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  • Disney lone major studio holdout for 4K movies in Apple's iTunes

    Your statement about Disney offering 4K content on other digital platforms is incredible misleading. To date, Disney has only released one (1) title in 4K (Guardians of the Galaxy 2) from any of their studio brands. All of the other Marvel stuff like Spiderman you see on services like Vudu is not produced by Disney but by other studios like Sony Pictures who acquired the movie rights to those characters before Disney acquired Marvel. It would not make sense to have Disney as a marquee partner for AppleTv 4K and then they only have one title.
  • New AirPods H1 chip exposed in teardown, still not able to be repaired

    You really need to stop giving one company who want to make money off repairs so much of a voice in this dialog. It's a totally one-sided discussion by a company with a financial interest in getting things there way. Just because they can't make money off repairing something does not make it a bad product. They've managed to manipulate the tech media into giving them a disproportionate voice on this topic.
  • New AirPods H1 chip exposed in teardown, still not able to be repaired

    lkrupp said:
    We really need to stop giving one company who want to make money off repairs so much of a voice in this dialog. It's a totally one-sided discussion. Just because they can't make money off repairing something does not make it a bad product. They've managed to manipulate the tech media into giving them a disproportionate voice on this topic.
    Just to clarify, iFixit doesn’t repair anything. They are not a repair shop and they don't sell parts. iFixit sells tool kits for repairing things. They have a vested financial interest in seeing RtR instituted because they want to be the major supplier of tools to third party shops. Always follow the money.
    Clarification acknowledged. The point still stands that iFixIt is manipulating the tech media into giving this free advertising for their financial agenda at the launch of every single new product that comes out with a clearly biased view. If they want to do this and put it on their own website that's fine, but the tech press needs to stop giving them such a voice every time something new comes out and they tear it down. At no point does the article make any mention of the fact that iFixIt is doing this to make money selling repair tools and kits.