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  • Expedia chairman attacks Apple's 'disgusting' 30% commission fee

    This is so funny….kettle calling the pot black. 

    I’m in the hotel business, and I guess it’s not criminal when they charge us 30% commissions for the hotel rooms. Some market they earn up to 50% commissions on each hotel reservation. 
  • Expedia chairman attacks Apple's 'disgusting' 30% commission fee

    tedz98 said:
    The majority of comments here re: Expedia are missing the point that there are numerous alternatives/competitors to Expedia. With Apple there are no competitors other than Android based platforms. Not really a choice if you see benefits to owning an iPhone. Also the 30% commissions are paid for by the app customers, not really the developers. Tim Cook’s testimony about being concerned about the end user and their safety and experience rings shallow because they are the ones paying the 30% commission through developers such as Epic. It boils down to Apple’s absolute control if not monopoly power over the App Store.
    What do you mean not really a choice?  He can choose to not be on the iOS platform, just like the hotels can choose not to be on the Expedia. 

    But hotels are on Expedia and paying those exorbitant fees to attract their customer base, just like Expedia is wanting to attract Apple’s  customer base. 

    Really stupid point on Barry’s part. Hope he gets grilled on this issue. 
  • Here's how Apple's four-for-one stock split works

    “The split will considerably increase the number of common shares in the company, from approximately 12.6 billion to 50.4 billion.“

    I think the shares outstanding is currently at some 4B shares and after split it will be 12B shares, not 50B. 
    radarthekatBart Y
  • Turkey's deputy PM encourages Apple to move in wake of EU tax ruling

    I say Apple should tell the EU they'll be relocating to Britain now that they're out and Apple should simply refuse to pay that extortionate and fraudulent bill. 
    I'd go further and help push Irish out of EU.  This farse has gone too long with EU...they need to feel the BERN(pun intended)....Socialist Commy.
  • Belkin announces simultaneous Lightning headphone and charging adapter for iPhone 7

    Belkin better be extremely appreciative of Apple cause they are laughing all the way to the bank!