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  • Robbers smash into Apple's flagship UK store in lightning raid

    boltsfan17 said:
    dysamoria said:
    I love the predictability of American gun nuts declaring this situation (outside their own country) would be improved with firearms, and then get all equivocal about other objects used as weapons, as if the fact that being able to use a hammer or other object as a weapon justifies firearms everywhere... including places outside the USA that have reduced death by firearms to a huge degree by removing firearms, resulting in greatly reduced mass murder events...
    Exactly. Having Americans making suggestions about gun laws and the ways weapons are used in other countries just makes the rest of the world’s citizens shake their heads in disbelief. 
    What people should be shaking their head in disbelief is the fact the majority of the police in the UK are unarmed. From the recent terrorist attacks, police could have stopped them more quickly, but the fact they were unarmed, they couldn't do anything until armed police showed up. Case in point is the attack last June on London Bridge, the Westminster attack where an unarmed officer was killed, etc. With violent crime on the rise in the UK, more police should be carrying firearms. 

    Inquiries into all of the UK attacks this year have found that having all police armed would have made little difference to the outcome of the incidents. We do have specialist, trained armed units who were dispatched and were on scene very, very quickly.

    The London police chief visited the US recently to discuss the same subject, and concluded (with advice from US police chiefs) that arming all police leads to more death of the public, not less, as it creates an ‘arms race snowball effect’.

    The UK not only has tight gun laws, it also has strong border controls, so it’s very, very hard to smuggle weapons in.

    Yes, violent crime has seen a small rise over the last couple of years, but that’s due to severe government cutbacks in policing, so fewer police are on the streets, it has no connection to guns whatsoever.

    It baffles me that anyone could equate a robbery - where no one was hurt and a few tech gadgets were stolen - with needing more guns. It’s ludicrous.
  • Disgruntled MacBook Pro users petition Apple to recall defective keyboards

    I can't comment on how reliable the keyboards are.

    But I can say that the noise they make is akin to a troupe of clinically obese dancing pixies, with clogs on, tap dancing across a table.

    At least that's the way they sound in our shared office.
  • UK politicians urge government to try for Apple Car production jobs

    The UK has done amazingly well on the vaccine front, but that has little to do with membership of the EU. We're unlikely to have taken part in the EU scheme even if we were still a member (according to government ministers).

    Personally, Brexit has been a painful, very expensive and extremely worrying mess for me. That's not 'project fear' or a prediction, it's happening to me now.

    The question that always seems to get lost when people tout the 'benefits' of Brexit, is whether they are equal too, or an improvement on what we already had.

    Invariably they're not. Almost everything is a downgrade. A bit like your house burning down, then calling someone giving you a 2 man tent a 'bonus'.

    The new import/export costs per year amount to almost as much as we were paying into the EU anyway. The whole thing is just a bafflingly nonsensical, illogical farce,
  • No, '250 scientists' didn't warn that AirPods are a cancer risk

    Aah, the Daily Mail, the newspaper that managed to kick start the anti-vaxer nonsense.