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  • Apple employees express concern over new child safety tools

    Ofer said:
    Sadly, even with this new tool, Apple is still the best game in town as far as user privacy is concerned. I’m a big fan of the company and have been using their products since the very first computer I’ve owned (anyone remember the Apple IIgs?). However, if they continue in this trajectory, I may have to start researching other options.
    Yes, I remember the IIgs, still have one...  as well as my first Macintosh (a platinum Plus I purchased new back in '87).

    Sadly, due to this CSAM scanning, I will almost certainly be moving away from Apple.  I have already disabled the auto-upgrade on our dozen, or so, iOS based devices.  When iOS 15 comes out, that will be the end of updates for us.  Since we don't use iCloud and rarely text, this "feature" would have little impact on us.  However, the very notion that a company (any company) believes it has the right to place what amounts to spyware on devices I own is completely unacceptable!  If this means eventually going back to a "dumb" phone, then so be it.  Even if Apple were to state it will not include this "feature", I would probably not trust them enough to believe them...  perhaps they would just do it anyway without telling anybody.

    In fairness, I grew up consuming more than my fair share of dystopian novels and movies which might be influencing my position a bit.  :-)
  • Tim Cook wants to debut one more big product category before he retires

    I realize there are a good number of Cook fans here but I, for one, believe he cannot leave soon enough!
  • Facebook attacks Apple over iOS 14 ad privacy program in full-page newspaper ads

    I agree with Apple on this. Tracking cookies have been abused for too long
    Absolutely!  I have tried completely disabling cookies, but far too many web-sites break without cookies.  Very frustrating.

    That said, if you are concerned about privacy, there are other insidious tracking methods:
  • M1 MacBook owners complain about easily cracked screens

    Apple needs to step up or this will result in yet another lawsuit...  potentially class action.

    I have worked on industrial designs where we had to take significant precautions to prevent cracking of a clear plastic lens.  While a notebook computer would not experience the same level of physical stress, incorporating clamped plastic in a design can be quite tricky.
  • What to do before you trade in your old iPhone for an iPhone 16


    Take a deep breath and sleep on it.  Do you really need that new phone?
  • tvOS 14.5 beta code backs up rumors of redesigned Apple TV remote

    Based upon the abject stupidity of Apple's remote control, I am expecting the next one to be a cube with a glass touch sensor on each side.
    Would it be practical?  No
    Would it be usable?  No
    Would it have clean aesthetics?  Yes.  Nuff said!
  • Tim Cook confirms Apple is researching ChatGPT-style AI

    dewme said:
    The term “AI” is the current generation’s universally applicable adjective equivalent to the previous generation’s “digital.” The Digital Age spawned crazy notions like the Digital Economy, Digital Ecosystem, and my favorite, the Digital Divide. No, the Digital Divide is not the line of demarcation between the free flowing, non quantized, infinitely divisible notions of the Analog Universe and a much different universe defined by ones and zeros.

    The good news is that you don’t need tools like ChatGPT to transport yourself and your new work into the buzzwordy coolness of the new AI Age. All you need is the Search & Replace feature of your favorite human driven generative tools, aka word processing and presentation programs, and simply replace all occurrences of “Digital” with “AI.” 

    Welcome to the AI Economy, the AI Ecosystem, and my brand new favorite, the AI Divide. Just make sure you’re living on the right side of the new divide. You don’t want to be left behind.
    People are viewing "AI" today the same way people viewed "fuzzy-logic" a quarter century ago...  Gads!  Has it really been that long.  "Fuzzy-logic" was viewed by many "experts" in the industry as THE game changer for AI.  It was largely dead within 5-7 years.
  • You don't have to flip this Magic Mouse hack over to charge

    dewme said:
    dewme said:
    Yet again a clever proof of concept. He’s basically created a “magic shoe” for the Magic Mouse that allows the mouse to be used while charging. It works. But it’s pretty obvious from the implementation why Apple never chose to go down this path. It’s design and aesthetics are okay from a mouse-in-a-shoe perspective, but Apple (at least with Jony Ive at the helm of the design team) would never have allowed this to be labeled as an Apple product. It’s too large, bulky, and reminiscent of mouse designs you can get from many other vendors for $29.99.

