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  • Editorial: Thankful for iPhone X

    World class trolling Daniel. Thank heavens we know you don't mean a word of it.
    Yes, he does. 


    Thanks DED!

  • Refurbished, high-end iPhones are suffocating the growth of cheap new Androids

    entropys said:
    Seeing as android makers regularly discount, why get a refurb?
    Seems to me that D.E.D. already answered that question.

  • Editorial: Thankful for iPhone X

    flydog said:
    Sad commentary on society when someone makes it a point to be thankful for a phone, rather than for our family, friends, or health. The world would certainly go on without iPhones. 
    “The world would certainly go on without iPhones.”

    I’m heartened that you have a firm grasp of the obvious. 

  • IK Multimedia ships iRig Keys I/O keyboard MIDI interface that can record microphones and ...

    Yes! This looks first-rate. I’m definitely very interested! 

    (Note: I have returned to this forum. My last post was a while ago. I made an intemperate and rash post regarding lightening connectors, and left in a huff.  I was wrong, and I unequivocally apologize).

  • Time includes iPhone X in its list of '25 Best Inventions of 2017'

    What a coincidence, I included Time magazine on my list of "Things Nobody Cares About in 2017."
    A lot of people may agree with your sentiments. Nevertheless, Time Magazine (love it, or hate it) still has a lot of clout when it comes to publicly such as this. 

    For example, Time Magazine’s “Of the Year” people and lists, DO get attention, whether you, or I might like it or not. 

    That it the broader point. 

    So will this help Apple and the iPhone X? I suggest that it will.

    (I freelance in the publishing industry for four very large US newspapers. I don’t necessarily agree with all of their content, nor editorial stances. But I do have some idea about relevance. And major positive publicity from Time Magazine is... well, what I just said)


  • Editorial: Bloomberg spins Apple's Event as a desperate, blind stab for cheap iPads in edu...

    Another horribly biased, condescending, one-sided article by Daniel Dilger. I couldn’t read more than 5-6 paragraphs before giving up. I am just going skip his articles from now on. 
    DED’s article is labeled “Editorial”. And as such, you may expect some bias, whether you agree with DED, or not. Clearly you do not. 

    For the record, I do. 

    However, I am always amazed by:

    a) the number of people who dislike DED’s articles, yet seem to spend so much time reading him anyway. And ... 

    b) how long it takes some DED critics to reach their conclusions that he’s “horribly biased” (or words to that effect). 

    I don’t think I’d call some DED critics exactly a “quick study” ...  and far be it from me to suggest some are mere trolls. Perish the thought. 


  • New iPhone 7 case rumor depicts thinner body, nearly flush camera

    (First post, longtime reader, very happy iPhone 6/iPad mini owner)

    I almost always strongly support most of the things Apple does. That said, I do not like the rumored absence of a standard headphone jack in the iPhone 7. It won't be a deal-killer for me, but I'm not happy about it.

    In general, I have found the lightening ports to be very delicate... in other words they break (internally) quite easily. And I take good care of my iPhone, always have always will. But, have found the lightening port cables to be quite delicate.

    Also, I have quite a few expensive headphones that I really don't want to have to buy adaptors for (yes, I know I only need one, but in reality...)

    Please Apple rethink this move: it may be a deal-killer for many casual buyers. 
