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  • Apple shows off next generation CarPlay in Porsche and Aston Martin cars

    eriamjh said:
    I’m confused. Is the Phone powering the car’s display of non-CarPlay apps? Is a phone required? I understand how the communication bus contains all the info that is displayed, but where does the car’s display start and end and what does CarPlay add to it? Is it just a framework for the graphics?
    Right now, CarPlay is primarily an interface for your phone data to appear on a car entertainment display.

    Going forward, for the car brands that support it, much of the cars performance data and 'optional' controls are funneled to the iPhone, which then take over multiple displays within the car -including the instrument cluster.

    The difference is that current CarPlay runs on the entertainment portion of the car, future CarPlay takes over the instrument cluster for speed/performance info display and other car functions like taking over the heat/cooling controls, etc.

    In the event CarPlay is not in use, the car has a default set of display stuff.
  • Elon Musk and T-Mobile try beating Apple with satellite vaporware

    hucom2000 said:
    I can understand how a satellite is strong enough to send a signal down to earth that cell phones can receive. That would include receiving data. 

    But how is a cell phone able to generate enough energy for a signal all the way back to a satellite? 

    If you look at the transition from 4G to 5G and the density of antennas needed to render service, it’s a far cry to space…
    The antenna in space is large, sensitive, and in direct line of sight.
    just cruisinwatto_cobra
  • Apple is just getting started with Apple Silicon

    melgross said:
    The law in the US states that parts and service must be provided for seven years after a device is discontinued.
    Which law is this? Apple's USA support for devices is corporate policy, not law based. Apple uses the word 'may' which does not guarantee anything, and says service and parts may be obtained for longer, as required by law or 7 years BUT in the USA I don't believe there are any laws about how long a device must be supported from a repair or spare parts capacity. Essentially the TOS on the warranty is legally what you are guaranteed. 

    Apple's support doc is here: