
Just another faceless crustacean dog-toy. 


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  • Apple insists 8GB unified memory equals 16GB regular RAM

    So, after all the lovely thoughtful comments here …

    I’ll add that my personal experience bears this out. My M1 Max MBP 32Gb absolutely kept up with the Alienware R12 i7 64Gb. The only difference between the two was the graphics card (NVIDIA) performance and the ability to ramp up the processor cycles (and sound like a hair dryer).

    I pushed the limits of both machines in video encoding and streaming. 

    Your mileage may vary.
  • Reminder: using Chrome on a Mac defeats Apple's privacy features

    Don’t forget that regulatory agencies in the EU and other jurisdictions want to force these points of inroad onto your devices, or otherwise degrade privacy protections through “interoperability”.

    The EU trolls here like to laud initiatives without broader context, even though it takes a just a little research to show that it’s no privacy utopia there.

    Take a look at for starters.

    PS - For those of you that recall, Google always intended Chrome to be a stealth operating system on top of the host OS, in order to subvert any privacy controls, and to erode mind-share from competitors.

    For this same reason, I’ve never understood the rabid brainwashed advocacy behind web apps as a substitute for native apps. The whole point of web apps is to track you across multiple endpoints and to loosen OS level protections. Do you really think these entities are handling your data ethically? 
  • TikToker shocked by high Verizon bill over 'free' Apple Watch promo

    The $600 charge was probably from the one they gave away to a friend. These are usual “free” if you carry the $10 a month in cellular. Once the unit switched to a different account/service, they were billed the full amount.

    A lot of tiktokkers are not the brightest bunch and like to invent drama for hits. This seems less a shady dealer than a customer that a) accidentally or willfully didn’t understand what they were told, b) made a big deal on social media to pad their views and get a deal they wouldn’t have normally.
  • Apple Watch sensor has racial bias, claims new lawsuit

    Welp, looks like the racists (”it doesn't effect me so it can’t be racism”) are out in force.

    They key here is that even though the limits of oximeters are known, Apple went ahead and introduced the feature regardless of how it would impact users’ experience. No disclaimers. No apparent skin tone detection. No on Watch warning or dialogue allowing you to adjust for skin tone. And do on. It’s marketed, engineered, and now defended as working for the default skin color assumption... i.e light-skinned people. It’s not a leap to assume that has there been more people with darker skin tones involved in the decision making, this would have been flagged as a bug or a non-starter. So yes, this is the sort of structural or chain of casual racism that you can encounter.

    The separate case regarding medical treatment outcomes will likely be the more serious and far-reaching. The medical industry has a history of these types of errors in judgment. We’ll have to wait and see how well the device makers trained people, what disclaimers are in training literature, research papers and the like, as well as how well hospitals and other organizations trained their staffs.

    I’ll remind everyone that if the shoe were on the other foot, and light skinned people’s lives had been endangered by a fault in the device or training, this would be a major shitfest in general, in the news cycle for weeks, and likely the target of very public and swift government reaction.

    Also, anyone trotting out “frivolous lawsuit” — have a care. That term has been weaponized to question the legitimacy of valid the legal rights of black and brown Americans for decades. Do some research before you use that as a point of argument.

    There’s also a bunch of folks that mixing up the two cases. The case for medical treatment is being referred to as supporting evidence that Apple management and engineers should or would have known about the technology’s limitations as currently designed.

    For anyone interested in well researched institutional racism, how casually it’s applied, and what cumulative effect it continues to have on generations of Americans, I highly recommend The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein. It’s an excellent example of legal and historical analysis being applied to understand American legal history, and how it’s been used to create and defend racial hierarchies.

    Please think twice before responding to me in anything less than a civil and respectful way. If all you’re going to do is trot out manufactured talking points and threats to society, don’t bother. You’ve had quite enough air-time already. I won’t engage trolls.

    For anyone with a good-faith question or argument, I’ll do my best to respond, given my limited time and energy. (And also limited patience. Educate yourselves, people. If it were an engineering issue, you’d go look up info in technical and science resources — not Faux News and it’s ilk. Do the same here. Read a book, even if you disagree with it. Or ask me for a link or several.)
  • Brazil stops iPhone sales until Apple includes an AC charger

    omasou said:
    Brazil put a price on wokeness, good.

    Apple is so concerned about the environment they don't include a charger or earphones in their $1,000+ devices. 

    At the same time, they make products that can't be repaired and need to be replaced wholesale. Example my XS face ID crystal broke, turns out, that cannot be fixed or replaced. At all. Not by Apple or anyone else. Either you use the phone without, or you throw it away. 

    What @wood said is a simple solution but Apple won't do that because they're hypocrites. Apple used to be a good company under Steve Jobs - at that time, critics were saying the same thing. Back then they were not right. Today they are.

    I also don't think the environment argument has merit - let's say Apple ships 1000x less chargers, OK, fair enough, but people are going to buy 100x more 3rd party chargers, most of which are way more polluting than what Apple is making in its closely monitored factores, and some of these 3rd party chargers will destroy the iPhones, leading to more waste. i think in the end nothing will have been saved. Except the carbon neutral rating, congratulations, hypocrites! 

     wood1208 said:
    Price for Brazil iPhone by default includes charger. If someone don't want it than give deduction/rebate for charger in final price on invoice.

