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  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    May have mentioned before, I’m about 2 years in with TextBlade. Still novel, still get a kick out of using it. Still get meetings start with ‘sorry, before we begin, can you please tell me what that is in front of you?’ Have to explain what it is and let people have a go when in a meeting with new faces. I don’t mind taking people through it; I think I’ve developed a pretty good pitch now :smile: 
    I’m always sure to tell them the preorder stuff. Most are very interested but not everyone wants it for themselves, of course.

    I use it across all my devices still. TextBlade is part of my everyday carry. I have found myself much less reliant on the laptop and unless I need to present on a screen will only take my phone or tablet with me to meetings. The nano stands are enough for that use.
    My desk photo was on the order status page for a while. Very typical for me to have three devices facing me at once, jumping between each to type. Of the three, the tablet currently gets the least attention.
    I have a late model MacBook Pro allocated to me for work and the key feel on it is horrendous in comparison to TextBlade. I’ll only use the built in keyboard if desperate. Most of the time TextBlade is flat on the desk with that computer. Typing while on top of the built in keyboard isn’t terrible in a pinch. Pressure required to press down a TextBlade is low enough to not activate any key below it beside Space. I use Karabiner to turn off the built in keyboard for this purpose.
    At home I have a couple of uses… Phone and tablet most often, MacBook Pro (late 2013) least often. The MacBook has a nice enough keyboard but I am much more comfortable on TextBlade. I have piece of silicone to prevent actuation of keys when I want to use this Mac on my lap. It works fine and is still natural enough for trackpad reach.

    the benefits of the TB makes it your go-to keyboard for everything. 
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Hi @ericpeets
    While it would be nice, at times, to have a WayTools rep in our Slack channel, there’s not. 
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Belated reply to @TextBladeDenied
    TextBladeDenied said:

    And yet, Mark Knighton refuses to ship it. Care to guess why?


    Have you ever run a firmware update on your TextBlade gmadden, or heard of someone running a firmware update?


    Have you heard any reports of any treg tester bricking a Textblade as part of a firmware update procedure?

    Yes, as below.

    Does interrupting a firmware update brick the keyboard?

    In the past, Yes. No TREG reports of this for a very long time. It was not a permanent brick. Maybe more like plasterboard :)

    Can a Textblade be un-bricked with a reset procedure and firmware upgrade re-run?

    Depends how it bricked.

    Why, in the entire universe of firmware upgradeable devices, is only Waytools unable to ship a product with firmware that can be easily upgraded at a later date?

    No. I think the premise here is false. Upgrading the firmware post release has not been the hold up. It is triage and resolution of ‘issues’.

    There are countless little electronic gadgets available (with a fraction of the alleged R&D input of the Textblade) which have no problem implementing an intuitive firmware update procedure that works. Why can't Waytools figure that out?

    They have. I get the impression you don’t like the chosen answer.

    Have an opinion?


    Why is the Textblade firmware update procedure so unreliable that Waytools cannot risk releasing firmware v1 while they finish v2?

    Not the upgrade itself, all the stuff around it for many thousands of (potential) customers with (un-triaged) issues.

    If there is no serious and good faith logical answer to these questions, then perhaps the real answer is simply that there is no Textblade being offered for sale under any circumstance, and the technical issues alleged (firmware re-write) are a cover story. 

    Impressively elaborate if that is the case.

    Isn't the much more likely truth that they cannot afford to produce it (and thus lie to everyone by not disclosing that fact), or that they are restrained from selling it due to patent/legal issues (and thus they lie to everyone by not disclosing that fact)?


    Edit: line breaks on mobile aren’t playing nice. Is there a way to HTML edit on mobile?

  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    @AppleInsider I sure hope this is only part one of your WayTools series. 
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    My reference was to the site Wait But Why linked prior to colinng, putting myself in the category of insane, optimistic procrastinators.
  • The TextBlade keyboard is superb, but you'll have to be patient

    Must also be said that if anything ever goes wrong with TextBlade, WayTools’ response has been exemplary. 
    Very quick to get to root causes allowing me to get back to work with a minimal of fuss. 