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  • More Metal: Apple's iPad Pro Magic Keyboards, compared

    This all results in the entire assembly being more wobbly and bouncing when you tap the iPad itself. Tap a bit too aggressively, and the front can lift up as it all rolls back.”
    Why would someone spend $300 - $350 for a keyboard & TRACKPAD folio only to continually tap the screen hard enough to tip the whole thing over?
  • iPad Pro order arrives earlier than expected May 21 street date

    Zirlin said:
    It is a greek tragedy that the M1 iPad isn't running MacOS when clearly and obviously it can.
    Not a “Greek tragedy”, but merely a “geek tragedy”. Everyone else will be just fine, especially with IPadOS 15.
  • Apple releases 'major' update to Logic Pro X

    dysamoria said:
    Oh finally a new GUI for EXS24? Cool. But...

    As predicted: Apple dropped Sierra and High Sierra support for Logic. I’m sort of surprised they didn’t also drop Mojave support.

    None of my Macs support Mojave. They are already hacked to run unsupported High Sierra and can’t go further to Mojave.


    Then there’s the remote app, with no support for iOS 12, which I’m still on because iOS 13 is reportedly sluggish on iPhone 6s and iPad Pro first generation.


    The push to buy new hardware continues... and I’m poor as dirt.

    Even if I weren’t poor, Apple don’t give a damn about me being a customer unless I’m also wealthy. Buy a new phone every three years to be safe. Buy a new Mac every six years or less.


    I’ve been saving tax rebates to buy a new Mac Pro to replace both my old Macs and my old PC, and then Apple went and changed the introductory price of the Mac Pro to frelling $6000, twice what it used to start at, and all non-plutocrats who can’t afford an overkill machine are expected to keep using storage & RAM-unupgradable & thermally deficient all-in-one laptops, iMacs, or similarly stupidly compact & unupgradable Mac Mini (while also suffering whatever display incompatibilities there are with third party displays because Apple only makes a $5000 display now).

    Apple won me over in 2008. In 2013, that Apple ceased to be. I still hate Windows and PCs more, but WTF am I supposed to do? Just keep buying thermally-insufficient, high-cost second-hand machines that last a shorter time due to the constant upgrade cycle push via an expiring ecosystem?

    Having a fully-operational Apple device ecosystem is impossible for longer than a couple years. For example: if I upgrade to iOS 13, iCloud Safari sync will break for me because I can’t uograde to Mojave on my Macs.

    This is shit. I don’t know where else I can go because I DESPISE Windows and PCs. Dog damn you, Apple.
    I am assuming that you are doing music as your profession. Here’s hoping that you get some new, high-dollar clients this year, so that you can afford to buy new Mac hardware.
  • Apple's first Mini LED product might not launch until 2021

    We’ve been hearing about this for years.  Let me know when the product is in-hand and ready to be reviewed...

    This is almost as bad as the AirPower vaporware.
    Vaporware? No. Unlike AirPower, Apple has not pre-announced any Mini LED products. This is all just media speculation.