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  • Apple forces Patreon to pay 30% of new memberships sold through iOS

    I'm perfectly happy to defend the 30% commission on app sales because the app store is a retailer so the 30% is nothing more than the traditional markup on a wholesale price.  just like every other retailer has.

    I'm also ok with charging that 30% in-app purchase on games since the content is a part of the app and is still being downloaded via apple and not the app owner's servers.

    This is different though and i *despise* nickel and dimeing iOS users like this.   Once you've downloaded the Patreon app no further content is downloaded via Apple's servers except for app updates.  I have no idea why anybody at Apple thinks it's okay to take a 30% commission on a Cameo message to my grandma from Steve Guttenberg just because i requested it in the app and not on the Cameo website?  A 30% cut on magazine subscriptions?  nope nope nope.  the content doesn't go through apple so they don't have a right to it.  

  • Apple continues to make it clear that it will collect its share of iOS app purchases

    i’m always amazed by the fact that there are people out there who think that anybody was going to get around apple’a 30%. 

    Nobody complains when Best Buy adds a 50% markup from the wholesale price on software they carry in their stores so it’s weird when people acts like the an app store is out of line. 

    the App Store is a retail store just like Best Buy and as such Apple buys each copy sold at a wholesale price (70% of MSRP or more accurately Developer Determined Retail Price).  Once Apple has bought that copy at the agreed upon price they can do what they want with it so long as it doesn’t exceed the DDRP.  That’s how apple can put items on sale or give them away as a promotional item. 

    App stores also have many key advantages over traditional retail because an app isn’t purchased until it’s sold… so there’s no such thing as unsold inventory and prices can be adjusted up or down at any point (in close to real-time) by the developer if they want. 

    there used to be so many risks associated with making physical copies of games and other software (over production. shipping, storage, theft, etc) and because almost all the physical costs of software are gone we, as consumers, now get our apps at fantastic prices and instantly. and the developer makes more money per copy sold since the eta get 70% of retail now rather than the 50% they used to get. 

    seems weird that people complain about the 30% that everybody charges. it’s a great deal no matter how you look at it ESPECIALLY if you take history into consideration. 
  • Tesla wants Apple's help to beat Autopilot death lawsuit

    feels like this guy should have gotten a darwin award considering he reported this autopilot behavior as being dangerous yet continued to use autopilot on the same stretch of road with autopilot active. 

    999 times out of 1000 i’ll probably side with whoever is accusing tesla of something bad, but this is that 1/1000 for me.  dude literally knew better than to trust autopilot there and got yeeted into a wall at 71mph for it. 
  • Scott Forstall told Pandora to jailbreak early iPhones to get a head start on development

    As I've been saying for months, to people who "want to run anything," Apple doesn't care if you jailbreak your iPhones. This is proof.
    um, no... this was 2007 and it's ONE *ex* VP who was such a raging narcissist that he wouldn't acknowledge that he fucked up Maps and got himself fired as a result.  He was also the dillhole who was behind the "skeuomorphic" elements of the iOS interface... elements that THANKFULLY got ditched when Jony Ive was given the job of revisualizing iOS...  Tim Cook firing this clown-shoe was the best thing that could have happened to Apple.  Forstall was Jobs' pet and as long as he was there there was going to be a power struggle between the guy who *thought* he should be running Apple and the guy who actually was...  the quote in the article that says "while we get our act together at Apple " says it all... he was in it for himself.
  • The best Thunderbolt docks for your Mac or MacBook Pro

    i’m still trying to figure out why nobody builds a simple TB / USB C hub to replace USB hubs… TB to host and then 7 or more ports  of USB 3.2 (10Gb) with a USB C connector would suit my needs just fine.

    i don’t need to run multiple monitors with it. i don’t need ethernet. i don’t need audio ports.  i don’t need SD card slots.  i don’t need to charge a laptop with it. 

    i have enough cables at this point with USB C that i don’t even need USB A support. 

    this really shouldn’t be a big ask and definitely shouldn’t he a $200+ device. 

    if anybody has seen something that resembles what i’m talking about i’d love to hear about it. so far all i’ve seen is  4 USB C ports at 10Gb… or more ports at just 5Gb and not all USB C