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  • Apple's failed Ping showed how hard it is to create a music service

    ...And haters called Apple Music Ping 2.0.... Not even close.

    The headline also calls this a "music service" but I believe it was a social network with a focus on music.
  • Apple's iPhone XS Max smashes Google's Pixel 3 in benchmark testing

    In other news, knockoffs aren't as good as the real thing. Shocker!
  • Apple's streaming video hits iPhones, iPads, and Apple TV for free in early 2019

    rcfa said:
    “Family friendly” :D

    Sorry, but don’t be in the world of being profitable, unless you’re trying to sell a gay CEO to evangelists, with family friendly content. You might as well buy the Disney Channel.

    Most people are sexually suppressed, frustrated, and they seek sex and violence/power to compensate for what’s missing in their life.

    Apple: get used to it, you’re a channel, not a guardian. Leave the latter to the police...
    Wow someone call Disney! This guy has some marketing knowledge! If they don't listen to this guy, Disney can be out of business next week!!!!!!

    People complaining about possible FREE content. I this U2 album 2.0?

    jbdragon said:
    claire1 said:
    If their movies hit theaters first then they can make a profit that way.

    I always dreamed of free Apple TV content but IDK if this is the case here. Remember none of this is confirmed and they may have a free 90 day trial like Apple Music which may explain the "free" tag. The service being exclusive to Apple devices will still generate sales but free content would make sales go through the roof! Something Apple TV needs!
    My thinking was it would be FREE as part of your Apple Music subscription. But if it's just free to sell more Apple hardware, even better. I doubt Apple is making much of a profit from Apple Music, but it helps sell more hardware. Apple is making their money from hardware. FREE Family friendly means you're now getting the kids into the act in selling more hardware. More Apple TV's and iPad's for the kids to use to watch that free kid friendly content. Not having to worry about them somehow getting into more adult type content.

    A billion or so in content is nothing for Apple and would generate more sales. It's still a tiny fraction of what Netflix spends in 1 year.

    About the kids not running into adult content, this problem is HUGE with Youtube and even Netflix.

    robbyx said:
    Why choose?  Can’t the same “channel” show both? Restricting itself to “family friendly” mush will ensure that Apple’s video effort never challenges the likes of Netflix or Amazon. And perhaps that’s not their goal anyway. Technology solves the problem of restricting content. Shows can be rated. Kids and parents have separate logins. Add FaceID to the Apple TV and the box can detect who is watching.

    Unfortunately this doesn't NOT work on Netflix!

    I spent so much time trying to block Sausage Party from the kids only to find out you can't.
    Netflix has this stupid(and I mean S-T-U-P-I-D) "restrict content" option that only restricts R-rated content from Netflix originals. Anything else cannot be blocked and is not blocked when you "block" it.

    What a fu**ing mess!

  • Apple focuses on size with 'Illusion' ad for iPhone XS & XS Max

    lkrupp said:
    Gizmodo is excoriating Apple for "hiding" the notch in this commercial, claiming it's all but unethical. Ever notice how these douchebag websites latch onto something negative and beat it to death? First the headphone jack and now the notch, both of which have been proven to be accepted by the majority of buyers. When's the next Samsung notch shaming ad coming coming? Anybody?
    Why didn't anyone throw a fit when the Galaxy spy machine hid the forehead and chin in every ad with their wannabe Apple wallpapers??

    Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Now Official Tick

    rrrize said:
    I'm a life long Apple fanboy with an iPhone X and I absolutely HATE the notch! HATE!!! In all seriousness and reasonableness, the notch is a genuinely stupid concept. Why would they choose to put an obstruction INSIDE the screen limiting some of your video viewing content?  Let me put it another way.... why would you put a bezel INSIDE the screen???  Bezels are borders. Why put a border as an obstruction inside the viewing area of a screen??  It is literally a stupid design choice, but it passes muster ONLY because Apple did it. Samsung's Note 8/9 is not only aesthetically better but does not rob the user ANY video real estate. If I were not such a maniacal hoarder of iMessage and SMS conversation histories, I would have traded in my iPhone X for a Note 9 this year and kept the Samsung until Apple eliminates the notch - and I am 100% sure Apple will eventually boot the notch once they come up with a way to embed Face ID and/or fingerprint sensor invisibly in the screen.  Till that time, I guess I will just hang on to my iPhone X and be pissed off everytime it stares back at me on a solid white screen or when I am watch a full screen movie. ...sigh : (

    You do know the notch is where the camera, sensors, FaceID, speaker are located right?
    Apple didn't "choose" to put the notch in, c'mon use your head.

