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  • Advertisers weigh moving to Android as iOS 14 privacy features loom

    cloudguy starts one of his posts with "The only people who do "care" are Apple fans who started caring when Apple told them to in order to paint their own products as "good" and opposing products as "evil""

    What a load of angering twaddle, and how freaking offensive to tell me that I'm only interested in privacy because Apple or any other corporate tells me. I have been concerned about 
    privacy since the explosion of internet use, especially as someone working with vulnerable people and children. Do I think Apple has also been guilty of putting the well-being of vulnerable people at risk to maintain profits? of course; as has probably any organisation that has maintained a relationship with Chinese authorities to keep is production costs down or sell to one of the worlds biggest markets. Do I think there's a business model behind Apple's push for privacy? Absolutely, and I have a few theories but I'll not bore folks here with those speculations. 

    It is absolutely the case that a great many of us abhor the model of practice that is collecting as much data about individuals, and then selling that data to god knows who for the highest prices. I've watch a generation grow up being conditioned into the practice of sharing their lives on line and not caring about their privacy. I am hoping that many in that generation are in the vanguard of people pushing back against this culture. Those arguments that go "if you're not guilty of anything why would you worry about being tracked" are shockingly naive. Most political systems that have the flavour of democracy are fragile things, one only has to look back at Europe in 1933, and a number of other events that might include the Arab Spring (power vacuums) and the end of the Trump presidency to worry about what a rogue state would do with that data that advertising tracking and Facebook (among others) generate.  In those events I worry hugely for the safety of those who might want to push back against a totalitarian dictatorial leadership. 

    And that doesn't even begin to look at the morality of targeting vulnerable people, those addicted to gambling, those who experience eating disorders etc. Nor the fact that anti-democratic states are buying that data to develop strategies in attempts to influence democratic populations mindsets via false social media accounts. I think they're more easy to spot in UK because every so often an error, such as calling a mobile phone (uk) a cell phone (us) for example, appears in a so called UK post. We would never refer to our iPhones as cell-phones in the UK.

    And to cap it all, as a Brit who grew up with good quality TV and advertising; some of the creativity of brands was fantastic and entertaining and built loyalty. I can't help feeling that creativity has suffered at the expense of so called targeting. The really sad thing is ad targeting in my experience creates the creep factor (they're bloody spying on me), repeatedly shows you stuff that you've probably already bought or rejected after your research, and robs you of the opportunity to see things that you didn't know about that you might aspire to buy. 

    So please Cloudguy don't lecture me and tell me that I didn't care about privacy until Apple brain washed me. I bloody do care about privacy and any organisation that pushes back against me and my data being the commodity is more likely to get my money. 
  • Sony has been hyping Apple Vision Pro display tech since 2022

    So is this the fruit of the development plan that has been in place since 2011 when Steve Jobs reported that he had TV cracked? Think this project has been in development since Steve’s days 
  • Monoprice Pure Outdoor Emperor 25 portable fridge review: Affordable option for weekend tr...

    Good grief, this is a review of a rebadge existing compressor fridge. I have the Apicool version from 18-24 months ago. That said it is a fabulous portable fridge. In the uk I run ours in our camper van from a Bluetti 700wh battery topped up via solar. It pulls 35w for a short while (30s - 4 mins) every 10 to 30 mins. Sometimes the compressor makes a short rattle as it starts but it is really quiet. It is super efficient and keeps beer n food chilled. Even on dull days the solar easily tops up battery faster than the fridge draws and so this fridge never drains battery. It is infinitely better than the standard thermoelectric cooler boxes, it has a compressor. Best camping purchase ever, oh and it has an app, that I use rarely, it has a touch screen with temperature display and I’m usually there with it when I want to know what’s happening…
  • You're taking a big chance running macOS or iOS betas on your production hardware

    Sending this from my only iPad on iPadOS 16… will be testing some beta software, but also some of new features in maps to see if they will work for partners small business 10 -15 stop routes from calendar entries (that’s looking like a success so far)

    So far things are working ok…