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  • Apple Watch falls to 47 percent marketshare, but retains lead among smartwatches

    Bad news may be that the market share is falling... On the other hand the choices in wristbands is going up every day  B)
  • Apple Maps picks up public transit directions for Denver, Colorado

    In the meantime... Google Maps has transits for bus, train, walking, cycling of all the cities in the Netherlands. I can't believe Apple is this slow.
  • Recent supposed 'iPhone 7' leaks come from common, questionable origin

    I hope these ugly mock ups are fake.
  • Apple's limited edition Olympic Apple Watch straps feature national flag motifs, only available in

    lkrupp said:
    What must life be like for those who see the world in only in the negative? To get up in the morning and think, "It’s all crap, there’s nothing good. I think I’ll login to AppleInsider and spew my negative attitude for all to read.”

    You're right. I'm about to hang myself on one of those newly introduced wristbands  :p
  • 'Apple Car' rollout reportedly delayed until 2021, owing to obstacles in 'Project Titan'

    They've technology that defies gravity and working on it to mature. Apple will be the first wheel less car manufacture  :p
  • 'Solid' forecast from Apple chipmaker Skyworks may bode well for 'iPhone 7' production

    mjhnl said:
    Well I can safely predict that those 10-11 rise won't come from Apple if those rumors about the iPhone 7 are true. iPhone 7 with the predicted features at propably the same price aren't competitive any more. Next Tuesday will be the moment of truth about what's coming in the foreseeable future. They're are getting so far behind on all fronts right now that it's hard to believe they'll recover the amount of customers they're losing every day. Do they announce profits next Tuesday? Propably yes, but market share will be down on every hardware category they're in. You're allowed to shoot me if I prove wrong next Tuesday  :p Just kidding about that last of course  B)
    The old iPhone market share argument, trotted out every quarter.  Too many toss that around as though all other things were equal, which they are not.

    Apple’s share of the overall smartphone market is meaningless. All of the usual benefits of larger market share accrue to Apple regardless; manufacturing economies of scale to keep costs low and provide high margins, most desired brand among all market participants, ecosystem lock-in to get development done on your platform first, and the lion’s share of global profits. It gains these benefits from having majority share of the most important segment of the smartphone market; that being the premium smartphone market.

    The reason Apple"s share of global shares declines was explained by Cook very clearly; it's because there are about 2 billion people still using feature phones, typically people who cannot afford anything more expensive.  So these people, when transitioning to smartphone's, are going with the cheapest handsets and That means an Android handset.  But as people transition through the Android universe, to higher-priced and more capable handsets, they eventually come to the iPhone and those who can afford one, but one. But there's far more people transitioning at any given time from feature phones to smartphone's than from Android to iPhone.  Cook described Android as training wheels for the iPhone.  That's an apt description.
    I wish you're right and this was propably so a few years ago. At the moment those cheap android phones are capable in doing the same as the iPhones. The midrange androids are on par with the iPhone and the premium Androids are exeeding the iPhone. That's why iPhone 7 needs to be a lot better or a few hundred dollars cheaper as the iPhone 6 now. Cook also said that Apple was only interested in making the best phones... Wait for the numbers next Tuesday. I'm not afraid to apologize when I was wrong.
  • 'Solid' forecast from Apple chipmaker Skyworks may bode well for 'iPhone 7' production

    lkrupp said:
    mjhnl said:
    Well I can safely predict that those 10-11 rise won't come from Apple if those rumors about the iPhone 7 are true. iPhone 7 with the predicted features at propably the same price aren't competitive any more. Next Tuesday will be the moment of truth about what's coming in the foreseeable future. They're are getting so far behind on all fronts right now that it's hard to believe they'll recover the amount of customers they're losing every day. Do they announce profits next Tuesday? Propably yes, but market share will be down on every hardware category they're in. You're allowed to shoot me if I prove wrong next Tuesday  p Just kidding about that last of course  B
    We don’t shoot idiots who post blathering, made-up nonsense like you just did. We just pity them. You cannot provide even one shred of evidence for your assertions about losing customers. You simply made it up from nothing because it suits your anti-Apple bias. You are like an American politician, someone who thinks if they repeat a lie enough times people will believe it. Sadly you believe your own lies.
    "We"? First of all one person can't speak as "we". Secondly I would love to hear you again after Tuesday when Apple will show a decline in every hardware category they're in. Third I,m not attacking you personally and don't like to be attacked personally for my opinion. Fourth, you can't possibly know what I'm thinking so think for yourself. Fifth Apple is not an religion but a company focused on making profits so don't act like an extremist and respect other opinions. Sixth I'm not anti-Apple just a neglected disappointed long time customer who has been left in the cold by his so called beloved company for too long.
  • 'Solid' forecast from Apple chipmaker Skyworks may bode well for 'iPhone 7' production

    2old4fun said:
    The idea of marketshare is so wrong. I cannot understand how people keep speaking of Apples marketshare as if it's important. Apple is not losing customers. The market as a whole is increasing the number of available customers. And if the number of available customers grows faster than Apple grows their number of customers then Apple's market share based on customers will be less. Apple runs a profitable business.
    Marketshare is important for developers and third parties to invest in. Apple was on the right track for a long time with good, innovative and reasonable prized products. The Apple of today is squeezing the last drops out of their aging products coming at the expense of their loyal customers. Pro users are being left in the cold for a long period of time. They're losing in education, graphic, video industry rapidly. Why? Because they haven't introduced new things and the competition did in a far more rapid pace. They haven't adjust their prizes either. I hate the word Appletax Steve ballmer used to use, but lately it comes to my mind and it's becoming more obvious to other Apple users as well.
    Apple is about money these days instead of bringing the best to their customers they used to do. Market will respond to that.
  • Apple's iPhone is no Blackberry: a closer look at AI and the world's biggest company

    Apple was far ahead of the competition a few years ago. Maybe iOS is technologically superior to android. But today's middle rate android phonespecs are far outpacing Apples. You can even get a skin so it works and looks like iOS. Only if you're a diehard Applefan you'll chose IPhone over others. It's far less compelling this year then 2015. And they should react. I have very high expectations for WWDC.

    Same for the MacBook. Look what Azus brought to market with the specs and prize.
    Apple has to a) out innovate competitors b) produce at least with the same specs a bit higher prized (not that much as it does today). If it isn't be able to do so they will notice big sales drops in their whole product range.

    Apple performed always the best when they were in an underdog position. I hope they remain that mentality.
  • 'Solid' forecast from Apple chipmaker Skyworks may bode well for 'iPhone 7' production

    evilution said:
    mjhnl said:
    it's hard to believe they'll recover the amount of customers they're losing every day.
    Nice idea but stats show that Apple are getting more people coming from Android than people leaving for Android.
    So how come androids market share is growing while iOS is down? Don't tell me that they all come from cheap android phones because I see more Galaxy s7 edge then I see iPhone 6 these days.