    You can always switch to Android. Perhaps the grass is greener over there /s
    What is your point? There is no logic in what you suggesting. He wants iPhone with charger - not Android. Can  you have better, more mature recommendations?

    For the record, I switched to Android 3 years ago... for reason of Apple and individuals like yourself arrogance. Listening pays off, poor quality screen that does not respond to drier older person finger tips does not. LG at the time defeated both Apple and Samsung with of model I bought. Now, I hear Apple is going to use those LG displays. Well too late for me. I will consider all smartphone options and not only iPhone.
    I’m confused: since neither of you seem to express so-called adult opinions, and both of you seem to have a number of axes to grind, and pretty much no one will respond to you — you’re both just here to be trolls? Don’t you have some Incel parties to go to or something? I just can’t image a life where my sole purpose was bringing my misery and self-loathing everywhere with me. Is that fun? Help me understand. 
  • 'Verifiably untrustworthy' Epic Games iOS app store plans in EU killed by Apple

    AppleZulu said:
    If the iOS platform is to maintain integrity, yes. Epic has a solid history of bad credit. If the EU's intent is to strip Apple of all control of its own platform and to force them to let thieves and child predators set up shop there, then it may come to a point where Apple would be better off withdrawing from that market, and EU can make its own phones. 
    You’re a brainwashed zombie.
    Ditto, buddy. Ditto. This is the way the world works.

    AppleZulu made a relevant point. People and companies with a history of breaking contracts and other malfeasance should be penalized. Far too often high net worth individuals and critical businesses get to skirt this. Sweeney and Epic have earned the extra scrutiny and need for contractual reassurances to use the IP that belongs to others (and not to the purchaser of a finished product).

    I shouldn’t have to spell that out. But your ad hominem made it kind of necessary.
  • Apple, Google confirm new EU 'gatekeeper' law applies to them

    avon b7 said:
    rob53 said:
    Why does everything have to interoperate? I buy Apple products. I don’t buy Google things. I made a choice to buy Apple-only products. What business does the EU have telling me I have to use, or allow to use, other products? What product has the EU improved? None that I know of. They’re just doing a huge money grab. 
    Would you prefer that your carrier only connected to users that used the same carrier? 
    That’s a kind of a stupid analogy. If I want to message someone on Messenger, I use Messenger. Or SMS, or the Tik-tok app. There ARE already options.

    And siloing has a point. I don’t need to be bombarded with scam messages because a certain company’s revenue stream is bolstered by their lax rules.

    And no, I don’t want my iOS to be like macOS … I use macOS or Android when I want that. How do ya’ll not get how product differentiation works? Do you post on the Home Depot thread about how your Philips screwdriver doesn’t pound nails, or do you grab a hammer?

    There’s also the obvious fact that macOS’s is security model is more and more like iOS, for good reason. Has everyone forgotten that these restrictions were put in place to combat security threats on devices that were even more capable of intruding on our lives?

    Do you not read significant research on how “more options” isn’t an inherent good, and often brings quality down? Anyone? Did we forget what the race to the bottom has done for PC and Android manufacturers? (I’ve got a vivid recollection of decades of test equipment that has failed in spectacular ways vs my Apple hardware. Even the expensive models.)

    Can I go to Germany and buy things in Canadian dollars or Mexican pesos, without exchanging into Euros first? Will stores carry the cost of exchanging for me?

    Or can I pump diesel fuel into my gas car?

    The point is that there are millions of points of friction that could be eased, but they aren’t for a variety of reasons, both economic and engineering. The EU could go after some of those. But let’s face it, it’s really kowtowing to what European businesses want, not what’s better for its people.

    Ya’ll need to stop taking your pet peeves out on the rest of us and just use a platform that caters to your type of needs. They’ve been around for decades now. Move already. You have options.

  • Apple Watch Series 10 will monitor blood pressure, detect sleep apnea

    Very unlikely if it is it certainly won’t be cleared by any health organizations. It will be a gimmick with a warning to see a doctor for an accurate measurement. 
    Most doctors (or their staff) aren’t taking accurate assessments.
  • Biden administration: Apple & Broadcom should quit stalling and pay Caltech $1.1 billion i...

    What the heck is up with this administration???


    Let the justice system play out. It’s not like the Biden family hasn’t been doing much stalling of their own. 

    There is an order and process to things. 

    The Biden admin needs to remember that this is America and not some communist dictatorship. 
    Not germaine to this topic, factually challenged, and proffered by someone with no clear expertise in the relevant topics.

    Begone, Troll-o-matic.
  • Apple will crush the DoJ in court if Garland sticks with outdated arguments

    As much as the world is a better place for Apple having existing, I feel that Apple has to be taken down a notch - forced obsolescence in operating systems, software, hardware, and online services; morality police in passwords and data; over the top DEI initiatives; endless 'highly exclusive' proprietary wireless, chips, and online services; etc., etc. Apple hasn't done much really, really wrong as they have horribly neglected to do much 'politically' and socially right. This means they should win the suit but lose much money, customer loyalty, and developer/vendor attention/ service. Maybe a 30% drop in stock prices can deride the Arrogance. Hopefully, Apple will be a bit more like Tesla with absurdly open protocols and standardization - benefitting the industry more and the bottom line less.
    “Tell me you’ve never run a business without telling me you’ve never run a business. Particularly not a tech or automotive business.”
    Kuminga9secondkox2Bart Ywilliamlondonwatto_cobra