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  • After 11 years of work, people actually like Apple Maps

    igorsky said:
    barthrh said:
    I find Apple Maps dangerous. Here's why: You're driving along with them on CarPlay and you come up to a complex intersection. The map zooms in and it looks so mind-blowingly amazing I find it hard to keep my eyes on the real road. The renderings, down to the complex markings at some intersections, are just so nice.
    In this scenario it sounds like you’re the danger on the road. 
    Good grief. Sometimes you think that it's so obvious that there is no reason for a sarcasm tag, then someone proves you wrong.
    muthuk_vanalingamget seriousronnwilliamlondonSpitbathcommand_fbaconstangMplsPOferentropys
  • Apple Pay accounted for 92% of US mobile wallet debit transactions in 2020, study says

    Even mom and pop stores are accepting Apple Pay these days. My local donut shop does, my local restaurant does, my local Farmers Market does.

    But not Walmart, not Home Depot.
    Up until COVID Home Depot (in Canada) didn't accept it (or any contactless payment). Since then, they do. They hate it because it hides your CC number which they use to track purchasing.
  • iCloud Shared Photo Library vs. Shared Albums in Photos

    You missed the most important reason to use the Shared Library: When using a shared album, photos are reduced to 2048 pixels on the long edge, except panoramic photos, which can be up to 5400 pixels wide. For reference, the back camera of an iPhone captures at 3024x4032. Digital SLRs just move up from there. As a result, every picture gets knocked down in resolution.

    If you want to share photos as originals, don't use shared albums.
  • EU's antitrust head is ignoring Spotify's dominance and wants to punish Apple instead

    How does your comment relate to calculating surcharges? To modify... it is a 43% surcharge on app prices / a 30% tax on developers.
    What do you think retailers charge as a markup on hard goods on the store shelf? In the "old days" of buying software on disk, the retailers were taking 50% or more markup on wholesale. Retail is commonly a 100% markup on wholesale. Before anyone says "well you don't need to buy from that retailer", nor is that retailer obliged to put the URL of each product / competitors' stores on the shelf tags.

    You don't see developers complaining as vocally about the *same* 30% cuts happening on the Sony PS / MS XBox stores because they know the alternative -- distribution, packaging, marketing, collecting from the stores, lower wholesale vs. the 30% (or 43%) "tax" -- is way worse.

  • Users lobby 1Password to abandon new Electron version

    Based on my experience with apps using it, Electron is terrible. Flash terrible? Not quite, but working hard towards it. Microsoft is abandoning it for Teams, with the new 2.0 release expected to use 50% of the resources. 1P's native approach to Mac was a huge selling point. If that's gone, then I'll definitely take a look at alternatives.
  • Ultimate showdown: New Apple Pencil USB-C vs old Apple Pencils

    charlesn said:
    Maybe I misunderstand the market for Apple Pencil, but this has always seemed like a fairly specialized accessory for a certain segment of iPad users, but not something that the mass market wants or needs... which makes it bewildering that we now have THREE Pencil models in the lineup. Was there really a target group of potential buyers holding out for a stripped down model at the $79 price point that loses a couple of the Pencil's most desirable features?! And $79 still ain't cheap for an accessory! SMH. 
    It's a real "nice to have" with an iPad that supports it. I have an original Pro 12.9 and the pencil is great for doing scratch calculations, a "back of the envelope" diagram, or even doing some degree of PDF markup (I assume it's way better w/ iOS 17 PDF editing, though I have not tried. Not essential, but I wouldn't be without one now that I've had one.
  • Apple announces new Music, Podcasts, and Maps features coming in the fall

    SharePlay for car passengers is brilliant. This allows anyone in the car to queue up music without needing to hand over the connected phone or change the CarPlay connection.
  • Ampere Apple Watch Charging Cable review: A better fast charger

    JP234 said:
    When I go to bed at night, I set the watch (v.7) on the included USB-C charging puck. Whadda ya know? By the time I wake up, it's 100% charged.
    What's the need to spend $39 extra to accomplish the same thing? Did you break your OEM cable?
    Imagine not understanding the concept of multiple chargers for different situations.
    ... or that many people wear their watch while they sleep and charge it during the daytime.
  • Even with so many demonstrated use cases, Apple Vision Pro might not yet have a purpose

    Marques Brownlee finished his hands on review by comparing this to the Apple Watch Series 0. You need to get the device in the hands of users to see how *they* want to use it. Developers and users will ultimately define how this is used and where Apple goes. They changed strategy based with Watch and it'll probably happen here.
  • Play more Windows games on the Mac with the new CrossOver 24

    schlack said:
    $24 per YEAR. SMH. Uh, no.
    It doesn't stop working after a year, you just don't get updates and bug fixes. Can't imagine how they could afford to do that ongoing for $24 (or $100) one-time given the nature of what they do (support new APIs and games).