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  • Testing an AMD WX 9100 eGPU with the 15-inch i9 MacBook Pro

    Hey guys,

    Great review, but could we, you know, kinda keep it in the real world with something that gives gamers an idea of performance boost? 

    I know that many people are horrified that I would spend this sort of money on a mac gaming laptop, but I live in an environment where a laptop is my only realistic computer - when I am at home, I want a gaming rig, on the road, I need something that I can render like a pro. 

    In civ 6 can I play the game on max resolution? Does a decent graphics card take the pressure off the internal graphics card enough that the i9 is able to run at a faster speed for longer? 

    Just sayin...
  • Apple urges Australian government not to weaken encryption with backdoors

    The scary thing is that Australia, is part of the 'five eyes' arrangement between the US, the UK, New Zealand and Canadia. As such,  should this legislation pass, Australia would be be a point of entry for other 'five eyes' partners through the appropriate request channels. 

    Think Pine Gap is busy now? With this legislation, no one would have any privacy at all. 

    Seriously. No digital privacy. Walking down a street in London - you are tracked on CCTV. Using an app in the US? Requesting an UBER in the Canadia's? Shagging a Sheep in Kiwiland?

    Oh, sure. If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Unless the data collected on you is used for nefarious purposes. In that case, you are on your own, as the 'intelligence agencies' have been specifically covered for liability through legislation. 

    So sorry, old bean. We didn't mean for your data to be used to steal your identity, but as an insurance company/bank/financial institution is currently donating to our 'democracy fund', and we like them more than we like you, you are shit out of luck....