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  • iPhone X impresses Windows executive, Android fans but bitter bloggers still hating

    cato1040 said:
    Two points:

    First, the Apple hater writers don't get paid to be right, they get paid to get hits.  So, from their perspective, being correct is irrelevant.

    Second, now that we have arrived in the era of alternative facts, there isn't much of a need for objective truth, nor a way for people who are talking past each other to find out what the truth is.

    Objective truths:
    -Many real iPhone users (not all, but many)  struggle with FaceID. Apple probably could have put touchID on the back but didn't
    -There is a camera bump
    -iPhones have never been known for fantastic battery life. At best, it's been good. Some Android phones have actual two day + battery life with average usage
    -the iPhone X has been called by many sites like CNET (not blogs and not Android biased ones) to be the most breakable iPhone ever 
    -the iPhone X stops working in the cold sometimes 
    -some iPhone Xs are getting the green line of death 
    -its screen is less bright than the top of the line Samsung phones'
    -it's expensive 
    -iPhone X users have complained about how multitasking is slower without a home button
    -there is no headphone jack
    -Samsung put a button beneath their screen, something Apple probably could have done
    -iOS gives the user less control over their phone's interface 
    -the iPhone X actually has a slightly lower screen to body ratio compared to the top of the line Samsung phones who'd don't have a notch or as rounded corners (which take away from screen real estate in videos) 
    -it has no open use of NFC
    -it has no back button (this isn't talked about as much, but this has been my complaint since the beginning. I don't want to look for a different way of going back in every app) 
    -they could have switched over to USB C but (here is the opinion section starting) they probably wanted to keep lightning because proprietary jacks lead to more money, and jacks and dongles seem to be a big part of Apple's business 

    -Some iPhone users only think it's great because they haven't seen how far behind they are compared to the best Android phones
    -It seems the author nitpicked a few complaints they could handle (though obviously couldn't) and ignored the ones they could not. There is a pretty clear iOS bias seen

    Did you want more facts or is this enough to show you that complaints are real and not just coming from Android diehards. I use Apple computers and tablets used because they last and I don't need the features their competitors offer (and if I do, I have Parallels) so I don't hate Apple. I'm not saying Android is objectively better for everyone (though for the money, I'd say it's best for most), but don't tell me that critics are all lying since 'the iPhone X is by far obviously the best phone in the world' is objectively not true for all. For a company that prides itself on being more glitch free, iPhone X has had a lot of them!

    To balance things out from my previous writing, I do appreciate Apple trying to catch up to what they've been missing, as them taking on wireless charging will make the world easier for us Android users who've had it for a while. I do also think that their phones have advantages to MacBook and iPad users (one of the main reasons I'd consider switching to iOS) though iCloud is prohibitively expensive and their port-less computers are causing me to consider switching away. As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that even this paragraph is backhanded, but my origin intent sincerely was not to be like this. Apple did a fantastic job when they introduced the iPhone. It was pretty objectively the best phone at the time. But they've started falling behind at the iPhone 4 and haven't seemed to be able to recover though most people enamoured by their marketing seem to miss this. 

    And no, I'm not a blogger who's paid for my writing. Just a middle class tech lover who wants the best for my money and whose opinion may differ from yours (and who may also want to open the eyes of some iSheep who don't know what they're missing out on.)
    I tried switching my whole family to Android 2 years ago. Got two Nexus 6p's and 1 5x. Android was a breath of fresh air at that time since everything was brand new. Battery was okay but camera was amazing. Then I started noticing some issues. Most of my financial apps didn't even have finger print authentication (took them a year to add it) Apps were slow to launch and clunky as hell. Chrome browser would constantly stutter on different websites. I understood all of that might be get better with time. It didn't. Fast forward to Feb of 2017, both Nexus phones would die at 25-40% battery. Google blamed huawei, huawei blamed Google. Phone was still usable but insanely unreliable. Since the phone was being so crappy, I borrowed my dad's Nexus 5x while he went with a cheap moto 5 since the 5x was too slow for him. Nexus 5x started bootlooping. After a few more months of nonsense I couldnt take it anymore. Bought a couple iPhone SE's to hold us over until iPhone X launch. Best decision ever. 

    Android might be ahead in hardware. They have always been and will remain behind in quality. 
  • iPhone X impresses Windows executive, Android fans but bitter bloggers still hating

    Soli said:
    smashcake said:
    cato1040 said:
    Two points:

    First, the Apple hater writers don't get paid to be right, they get paid to get hits.  So, from their perspective, being correct is irrelevant.

