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  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    foggyhill said:
    taosjake said:
    Writing from outside the country, in Asia.  Things from a distance look at mite different.  Having watched all the debates and candidates directly, I've come to the conclusion that Trump is far better than Clinton for president.  The U.S. mainstream media and political establishment are in full propaganda mode, actually worse than CCTV in China.   Maybe inside the U.S. it's not so apparent.  In my opinion Apple would do well to stay outside politics, particularly with HRC, who is a quite dangerous candidate, imo. 

    Trump can't create one whole coherent sentence, has dozens of failed businesses, has less money than what he inherited decades ago and is demonstrably a racist, a xenophobe with no foreign experience and seemingly from his interviews no clue about economics either. Not only that, the GOP are the ones that created the world wide malaise of the last 10 years with Bush's polices that destroyed the world economy and sent the middle east into a tailspin. That the GOP has controlled congress for most of the last 8 years seems to have escaped you; maybe its time you concentrated on whatever dictatorship your currently living in...

    Conclusion from you to all that, addled brain : "Trumpie is my hero".(sic)
    Thanks for your reply, filled though with unwarranted venom, gratuitous insults, and misinformation it may be.  I think that we both agree, as would Trump, on the dismal world fostered by the GOP in the Middle East.  As for the rest, I would politely suggest that you are allowing some very personal base of antipathy to cloud your judgement and foster a potentially risky selection bias that misleads you.  On the especially ludicrous charge that Trump is a "xenophobe" I will point to his countless fans at rallies who are foreign-born and to the legions of Chinese in China who support him from a distance. Good luck letting go your anger. It will shorten your life and bring many problems in its wake. 
    tallest skil
  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    foggyhill said:
    taosjake said:
    Thanks for your reply, filled though with unwarranted venom, gratuitous insults, and misinformation it may be.  I think that we both agree, as would Trump, on the dismal world fostered by the GOP in the Middle East.  As for the rest, I would politely suggest that you are allowing some very personal base of antipathy to cloud your judgement and foster a potentially risky selection bias that misleads you.  On the especially ludicrous charge that Trump is a "xenophobe" I will point to his countless fans at rallies who are foreign-born and to the legions of Chinese in China who support him from a distance. Good luck letting go your anger. It will shorten your life and bring many problems in its wake. 
    What Misinformation, You provide nothing in any way to prove your point, just like 70% lies (politifact) Trump.
    it's just lips flapping with that passive aggressiveness you call "politeness" (sic)

    Someone, like me, who actually got beat up, and threatened by several anti-gay racist white fuckups
    when I dared dating a black women in the 1990s (I'm a Bi women, BTW) when I was living in the US
    has the right to outrage versus anyone who encourages such behavior : AKA Trump.

    Currently live in Canada, got two kids (joint custody with former male partner (Latino) and adoption with current female partner (Lebanese))
    I've heard/seenread 4 decades of offensive words and sometimes even actions from Trump about woman, LGBTQ's and most races
    and you think I'm going to be unbiased and chill about that when he's gone even more vile recently?

    That would be the most absurd, "cloudy" (sic) response there can be to the facts at hand.

    A strong pushback on anyone that support Trump is the only logical and emotional response that makes sense.

    That's like jews, gays and communists being all OK with Hitler. Hey, lets be chill and about that guy... He and his party don't mean what they says (sic).

    I'm in my late 40s and still cycling 20 miles a day
    No one in my extended family has died before 90 in the last 40 years so I think I'm good.
    but thanks for caring so much about my health... (you just did concern trolling btw by doing that.)


    The Trump you think you know is not the kind-hearted hero that his supporters (including many women and non-Americans) understand him to be.  You have made your moral judgement and in its self-righteousness you seem to feel authorized to harbor contempt for those who believe differently. Frankly that scares me quite a bit. Violence hovers over your words. 
  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    Writing from outside the country, in Asia.  Things from a distance look at mite different.  Having watched all the debates and candidates directly, I've come to the conclusion that Trump is far better than Clinton for president.  The U.S. mainstream media and political establishment are in full propaganda mode, actually worse than CCTV in China.   Maybe inside the U.S. it's not so apparent.  In my opinion Apple would do well to stay outside politics, particularly with HRC, who is a quite dangerous candidate, imo. 
    patchythepiratetallest skilapple ][