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  • Apple looks to rejigger Apple News+ as publishers carp over low revenues, 'unfinished' pro...

    I enjoy Apple+ selection and convenience. Especially getting my magazines in one place...and can take them with me to read anywhere.

     Just 3 things I wish they would do that would improve the experience for both reader AND publisher:

    1) I want to read the ENTIRE magazine not just selections. Heck one of the reasons women get Vogue, Elle, In Style and other fashion magazines is to see the ADS! That’s where the fun is. Apple+ only has selected ads. Running all the ads means publishers can charge advertisers more

    2) Wish they had an actual magazine interface like Zino

    3) Wish I could delete magazines from my device when I’m done reading ...not have them downloaded for 30+ days taking valuable storage on my devices.

    Otherwise...Great start and I just have to find time to read my favorites. The above changes would make it more like the real thing!
    matrix077forgot usernamepalomine
  • Netflix kills in-app subscription option for iPhone & iPad users

    I want all my subscriptions for apps I get through the Apple App Store to be managed through the App Store. That’s why I buy them.


    1) Convenience—Just one place to check what my subscriptions are and when they are due

    2) Reliability— Apple let’s me know in advance that a subscription comes due. I can then easily go into ITunes and cancel if I desire.

    And I know if I cancel it will be cancelled. I’ve done too many cancellations BS when a company doesn’t cancel my subscription as requested on time. Means long fight with a service where I cannot talk with a human or have to let my credit card company fight it out. 

    3) Security— Trust my payment, name, address, phone, email, credit card are safe and secure with Apple. I cannot trust that with another company whose security may be minimal —too many hacks out there. Security is part of the Apple App Store service for me.

    I want all my apps —Purchases, subscriptions and updates to go through one place—the App Store. If a developer wants to go DIY, take it off the App Store, with its free advertising to Apple client base. Advertise and let me come to you if I desire your service. I’m sure Appleinsider and others will welcome DIY developer ad dollars...

    I’m not buying apps that don’t go through the App Store anymore.  Had to do this with 1 Password, had issues, only an email exchange customer service to help.  But my passwords were  at stake. So I went with their subscription offline and hate it.

    To start on Apple services then take them away is to me bait-and-switch...

  • Southwest Airlines integrates Apple Pay for tickets, meals and more

    I’ve spent the summer in a small town in British Columbia, Canada. I was shocked how many businesses, large and small, and customers use phone tap payments.  Restaurants bring a phone tap device to your table that even does tip calculations. And when I use my IPhone/Apple Watch pay, no signing bills.  You can even tap your IPhone at gas pumps.  I reside in Houston, Texas—4th largest city in the USA—and do NOT have that almost total access to IPhone payment options, especially the gas station, restaurants, take-out. Even big department stores don’t do any phone pay in Houston. Canada is very tech savvy, much more than most places in the USA from what I’ve seen. I love it!