
Sign the Whitehouse poll here: Hurry, there are currently 23,000 signatures. 100,000 signatures are needed by March 18, 2016 to require a response. The petition has the title: Halt efforts that compel Apple and other device makers to create a "backdoor" for the Government to access citizens data


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  • Take a stand against the Obama/FBI anti-encryption charm offensive

    These are the same people that are screaming for Hillary emails but don't want to give up the phone lock. Freekin low life scum
    Hillary says her emails are not classified, so they should be released per freedom of information act since they were written as part of her duty as a government employee. No one is asking for her personal emails. BTW, no need for name calling. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
    radarthekattallest skiljony0baconstang
  • Take a stand against the Obama/FBI anti-encryption charm offensive

    Sign the Whitehouse petition here:

    Hurry, there are currently 23,000 signatures. 100,000 are needed by March 18 to require a Whitehouse response.
    The title of the petition is: 

    Halt efforts that compel Apple and other device makers to create a "backdoor" for the Government to access citizens data

  • Take a stand against the Obama/FBI anti-encryption charm offensive

    .olliesedwuz said:

    More anti-government propaganda by Apple I see. Timmy Crook and *every other software engineer at Apple* knows that the US Government has not requested a backdoor, a break in encryption, or anything close to that. 

    What the government has requested in the court order (read it please), is that Apple create a patch that will bypass the "five attempts and lock" feature on the phone, so that the government can then brute force it open. The patch can be keyed to the serial number of the phone and recompiled into the O/S, so that the code is not accessible or readable. No de-encryption, no back door, no problem.

    Instead we get all this spin from Apple on how the US Government is crushing our personal liberties. Sort of makes sense, when you consider that Apple off-shores US jobs, clamors for H1B visas to drive down the domestic wage base, and uses tax shelters to avoid its fair share of taxes. Just Another Greedy Corporation.

    This isn't about privacy - It is about Timmy Crook satisfying the billionaire investors who own Apple, and don't want something as trivial as people getting killed by terrorists to cut into their profits. Don't fall for this scam by the ultra-rich to give the government the finger once again, and may Timmy and Co choke on their caviar.
    Most of what you say I disagree with.
    This I do agree with:
    "Apple off-shores US jobs, clamors for H1B visas to drive down the domestic wage base"
    Contrary to what the high tech corporations say, there is no shortage of highly qualified people with STEM degrees in the U.S.
    tallest skil
  • Take a stand against the Obama/FBI anti-encryption charm offensive

    More anti-government propaganda by Apple I see. Timmy Crook and *every other software engineer at Apple* knows that the US Government has not requested a backdoor, a break in encryption, or anything close to that. 

    What the government has requested in the court order (read it please), is that Apple create a patch that will bypass the "five attempts and lock" feature on the phone, so that the government can then brute force it open. The patch can be keyed to the serial number of the phone and recompiled into the O/S, so that the code is not accessible or readable. No de-encryption, no back door, no problem.

    Instead we get all this spin from Apple on how the US Government is crushing our personal liberties. Sort of makes sense, when you consider that Apple off-shores US jobs, clamors for H1B visas to drive down the domestic wage base, and uses tax shelters to avoid its fair share of taxes. Just Another Greedy Corporation.

    This isn't about privacy - It is about Timmy Crook satisfying the billionaire investors who own Apple, and don't want something as trivial as people getting killed by terrorists to cut into their profits. Don't fall for this scam by the ultra-rich to give the government the finger once again, and may Timmy and Co choke on their caviar.
    Most of what you say I disagree with.
    This I do agree with:
    "Apple off-shores US jobs, clamors for H1B visas to drive down the domestic wage base"
    Contrary to what the high tech corporations say, there is no shortage of highly qualified people with STEM degrees in the U.S.