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  • Netflix disabled AirPlay because it isn't being told what device is getting the stream

    RainE said:
    The way I see it Netflix is simply guaranteeing the quality of their service. If dev's don't have information about the devices their app will be used on it's impossible to guarantee the quality of the service they are offering to their customers.
    It's really as simple as this. Too many conspiracy theories and foaming-at-the-mouth here.
    Not conspiracy theory. Netflix' alert about rejecting displays that don't support HDCP is well known. Yet the web is full of pirated Netflix content. Their tech cannot prevent piracy, obviously.
    They refuse HD to output devices that don't do HDCP, which is basically all real web browsers because the Intel video chips didn't pay $1 for an HDCP license.  If you want HD, you have to play on a laptop on its internal screen only, or else choose from the various "stick" products available which means choosing an "app ecosystem" instead of the open web.  The "stick" ecosystem exposes you to censorship (coordinated banning of Infowars across all platforms at once) and various methods to exploit your laziness by rearranging buttons and icons to "promote" things and treat you like an "eyeball."  It's degrading to be treated in this coercive way, often frustrating to deal with the low quality and poor security and privacy of the "stick" ecosystem, problems that would not exist to such a great extent on a normal web browser.  It should be illegal because the entire game is based on companies with >50% manipulating the market through secret deals to "get their icon on there" or control what the eyeballs can do.

    Adding insult to injury, the sorts of people who spend their lives making these unnecessary deals, these specialised professional scammers, are the only ones who are going to keep their jobs while the robots replace the rest of us.

    There are no villains or good guys in this story.  Apple Airplay and Netflix have both pushed their way into more control over the user than they deserve.  A fight has broken out among the wardens of our open-air prison.  Neither one satisfied with the bargain struck between tech elite and user by web browsers, which is already not great but is much better.
