dick applebaum


dick applebaum
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  • President-elect Trump considers potential Apple manufacturing in US a 'real achievement'

    Manufacturing engineers.  Of the one million people making iPhones, how many of them are manufacturing engineers?  In the ten years time that one billion iPhones have been built, let's say a couple hundred thousand manufacturing engineers have been trained.  Maybe Donald Trump will be so kind as to get his magic pixie want and go around rural Pennsylvania and Austin Texas, and Janesville Wisconsin and say "Ding!  You're a manufacturing engineer!!  Go forth and build iPhones in the USA". So easy.

    Let's think out of the box (I hate that expression).

    What if the government(s) said:  There are many things that the private sector can do better and more efficiently than the government.  Rather than pass regulations, form bureaucracies, etc. to get the results -- wouldn't it be better to make an offer[s] they can't refuse to the private sector.

    Something like this:

    We, the government(s) will provide a safe, secure place to perform, and will offer incentives to you (private companies) to provide the services we need! *

    * This is how we get Utility companies, for example.

    So, the Jobs Czar says: Hey Apple we need jobs in Youngstown, Aliquippa, Chicago South Side...   What can you do to train and place people in these areas.

    Apple might respond:  We can train and place people in [the manufacturing of] application programs (or building and maintaining robots)...

    During the training, the students would be paid a good wage by the government(s).

    Oh, by the way, we also need facilities to train/house/feed these people -- let's get a private sector project to repair, build and maintain the necessary infrastructure.

    The fan out of new jobs/SMBs would be tremendous!

    Finally, a job returned to an outsourced [rustbelt] job does not necessarily need to be the same as the job that was lost -- it can be a better job with a better future!
  • President-elect Trump considers potential Apple manufacturing in US a 'real achievement'

    apple ][ said:
    kamilton said:
    Here's the difficulty with your position on Trump's documented behavior.   If I grab your wife's hoo hah or say that about your daughter, you'd not take offense?  I don't believe you!  You'd probably deck me, as well you should.  Accordingly, if you can't see the inherent contradiction in your thinking, then you're an idiot or delusional or both.
    It was a private conversation between 2 men.

    You do know that men (straight men) do like pussy, don't you?

    Anybody who claims to be shocked by it is a liar and a hypocrite.

    I have been sitting often - after playing squash - with groups of half naked men, or in a one to one situation, and never have I or one of my friends said things like: I grab 'm by the pussy. We like women. And yes, I was shocked. 
    If that offends you, so be it -- that is your right.

    I don't know if you are in the US or not...  I am!  I've been in locker room and non-locker room groups of guys -- it's a pissing-contest kind of thing.  Some other guy sayings are: get some ass, get some cock (Southern US) -- and the other C word (which I find offensive).   I [mostly] refrain from using those kinds of words in mixed company.

    Why is it acceptable for a restaurant to call itself Hooters and TV shows to use the word wussy or package?

    I can remember when Bernard Shaw, respected CNN Journalist, criticized someone on-the-air -- paraphrasing:  "He said Fuck on live television -- it's wrong to say Fuck on live television"... oh wait...

    And on the Johnny Carson show (several versions of this, but AIR, it was Jane Fonda).  She came on the show with a cat and sat down with the cat on her lap.  Paraphrasing:  

    Jane: "Johnny, do you want to pet my Pussy?"
    Johnny: "Yes, if you'll get rid of that damn cat!"

    Then, there's Red Foxx (Sanford and Son) known for a recording of a horse race between "My Dick" and "Pussy Willow".


    And Ray Charles...

  • Actually, there is something new about Apple's upcoming iPhone 7

    melgross said:

    Apple has, no doubt, been running MacOS on ARM for at least a couple of years, and possibly some of their software as well. So I would expect that if they did do this, they would have much, but not all, of their stuff ready. But that's not enough. So I would express my idea again. There are no patents or copyrights on individual instructions from CPUs. Big Endian, Little Endian, as well as other expressions of algorithms to process chip information is open to everyone. It turns out that the 80% slowdown experiences when making an emulator from one chip family to another is caused by just a relatively few instructions that are done differently. There is no reasons why these instructions couldn't be included in an ARM SoC, and referred to when an x86 app needs them. That would close the performance difference significantly.

    If Apple chose to do this, then x86 software could be run directly on an ARM SoC with relatively little slowdown. If the SoC is fast enough on its own, they it could work. Apple could save a bundle, as even slow x86 chips, and chipsets, cost much more than does an Apple SoC. Just a thought!

    i think that running iOS and macOS apps would work well. I have no doubt that Apple software people could figure out how to manage that well.

    I must have missed that, if you posted it before.  Interesting idea, that sounds doable.  They could up the capability by including 2 (or more) A10/86 SOCs for a Laptop -- and still beat the cost of Intel chips.  Another option would be to build a really badass variant (the A10/86z?) designed for power users and servers.

  • Apple refuses to back GOP convention because of Trump politics

    IMO, Apple, or any other company, should support efforts to encourage people to: investigate the issues and the standing of candidates/partys on those issues; and to vote for those who best represent their personal values ...

    I believe it is wrong for a company to try and make those decisions for you, me or anyone ...

    Paraphrasing Al Capp:  "What's good for General Bullmose isn't Good for the Country!"
