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  • Apple's generative AI may be the only one that was trained legally & ethically

    Xed said:
    This site should be called or something similar. 

    Here, we get a lot of news containing „may“, „might“ etc. 

    Apple is searching for an excuse here. 
    An excuse for what exactly?

    An excuse for pushing the AI agenda. Judging at the current consensus regarding AI art, Apple's effort might end up in vain, even if what they claim is true. The people will still continue to associate AI with plagiarism and art theft. And the people will still readily boycott Apple's AI despite the facts. 

  • Spotify is still complaining about Apple's EU App Store rules

    omasou said:
    So tired of these whining companies.

    If it wasn't for the iPhone they wouldn't exist!
    I'm not sure if you realize it, but these companies are essentially fighting on behalf of their users. If Spotify and other big companies can have an impact on Apple, this is great for both consumers and other app developers. Yes Apple created the iPhone and we should all be thankful for it, but lobbying for more competitive pricing isn't something that should be frowned upon. Apple is one of the world's largest tech companies anyway, we aren't bargaining with a mom and pop shop here.
  • ByteDance would rather shut down US TikTok than sell it

    china blocks all kinds of Apps, why are we playing, just block it already, it's 100% trash.  All you complaining, I get it, you're addicted, wait until it's gone and see how much you get done when not wasting time on that crap.  
    I am certain there are just as much people complaining as there are people who are celebrating its removal. Probably the majority wants it gone if you exclude the Gen Zs.
  • Apple Vision Pro shipments reportedly cut as US demand for headset wanes

    So the Vision Pro has existed for 2-3 seconds and it's being called a flop. In the meanwhile, medical, mechanical, and other technical applications are just starting to appear - something I always imagined the AVP would be world-changing! Also, immersive games, movies, and experiences are multiplying like rabbits. Maybe give it another 5-6 seconds in the world and all the short-sighted critics will be feasting on their words. 
    The same thing could also be said about Google Glass and Microsoft's HoloLens, two wearable AR/VR devices that I wish had more time to be appreciated for what it could be. 