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  • Apple lobbies against tax hikes proposed in $3.5T economic package

    centaur said:
    They got what they asked for and now are complaining that the authoritarians really meant it when they said they wanted to force everyone else to pay for their goals instead of letting people make decisions for themselves.  
    I’m still making decisions for myself, what’s the problem?  When massive corporations aren’t paying their fair share, if any taxes ar all, and yet we have corporations like Amazon benefiting greatly from our roads, educated employees, and USPS but don’t pay taxes to further develop oir decrepit infrastructure… these are the decisions you’re so proud of?!?!?!? 

    ITGUYINSDwilliamlondonFileMakerFellerAlex_Vbruce youngrevenantjcs2305muthuk_vanalingamelijahg
  • SharePlay comes to Mac in latest macOS Monterey beta

    Japhey said:
    I know all the bloggers are feigning outrage that this feature is arriving late, but be honest my AI peeps…how many of you are seriously missing this in your life? How many of you will actually use SharePlay more than one time? 

    I know, I know, I can already hear the Georges out there saying “just because you don’t like something, blah blah blah”. But I have many people in my circle of all different ages, backgrounds, and whatnot, and not a single one of them has ever expressed an interest in this feature or dismay at having to wait for it. 

    So, I’m seriously wondering…who is actually excited for SharePlay?
    Ok grampy… still using corn cobs and Sears catalogs?  These “bloggers” you’re mocking are already using less capable solutions to interview others, review movies, games, etc and we’ve used this countless times before it was out and while it’s still in beta.  Before the pandemic, did you think video conference calls were a niche gimmick, too? 
  • Apple lobbies against tax hikes proposed in $3.5T economic package

    centaur said:
    They got what they asked for and now are complaining that the authoritarians really meant it when they said they wanted to force everyone else to pay for their goals instead of letting people make decisions for themselves.  
    Well, many are not even paying taxes while getting massive benefits, COVID payouts, etc, and those that wanted Biden were careful for what they asked for… competent leadership to get our country back on track and out of a circus!   FYI, I just signed up, and will continue to do so over and over, if you keep posting political BS 
  • Apple talks to suppliers to increase manufacturing efforts outside of China

    darkvader said:
    Reopen the Fremont factory.

    Apple pretends to be an American company.  Perhaps they should try to act like one.
    Well, if extreme Capitalism didn't purge all supply chains, training, infrastructure, on and on to save even only a penny by moving our country's manufacturing oversees, then maybe we'd still have all that's needed to make any factory like that possible.  You can't just open a factory and have the supply chain, skills, and other resources needed to actually make it possible to manufacture anything. 