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  • New Mac mini with M2 & M2 Pro - all the rumors so far

    So Apple is eliminating expandability, sealing up the mac completely AND requiring an external power brick - for no benefits.  This design is a huge step backwards versus the intel Mac minis.  It's essentially a headless laptop.  I won't bother with this model.  It would be compelling if Apple made the bottom or top easily flip up (that bottom round cut out for a square machine was truly absurd) AND they added a pair of m.2 storage slots - now that would be a tangible benefit of moving to an external power supply (and an actual upgrader over dual SSD mac mini server configs).  I know it won't happen - Apple and their f*ckin' walled garden of no upgrades & no repairs from a pretend green company.
    williamlondon9secondkox2muthuk_vanalingambyronlmac daddy zee
  • New Mac mini with M2 & M2 Pro - all the rumors so far

    Painfully obvious: It needs a SSD slot. Not a removal of the underside and difficult installation but an actual slot into which you insert a SSD stick complete with heat sink. This would greatly extend the useful life of the Mac Mini and would be trivial for Apple to add as the SSD's only connector is on its end. Five years from now a M1 Pro or Max will still be a decent processor but the SSD will seem very slow and cramped.
    Yep.  A PS5 shouldn't be more expandable than a desktop computer in 2022.  If the internal power supply is eliminated - it should be for an actual user benefit.  Two easily accessible m.2 slots would make the mac mini far more desirable for a broader number of use cases.
  • How the new Mac Studio fills a crucial gap in Apple's desktop lineup

    I'm sorry to see all internal expandability be eliminated by Apple (and apologists spin it as to be expected or a good thing).  My much smaller mac mini server can house two 2.5" drives (also two ram slots).  This chunker is much bigger than a mac mini and has no spinning drives in it.  This machine would have been perfect if it also had two m.2 slots.  A $500 playstation 5 has an m.2 slot.  

    It's sad to see Apple crippling expansion in every Apple silicon machine that currently exists (also no eGPU anymore) and - maybe - only reserving it for a single machine sometime in the future that will start at $6k+.  Apple users accepted the end of expansion in laptops and later all-in-ones but killing it off in desktops is not something to be celebrated.
  • How the new Mac Studio fills a crucial gap in Apple's desktop lineup

    Perfect for you, perhaps, maybe even 10s more, but this has been the trend for a LONG time, nothing about it requires you to throw the "apologist" label around just because Apple doesn't agree with you and most others don't either, having already voted with their pocketbooks for quite a long time here. 

    Intel Mac minis / desktops allowed the user to swap hard drives.  It is not unrealistic to accept RAM integration (at this level) but not praise Apple for removing storage upgrade / expansion in a purely desktop machine.  Claiming that removing that option is anything other than progress is an apologist response.  It's not a feature, it's forced obsolescence. 

  • MacBook Pro Touch Bar could be revived as a strip that supports Apple Pencil

    If Apple wanted to include the touchbar AND the physical row of keys on the new m1 macbook pro models, there was room to do it.  There is certainly ample space on the 16" model.  I don't think many would object to having the touchbar in addition to physical F keys - it was the substitution that was divisive.  

    Alternatively...and most obviously...Apple could have given the MacBook Pros a touch capable display.  Before MacOS users lose their $h1t about it not being a touch OS and should never be (until Apple does it and you love it) - I'm not talking about making the OS touch capable.  I'm talking about giving developers touch capabilities within their Mac apps.  

    For example...

    One of the best features of the touch bar is that it becomes a play scrub bar in Final Cut, iMovie or Quicktime.  If the screen has touch capability, the timeline in FCP could simply be scrubbable via touch.  Before some lose their $h1t about finger prints on your laptop screen...well - you touch your iphone & ipad right?  Also, whoever wants to happily ignore it could do so.
  • New MacBook Pros are coming Oct. 18 and the design remains a mystery

    Functionally I hope the redesign restores physical keys in place of the touchbar and that the touchbar be moved to its natural home (the screen).  Before unimaginative fanboys get up in arms that a mac shouldn't have touch - its use can be entirely left to developers to add enhancements to their apps.  For instance, VLC could make it so that the player bar is scrubbable.  Adobe could make it so that an image in photoshop allows for tap to zoom.  It's not about the OS - it's about app enhancements.  I hope the m1x can support 4 thunderbolt 3 ports with PD (in addition to magsafe if it does return).  