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  • One month later: iPhone XS versus the iPhone XS Max

    netrox said:
    I really hate the super sized iPhones. It's really a problem. It's the same mindset with people having for McMansions and supersized meals where they measure their egos based on how big their things are. It's a sickness. There is nothing appealing about carrying a big ass phone around. I have XS and while I love it, it's really pushing to how much I can tolerate the size. I don't like the weight and the size being too large. The sense of portability is lost. I have Appe Watch. I have iPad. I have MacBook Pro. I have iMac. I much have everything Apple but damn it, Apple, stop making iphones bigger to appeal to those size queen idiots.
    Congrats Netrox.  I went and registered just to reply to this comment.  I'm not going to flame you because I think there is too much of that on these iPhone and Android forums.  Having said that, where do you get your information?  I use a large phone because.... I like a large phone.  Simple as that!  I'm not an idiot, no more than anyone else.  I don't have an ego.  I just like a phone that I can see well.  I like the large screen for watching videos on.  I even like regular sized meals in the drive thru!  Maybe you're just trolling and I took the bait, but what a moronic comment.  Large phones are popular for a reason.  The beautiful thing is that there is a phone for everyone nowadays.  Big, small, iPhone, Android, flip phone.  Someone else made a comment that I agree with 100% when responding to your comment:  You’ve made the terrible mistake of believing your own opinions are facts.
  • Apple's iPhone XS Max smashes Google's Pixel 3 in benchmark testing

    Blunt said:
    The Pixel 3 is pobably to busy sending data to Google.

    If it runs on Android OS, then yes.  Android OS is built to harvest personal data for Google.  Guess what?  99 out of 100 consumers don't care.
    I agree that most consumers don't care.  They should.  This article explains why:

    I prefer the Android OS to iOS but I won't use it for that very reason.  I value my privacy and if keeping it means I pay more, so be it.  That's not to say that Apple doesn't have some of my info but Google is light years worse when it comes to the harvesting of personal info.
  • Apple's iPhone XS Max smashes Google's Pixel 3 in benchmark testing

    I still want to see a video that times opening, in sequence, all the “same” apps on each phone (twice) like we used to get every year. Like, start the same game on each and when it’s ready to play move on to rendering out the same video on each device, and then on to the next app, etc. 
    Go to YouTube and go to EverythingApplePro's channel.  He just did such a video a few days ago.  It was very interesting.