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  • Man sues Apple for terminating Apple ID with $24K worth of content

    So many people here saying “you broke the rules, you pay the price”. I wonder if they’ve really put themselves in this guy’s position. Of course we don’t know why this guy had his account terminated but should that matter? Apple is not a government, not any kind of law enforcement service, just a private company that is unaccountable to anyone but its shareholders.

    is there a single person on this forum who would not be aggrieved if they permanently lost access to thousands of dollars worth of content with not even a reason given?

    Putting aside for the moment the issue of this guy being banned, part of the larger picture is the way Apple deals with their customers.

    I know this to my cost because one day I noticed a film I’d “purchased” on iTunes had disappeared- one of a bundle of five movies. I checked the store and the bundle was still there for the same price I paid for it (I checked back to my purchase receipt). All other four films were still accessible to me but not the fifth. I contacted Apple, assuming some glitch or mixup. I was met with a brick wall. I have only purchased a license to use Apple’s streaming service to access movie content that may be withdrawn at any time, for any reason.

    I appealed to Apple’s sense of fair play. After all, I have thousands of dollars of purchases with them. I am a great customer. I simply asked the film bundle be refunded so I could repurchase it as currently listed for the same, identical, current price as I originally paid for it. I reasoned that it costs Apple nothing and we all get what we want, in my case access to a film that was removed by the distributor. The response was firmly negative.

    When I, an honest user who has not broken any rules, can lose access to paid-for content silently without notification or reason given, surely this is a good time to review whether Apple is operating fairly?