    Whether you liked Jony’s approach or not, he always stuck to his guns and saw that his vision for a product met his design and aesthetic goals. Anything that deviated too far from what he envisioned was seen as a failure. One can argue that what comes across as a single-minded and arguably narrow focus on the primary functionality, like using the device and how it feels in the hand, led to functional compromises when it came to ancillary functionality, like charging the device. The Magic Mouse is imo pleasant and efficient to use, but yeah, there is no getting over the clunky recharging scenario. The rationale must have been something like “you obviously only recharge the device while you’re not using it.” This makes perfect sense only until it doesn’t.
    Not a mouse in a shoe.  Rather than being inserted into something (like a foot into a shoe), the mouse is pretty clearly separated in half with a center section added, which also encompasses the lower half.

    His design philosophy of form over function is the reason I don't care for his designs in general.  He was a good (not great) product designer when kept reined in, but a disaster when let loose.

    One thing I still wonder about is why more wireless mouse and trackball designers have not gone after using an inductive charging mechanism. Perhaps it has something to do with the need to periodically park the mouse exactly on top of a charging coil built into the desk, desk pad, or a mouse pad. Perhaps as far-field wireless power transfer technology becomes more mature and widely available it can be used in conjunction with precision UWB localization to allow all of the wireless devices sitting on your desk, or even all wirelessly charged devices in a room, to be charged simply because they are within line-of-sight proximity to the charging station or broadcast beacon. Seems doable in the not too distant future.
    Years ago I was working on just such a thing!  I was designing a "foot" for a monitor which was a wide (thin) slab.  There were indexed locations to park a keyboard and mouse (with inductive power points at specific locations)...  with a modified apple wireless keyboard and mighty mouse to allow for inductive charging.  The idea being, at the end of the day you put your mouse and keyboard in their respective locations and they are charged overnight.  Like so many of my projects, it never got completed.  LOL  Technology moves too fast and I never seem to have enough time.
  • iPhone 16 to use graphene heat sink to solve overheating issues

    So... what good does this do when most iPhone owners have their phone in a case that has very poor thermal conductivity?
    Getting the heat off of the battery and the processor is the first priority. After that, it's not that big an issue. The graphene heat sink is more important for getting heat away from critical components, which will be more efficient than what's there now.
    That is only beneficial in the (very) short term...  until whatever you are pumping the heat into approaches thermal equilibrium with the component(s) you are attempting to cool.  That heat has to go somewhere and if the phone is held in a case with poor thermal conductivity, the heat inside the case has nowhere to go (quickly).

    I suspect the ideal solution would be the screen.  It has a large surface area and there is rarely anything more than an ultra-thin screen protector and when in use is usually exposed to air.  Perhaps DOW (or whoever Apple uses) can develop a super tough glass screen which also has high thermal conductivity.
  • End of an era: Apple's SuperDrive has finally sold out after 16 years

    dewme said:
    I haven’t picked up a CD, DVD, or Blue Ray disc in 5-6 years. Like others have said the SuperDrive doesn’t play well with non-Apple devices. I still have a Samsung alternative that seems to work okay with other platforms. It’s sitting in a drawer, snuggled right up next to my SuperDrive. Tech ballast. 
    This past year I have purchased several more 4K Blu-Ray drives - for future proofing.  I use the two in my 2010 Mac Pro on a monthly (sometimes weekly) basis to rip discs (anything from DVDs to 4K UHD BluRays).  I have a Plex server in the basement which does an outstanding job of streaming my well curated content, with a picture quality which streaming cannot hope to approach.  I also regularly purchase CDs for use in home audio - again, the quality is far superior to compressed formats.

    I have found some drives seem to work better on some discs, so having a choice of drives from different manufacturers is quite beneficial.

    To each their own.