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  • Florida has temporarily suspended support for its digital driver's license app

    Sure this sounds super convenient but I'm not sure why everyone is rushing to have all of their data and identity controlled by Big Tech. I actually find it scary that one company has all your health data, personal information, banking information, and basically knows everything about you. That they'll use for their own corporate gain. There may not have been a data breach to date but the day there is, it'll be the most disastrous. I prefer my data to stay with the places that hold them now. With all that said I support regulation of big tech and think they should stay out of every industry
  • How iOS 18 lets you neatly rearrange app icons and home screen widgets

    With this change I've noticed that the apps will go to the bottom of the screen but when you try to put a widget at the bottom there's a gap that prevents it from sitting at the same level an app would. This is beta 1 though so hopefully Apple fixes this 
  • Apple admits to using Google Tensor hardware to train Apple Intelligence

    While Apple kept pushing for unnecessary unused horsepower in their chips Google chose to focus on AI with the Tensor chip, and Apple was caught flat footed. I remember when Google first announced Tensor and everybody talked about how it wasn't as fast as Apple's chip and Google came out and said they weren't going for speed. This article makes me want to check out the new Pixel, I know the "AI" on it will be the real deal.
  • Apple green lights Epic Games Store in rapid reversal

    Though I'm not a Fortnite fan, this is definitely a win for consumers, it was always crazy to me that Apple can literally victimize their customer base for their own greed. Like it or not, my opinion and what appears to be the growing opinion is phones are the new computers, all purpose devices and should not be limited by the manufacturer. You should be able to download apps from anywhere you want. 
  • 'Apple Intelligence' at the core of next-gen Apple hardware, services

    When I leave my house for two days or more, I'm supposed to have someone check in on it every other day, or my insurance may not pay me for things like water leaks. Would an AI-powered robot that can check for water/fire and other kinds of damage allow me (without violating my insurance agreement) to leave home for a week without having to give someone my house keys? If so, perhaps I would go on more vacations.
    No such thing exists and even if it did, your contract with your insurance company (please read it because many don't) would have to specifically state that it's ok for a robot to do that. If it does not, they aren't paying regardless of how good the technology is 
  • Third-party Epic Games Store now available on iPad for EU users

    aderutter said:
    Apple never should have allowed Epic back imho

    They didn't have a choice and honestly shouldn't have a choice in what people want to install on their phones. 