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  • Epic Games files to appeal ruling in Apple lawsuit

    I’ve really hit my limit with this case. Epic wants to make more money. Period. That is the plain and simple fact. They don’t care about monopolistic behavior—Apple and Epic don’t even move in the same spaces; at least not enough for a legal case of this size. Everything about Epic at this point, from this lawsuit down to their douche bag company name, even their mutant CEO’s face, is a major turnoff and I will absolutely no longer be buying their products. How about make better games, Epic? I feel badly for their developers who have to get dragged with this lawsuit. Such a waste. 
  • Google pokes fun at Apple's Jony Ive design videos in new headphone jack ad

    This was silly “funny”. But is anyone else TRULY over this headphone jack debate? My god, can we all get over the 3.5mm port? It’s old tech, it’s time to let it go. The number of people who actually need that port (musicians or designers, whatever) are far and few between. The most of the world does NOT “need” a headphone jack. I’m sick of hearing about it and I’m sick of this constant complaining from people it’s gone. For the few who need it, you have adapters. Now stop complaining because the majority of us don’t care. Bye. 
  • Developers of free apps seek $200 billion damages, claim Apple restrains trade

    tedz98 said:
    Just remember that there is just one pathway to get an app installed on an iPhone and that’s through Apple. Apple has complete and total control over the App Store marketplace. Certainly there are security benefits to this level of control. But one could easily argue that if an app passes security standards and doesn’t violate some severe level of indecency why shouldn’t all apps be allowed in the App Store and let the competition of the market pick winners and losers? I for one don’t need some Apple curation process to “protect” me from undesirable apps. I’m an adult. I can handle that. I’m not a lawyer but there is certainly some level of “monopolistic” behavior happening on the part of Apple when they have absolute control over which apps are allowed in the App Store.
    There's always Android. Apple's market differential is their ecosystem, I would like to have that option in our malware infested market. If Apple opens up their system and some developers chose to provide their products only through proprietary means they'll ruin the entire intent of the ecosystem. You can't have a monopoly on your own products. Apple doesn't have a market monopoly, the only reason companies are coming down on Apple is because their ecosystem provides the confidence to their customer to pay for things and thus make a lot of profits. These companies are shooting themselves in the foot, their short sightedness makes them think 'oh, our own App Store?! We'll make billions!!' is rubbish. Android does not provide that level of customer confidence due to the lack of an Apple-like secure ecosystem and therefore they doesn't have the level of sales that the App Store does.
    Thank you, a perfect response! I'm beyond done with developers acting like children and stomping their feet on the ground. Apple is not the only player in the market, not even close. To suggest they have a monopoly... Do these people know what a monopoly is? You don't have to develop for Apple. Their platform, and all the support and innovation that goes into it, provides massive markets of third party hardwares and softwares.  Like get over it you greedy developers. That comment about Tim Cook v Steve Jobs was real unnecessary and massively catty. Miss me with all of this.
  • Apple in talks with San Jose over homeless encampment on its undeveloped land

    I feel like this is a really great opportunity for Apple to use its endless wealth to truly help their neighborhood. If Apple does absolutely nothing, scorns the homeless, and forces them away, they would have a massive PR problem. This is honestly kind of a marketing gift. Spend a chunk of change (which is pennies to Apple), do something magical with that Apple swirl on top, and poof. You demonstrate all your values, put your money where your mouth is, AND directly help the lives of the people in your own back yard. It’s a win/win and would cost them nothing. 