    "Samsung's Note 8/9 is not only aesthetically better but does not rob the user ANY video real estate."

    Sigh..... obvious alterior motive aside, you fell for their ads didn't you? The iKnockoff Galaxy series has both a chin and forehead, robbing you of "video real estate".
    Your bias and ignorance makes you no different than the paid media morons. 

  • Apple focuses on size with 'Illusion' ad for iPhone XS & XS Max

    Why didn't anyone throw a fit when the Galaxy spy machine hid the forehead and chin in every ad with their wannabe Apple wallpapers??

    Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Now Official Tick

    You do know the notch is where the camera, sensors, FaceID, speaker are located right?
    Apple didn't "choose" to put the notch in, c'mon use you’re head. 

    If you turn the brightness up, you can clearly see the bezels in Samsung’s pics.  In Apple’s pics, there is *zero* color difference between the notch black and the screen black.  The notch might be difficult to see with a black screen, but it’s not invisible.  This “invisible notch” is obviously not a representation of reality, and it was a deliberate choice by Apple to misrepresent the phone’s face.  I’m not saying that they’re actively trying to *mislead* buyers, but they’re definitely downplaying the notch.  As they should. Because it’s embarrassing. 

    It will also be interesting to see what the margin is between that soap bubble and the notch.  How much of a gap did they leave?  I am guessing zero, so they could maximize the illusion (apt name for the commercial) that the notch is unobtrusive. 

    And of course Apple chose to put the notch in in the first place.  They could have embedded the sensors in a thin bezel across the top instead of a thicker notch that literally carved out part of the display. 

    I am with Rrrize — I have bought iPhones since day one, but I’m not buying another unless and until the notch is gone and FaceID with it.  They’re both poop. 
    So much bull in one post.

    "If you turn the brightness up, you can clearly see the bezels in Samsung’s pics."

    Ah it's the consumers fault for not turning up the brightness to the highest setting. Even after doing so you cannot see the chin and can barely(with some imagination) make out the forehead. But let's criticize Apple instead right?

    This “invisible notch” is obviously not a representation of reality, and it was a deliberate choice by Apple to misrepresent the phone’s face."

    Apple never did it before. It's just a nice wallpaper get over it. Apple didn't do it with X either.

    They could have embedded the sensors in a thin bezel across the top instead of a thicker notch that literally carved out part of the display. "

    So you guys complain that the notch takes up screen space and then suggest a forehead that takes up more space?
    I'm not stupid and most on this site aren't either, you obviously have an agenda against Apple so you twist logic to the point where Apple cannot win and then praise the most successful knockoff based on DIFFERENT logic (completely ignoring the top and bottom bezels on their "bezel-less iKnockofff).

    "I have bought iPhones since day one"
    Here comes the cliché.....
    but I’m not buying another unless and until the notch is gone and FaceID with it."

    Ah so you bought every iPhone with bezels, forehead and chin but suddenly that tiny notch bothers you and is "

    SoliStrangeDaysredgeminiparadarthekatbb-15kevin keeTwilight Skywatto_cobraSnickersMagoo
  • Bill Gates equates Steve Jobs' talent to 'casting spells'

     think this s appropriate here:   Bill and Steve obviously had a great deal of respect for each other and, as we see here:   Steve needed Bill and Bill needed Steve.

    Bill needed Steve. Steve would have been better off without Bills thievery. 
  • Bill Gates equates Steve Jobs' talent to 'casting spells'

    No he just knew what the fuck he was doing. No "spells".
  • Apple's Beddit emerges from hibernation with Beddit Sleep Monitor 3.5

    Rayz2016 said:
    I’m curious. What do folk do with this sleep information?
    Most likely to see if their sleep is being affected by something. There's apparently ways to tell if you're in a deep sleep or partly awake which hurts you're rest.

    Also, integrated in Apple Watch it would provide better information for the doctor.
  • DOJ preparing antitrust probe into Google search and business practices, report says

    When will we punish Google for violating user privacy?
  • Huawei CEO cites Apple as privacy role model

    cgWerks said:
    Sorry, we don’t believe you or your government.
    That said, the track record of our government(s) isn't exactly pretty either. I'm just not sure who to believe anymore.
    And, I haven't caught Huawei in a lie yet... I catch our government (USA at least) regularly.
    Apple isn't owned by the US government.