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  • Facing 'sluggish sales,' Apple said to continue reduced iPhone production through June quarter

    Commenting on Apple production cut reports:
    The reason for the cut is:
    About 10-15% of larger iPhones users are converting to smaller SE model.
    Hence the cut in 6s and 6s plus

    The reason for large to small conversion  is simple.
     Smaller is more beautiful for them!
    And it's a smart move. 
    In addition to the lower price,
    specs on iPhone SE exceed that of iPhone 6s except the screen size which is an advantage for many users.

    Apple sold over 300 million iPhones 5 models over 2012 thru 2014.
    About 35-40% will convert to iPhone SE
    Lead times for SE were in days initially but now in weeks.

    What does that say?
    Apple didn't produce enough?
    Or Demand far exceeds supply?

    Consider Apple does not use the same suppliers for the two iPhones models

  • Apple's aggressively priced $399 iPhone SE viewed as a 'substantial' market opportunity

    It seems to me there are going to be many analysts claiming the aggressively priced iPhone will destroy Apple's profit margins and cut into higher-end iPhone sales. In other words, Apple can't possibly win and that also goes for Apple shareholders. It's really a double-edge sword for anything Apple tries to accomplish. If this were any other company offering a lower priced smartphone, Wall Street would be on its knees praising the company to the heavens for trying to increase market share. With Apple it will be seen as some desperation move that isn't going to help the company at all. Tim Cook will be said to have no more ideas left and a rehashed iPhone is all he can come up with. Wall Street isn't going to give Apple any credit for anything. It's all going to be about Alphabet, Amazon, Netflix, Facebook and Microsoft as the leaders of tech. Apple's share price is going to stay mired close to $105 all year long because Wall Street will claim there's no spectacular product to move it 

    ****+ Wall Street analysts generally are always behaving like copycats with very little or no original content and are completely clueless about what it takes to pack so many advanced technologies into a $399 handheld which can be affordable for the hundreds of millions if not billions in the emerging economies and, in particular, what Apple is all about.... with her stock rating at hold with $105 PT? All because Apple cut prices on iPhone and iPad etc.
    Media does need to understand that Apple will not compromise their quality in innovation and the ***Margins***


    Because they dont have to!
    Watch Apple tap into a brand new market segment of sub-$399 smartphone.
    So many are waiting in the BRIC markets!
    Also all those who love adv 4" iPhone!,

    Please read on!!

    IOS- MacOS-TvOO-WatchOS combination outdoes Android and Windows combined!
    Here is a good assessment why this makes sense!!!

    I think Apple excels more so than Microsoft against Alphbet overall because of the way Apple approaches innovative use of advanced technologies and massive capacity to command customer loyalty.
    It will do the same in the enterprise and B2B markets.
    Here is what some said that is very profound. Read carefully.
    You and the typical Wall Street media are clueless as to what Apple is up to?
    You are underestimating services that are feasible as a result of Apple's "Integrated System/apps/hardware/s... approach its portfolio of offers.
    Apple has IoT, Smartphones, Tablets and iCloud all very effectively covered like NO other company including so called FANGs. ( Perhaps with the exception of Microsoft)
    Take a fresh look at this weeks announcements.
    The Apple Headline should read: Classic Textbook Strategy -- A Masterful Stroke by Apple!!!
    "Leverage High End to Dominate Low End"
    Apple Determined to Dominate Sub-$399 Smartphone Market without Compromizing Margins!!
    How? Apple reuses the massive investment it made in iPhone 6 and 6S past few years!!
    Watch out Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, SammySung, LowlyG and whoever.
    I am very impressed.
    Cant wait to find on March 24 what the prorder stats are?Fasten your seat belts.
    *****iPhone SE should have been called iPhone SJobs
    This is his original design*****

  • How Donald Trump's election as U.S. President could affect Apple

    Trump is serious about dealing with China
    he will impose tariffs because he wants fair trade and doesnt want to fund their military with profits from products selling in the US.

    apple is a classic case!!
    Trump will greatly hurt companies that rely on China as its manufacturing base as well as for new markets to sell their goods to. For example, if Apple were to repatriate its manufacturing, an iPhone may cost many thousands of dollars instead of mere hundreds

    Read more: How Will Trump's Policies on China Impact U.S. Business? (AAPL, GM) | Investopedia 
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