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  • If you have an iPhone X, should you upgrade to the iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max?

    fallenjt said:
    I think many people will upgrade from iPhone X to iPhone XS Max. I think Apple thought about this last year. They introduced iPhone X with one size screen and two color options only, their plan was this all along. It is a brilliant marketing strategy I think. Speedwise there is not much of a difference. Also technology wise there seems not much of a difference either. Apple just intentionally keep the price bar high, it is just too expensive but it is business, they will (they should) sell tons of iPhones. iPhone 7 is still a great phone, refurbished one is less than 400 dollars, if people have budget problem they can go with iPhone 7 and 7 plus. Brilliant marketing Apple.
    No they won’t. X owners are those who used to own regular iPhones, not Plus version. 
    Gotta disagree. I went from a 7+ to the X for the larger screen, and was disappointed from a size-standpoint. It's technically larger than a plus by conventional measurements, but the total screen real estate is actually smaller. The only reason I'm upgrading this year, is solely for the bigger screen. I also feel that Apple planned this because I wouldn't have upgraded this year if they had released a X Plus last year. Nonetheless, I'm not upgrading again until they release something really innovative...or make my fantasy 7 inch tungsten carbide iPhone 5k with embedded TouchID, split screen multitasking, expandable storage, and pencil support (I can dream). 
  • If you have an iPhone X, should you upgrade to the iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max?

    doggone said:
    With the Apple Upgrade program it makes sense to upgrade the phone yearly unless you are planning to keep the current phone for more than 2 years.
    I've got to figure what the additional cost will be (taxes etc) but with the dual SIM, faster processor and longer battery life / enhanced water protection it will probably be worth it.
    Yes! People always hype the high price of these phones, and insult those willing to pay them. But in reality, the majority of us aren't ever really paying for them in full, rather just leasing a new one each year. And the few extra bucks a month it costs to trade in and upgrade gets you a faster phone, a fresh battery, camera upgrade, constant warranty coverage, and whatever other new features come out.
  • How dual-SIM works with Apple's iPhone XS & XS Max

    Hmmmm....having a second phone number on your device that you can enable and disable at will. Drug dealers and cheaters must be thrilled!
  • If you have an iPhone X, should you upgrade to the iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max?

    j238 said:
    Anyone who bought a new iPhone last year spent plenty on it. Get your money's worth and get at least another year out of it! I'm two and a half years into my SE and I'm hoping to get at least fiive years out of it. $100 for each year of use.
    I wish I could live like you! I stretch all of my other Apple products 3-4 years, but I'd be miserable with an iPhone that old.Too many major iPhone advancements are made within 5 years. I'm still happy with my 2015 MacBook Pro, but the similarly-aged iPhone 5 that I let my daughter have is sluggish and out of storage. I also kept my series 0 Watch until the 3 came out, and it cleared up all of the frustrations that I'd been having with the almost useless original. Yes, you can save a ton of money by not upgrading so frequently, but sometimes the upgrades are just worth it. 
  • If you have an iPhone X, should you upgrade to the iPhone XS or iPhone XS Max?

    I'm a local storage hoarder with an almost full 256gb X, and a lover of large screens. The XS Max had me at 512gb and 6.5 inches. Everything else is just a bonus. On the bright side, this phone should last me until they release the terabyte iPhone, hopefully with a 7 inch screen lol. I'm so stoked to finally rub it in my Galaxy Note-loving best friend's face that my display is bigger than his for the first time!