    Second, now that we have arrived in the era of alternative facts, there isn't much of a need for objective truth, nor a way for people who are talking past each other to find out what the truth is.

    Objective truths:
    -Many real iPhone users (not all, but many)  struggle with FaceID. Apple probably could have put touchID on the back but didn't
    -There is a camera bump
    -iPhones have never been known for fantastic battery life. At best, it's been good. Some Android phones have actual two day + battery life with average usage
    -the iPhone X has been called by many sites like CNET (not blogs and not Android biased ones) to be the most breakable iPhone ever 
    -the iPhone X stops working in the cold sometimes 
    -some iPhone Xs are getting the green line of death 
    -its screen is less bright than the top of the line Samsung phones'
    -it's expensive 
    -iPhone X users have complained about how multitasking is slower without a home button
    -there is no headphone jack
    -Samsung put a button beneath their screen, something Apple probably could have done
    -iOS gives the user less control over their phone's interface 
    -the iPhone X actually has a slightly lower screen to body ratio compared to the top of the line Samsung phones who'd don't have a notch or as rounded corners (which take away from screen real estate in videos) 
    -it has no open use of NFC
    -it has no back button (this isn't talked about as much, but this has been my complaint since the beginning. I don't want to look for a different way of going back in every app) 
    -they could have switched over to USB C but (here is the opinion section starting) they probably wanted to keep lightning because proprietary jacks lead to more money, and jacks and dongles seem to be a big part of Apple's business 

    -Some iPhone users only think it's great because they haven't seen how far behind they are compared to the best Android phones
    -It seems the author nitpicked a few complaints they could handle (though obviously couldn't) and ignored the ones they could not. There is a pretty clear iOS bias seen

    Did you want more facts or is this enough to show you that complaints are real and not just coming from Android diehards. I use Apple computers and tablets used because they last and I don't need the features their competitors offer (and if I do, I have Parallels) so I don't hate Apple. I'm not saying Android is objectively better for everyone (though for the money, I'd say it's best for most), but don't tell me that critics are all lying since 'the iPhone X is by far obviously the best phone in the world' is objectively not true for all. For a company that prides itself on being more glitch free, iPhone X has had a lot of them!

    To balance things out from my previous writing, I do appreciate Apple trying to catch up to what they've been missing, as them taking on wireless charging will make the world easier for us Android users who've had it for a while. I do also think that their phones have advantages to MacBook and iPad users (one of the main reasons I'd consider switching to iOS) though iCloud is prohibitively expensive and their port-less computers are causing me to consider switching away. As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that even this paragraph is backhanded, but my origin intent sincerely was not to be like this. Apple did a fantastic job when they introduced the iPhone. It was pretty objectively the best phone at the time. But they've started falling behind at the iPhone 4 and haven't seemed to be able to recover though most people enamoured by their marketing seem to miss this. 

    And no, I'm not a blogger who's paid for my writing. Just a middle class tech lover who wants the best for my money and whose opinion may differ from yours (and who may also want to open the eyes of some iSheep who don't know what they're missing out on.)
    I tried switching my whole family to Android 2 years ago. Got two Nexus 6p's and 1 5x. Android was a breath of fresh air at that time since everything was brand new. Battery was okay but camera was amazing. Then I started noticing some issues. Most of my financial apps didn't even have finger print authentication (took them a year to add it) Apps were slow to launch and clunky as hell. Chrome browser would constantly stutter on different websites. I understood all of that might be get better with time. It didn't. Fast forward to Feb of 2017, both Nexus phones would die at 25-40% battery. Google blamed huawei, huawei blamed Google. Phone was still usable but insanely unreliable. Since the phone was being so crappy, I borrowed my dad's Nexus 5x while he went with a cheap moto 5 since the 5x was too slow for him. Nexus 5x started bootlooping. After a few more months of nonsense I couldnt take it anymore. Bought a couple iPhone SE's to hold us over until iPhone X launch. Best decision ever. 

    Android might be ahead in hardware. They have always been and will remain behind in quality. 
    I see this from time to time, but I don't see where your rationale comes from. Is there an SoC more advanced than the A11? Is there an OLED in a phone that better quality than the iPhone X? Is there a face recognition that's faster and more secure than Face ID? Is there a build quality that's ahead of any iPhone? Whose logic boards are as tightly packed as the iPhone X?
    Don't know, not a true techie and just a consumer. Similar to what this article was saying. When it comes to general usage, I know my experience was terrible. I always hated the easy cop out for Apple which is "it just works". When all my devices failed all at the same time in such a spectacular way, "just works" meant a lot more to me than hardware stats. 