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  • Seven years later, Apple was right to kill off the 3.5mm headphone jack

    The headphone jack is installed on all of the new Apple laptops as well as the Mac Studio.
  • Apple uses Messages colors to bully Android users, says Google

    Maybe Google would be better off worrying about their anti-trust issues than the color of the messages bubble which Apple had had since day one. 
  • Despite potshots, Intel & Samsung want to make Apple Silicon

    I sure would not let Intel nor Samsung have access to build Apple's processors. They would then steal the technology for their own chips and Apple would loose their marketing and power advantages in both computers and the "I" devices.

    Samsung stole Apple's designs years ago and they are not any different now. There is a different integrity mindset in other places in the world.
    lkrupprob53llamaFred257killroyrobin huberMisterKitleavingthebiggskippingrockwatto_cobra
  • Apple won't offer Apple Watch service replacements on out of warranty devices

    It reads if the device is currently under extended warranty, then they can service it. The magic phrase is under a current extended warranty.
  • SIM card trays may disappear from iPhone 15 in Europe

    Because an eSIM needs an input of information. Such equipment is not in place. A physical SIM card is take the old one out and insert the new one. Only tool needed is a pin to cause the sim tray to open. 

    It has been a BFD to swap cell service with Verizon every year since this eSim started. I have had to go up the food chain to very senior techs at Verizon just to get the latest top model of iPhone operational.

    What happens if my iPhone dies out of country? There is no way to get the Verizon eSim re-enabled if I am in the UK where my wife's family resides.With a SIM card, it was instantaneous to bring a new replacement phone on line. Just swap the SIM card - a no-brainer.

    My iPhone backs up to iCloud so it is simple to restore the "data" to a new phone, but the eSim is not a possible remote restore.

    If one never leaves their home country, then this eSim issue is a moot issue. But as an international traveler it is a real issue.
  • Mac Pro and Mac Studio refreshes may wait till 2025

    I have a M1 Max 14" MBPro (64GB & 4TB SSD) and a M1 Ultra MacStudio (128GB & 8TB SSD). Apple depreciated the MacStudio nearly 75% in one year for a trade in value. Not quite as bad for the laptop. Both are able to run the latest MacOS. Both still work fine for my needs. Both have Apple Care going forward. 

    Unless any of the software I use suddenly needs a M4 or M5 to run, I am content to keep the jingle in my pockets.

    I recognize the difference between a "want" or a "need".  I may want the latest and greatest but I do not need it for what I do. Thus in the "soldered" world that Apple has now created, I order the maximum system memory and the largest SSD I think I could possibly need for my use for years.

    I enjoy watching the "dog and pony" show for the new stuff and the last few years they have really had to work to generate apparent enthusiasm for their new products with small incremental changes.
  • Despite what you may have heard, don't write off the iMac just yet

    If it aint broke, then don't fix it :)
  • When to expect updates to AirPods, iPad, Mac, MacBook Pro, and more

    My M1 MacStudio Ultra and M1 Max 14" laptop are working just fine.  

    The M1 series had nearly identical single core speeds. The M2 series have nearly identical single core speeds. Logic suggests the M3 series could also have nearly identical single core speeds. There was about a 10% speed bump from M1 to M2. One would hope the speed bump would exceed 10% going to M3.

    My M1 Ultra Studio currently has a 75% depreciation hit for an Apple trade in. I could wait and see what M4 brings and actually get the value out of the M1 gear.
  • Apple offers a first look at upcoming Messages via satellite feature

    Old saying: "The proof is in the pudding".  

    The satellite company, with Apple's financing, has to launch many (number not disclosed) new satellites to give good coverage just within the US proper let alone Alaska, Hawaii, Mexico or Canada or even other US territories. The coverage has to be across our borders to the North and South so there is solid coverage within all of the USA.

    I see this as a multi-year plan and it could be three or four years before useful operation. Musk has been launching thousands of new satellites for coverage and his pockets are perhaps deeper than Apple's pockets for just this one marketing claim.

    The SAT phone business will do very well world wide for many years. There are not other options for most of the remote land masses.
  • Beeper's CEO wants to sue Apple for blocking its iMessage bridge hack

    Seems like they are into illegal impersonations of other people to gain access for their product.

    They are currently spoofing on their Macs that they are many different Apple customers.

    What a security nightmare.

    So if they get ahold of a real Apple customers' credentials, they could sign up lots of folks using that account?