes with latest 12.7 release, removes App Store

    Hmmm... Does this mean we no longer have the option of backing up iOS IPA files on our Macs for longevity? If so, that really sucks. I've relied on backups of IPA files several times through the years after Apple pulled apps from the store, or the updated version of an app is unsatisfactory. Will there still be a way to archive IPA files?
  • Apple's shareholders skirmish over ideological differences

    Being pro-environment, pro-immigration (not “illegal immigration”), capitalist, and a strong believer in privacy doesn’t automatically make one a politically Left progressive, but somehow I think Tim doesn’t understand that. 
    Tim didn't claim to be politically Left progressive. So there's that.
  • 'Black Dot' Unicode bug crashes iOS Messages with invisible characters

    elijahg said:
    Here we go again... Whoever's the architect of Core Text needs moving on. The Unicode consortium doesn't help matters though, continually adding unnecessary extra emojis and variations thereof makes testing exponentially more difficult.
    Nah. This actually has nothing to do with emojis. It's a Unicode processing bug where a specially-crafted string of thousands of invisible characters causes a DOS attack by overwhelming the text processing engine. There is no indication of actual incompetence on the part of Apple's developers. It's an edge case at best, and affect other platforms with different codebases.